Resources | profiles | system | ipPolicingAlarmProfile


The IP Policing Alarm Profile specifies the parameters to determine when alarms associated with IP policing are generated and cleared.


nameMstring The profile name.
indexMuint32 Identifies the Policer Discard Rate profile.
stateOenumerationdisabled The administrative state of the profile.
badEthernetIpHeaderSetThresholdOuint3220 The threshold for the bad ethernet IP header policer discard rate which may set an alarm. A value of 0 disables the policer from causing an alarm.
badEthernetIpHeaderClearThresholdOuint3210 The threshold for the bad ethernet IP header policer discard rate which may clear an alarm.
badEthernetIpHeaderSetDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the bad ethernet IP header policer discard rate must be at or above its set threshold before an alarm is set. A value of 0 sets the alarm immediately.
badEthernetIpHeaderClearDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the bad ethernet IP header policer discard rate must be at or below its clear threshold before an alarm is cleared. A value of 0 clears the alarm immediately.
arpSetThresholdOuint3220 The threshold for the ARP policer discard rate which may set an alarm. A value of 0 disables the policer from causing an alarm.
arpClearThresholdOuint3210 The threshold for the ARP policer discard rate which may clear an alarm.
arpSetDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the ARP policer discard rate must be at or above its set threshold before an alarm is set. A value of 0 sets the alarm immediately.
arpClearDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the ARP policer discard rate must be at or below its clear threshold before an alarm is cleared. A value of 0 clears the alarm immediately.
uFlowSetThresholdOuint3220 The threshold for the micro flow policer discard rate which may set an alarm. A value of 0 disables the policer from causing an alarm.
uFlowClearThresholdOuint3210 The threshold for the micro flow policer discard rate which may clear an alarm.
uFlowSetDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the micro flow policer discard rate must be at or above its set threshold before an alarm is set. A value of 0 sets the alarm immediately.
uFlowClearDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the micro flow policer discard rate must be at or below its clear threshold before an alarm is cleared. A value of 0 clears the alarm immediately.
aclSetThresholdOuint3220 The threshold for the access control list policer discard rate which may set an alarm. A value of 0 disables the policer from causing an alarm.
aclClearThresholdOuint3210 The threshold for the access control list policer discard rate which may clear an alarm.
aclSetDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the access control list policer discard rate must be at or above its set threshold before an alarm is set. A value of 0 sets the alarm immediately.
aclClearDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the access control list policer discard rate must be at or below its clear threshold before an alarm is cleared. A value of 0 clears the alarm immediately.
aggregateSetThresholdOuint3220 The threshold for the aggregate policer discard rate which may set an alarm. A value of 0 disables the policer from causing an alarm.
aggregateClearThresholdOuint3210 The threshold for the aggregate policer discard rate which may clear an alarm.
aggregateSetDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the aggregate policer discard rate must be at or above its set threshold before an alarm is set. A value of 0 sets the alarm immediately.
aggregateClearDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the aggregate policer discard rate must be at or below its clear threshold before an alarm is cleared. A value of 0 clears the alarm immediately.
ipSecDecryptSetThresholdOuint3220 The threshold for the IPSEC decrypt discard rate which may set an alarm. A value of 0 disables the policer from causing an alarm.
ipSecDecryptClearThresholdOuint3210 The threshold for the IPSEC decrypt discard rate which may clear an alarm.
ipSecDecryptSetDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the IPSEC decrypt discard rate must be at or above its set threshold before an alarm is set. A value of 0 sets the alarm immediately.
ipSecDecryptClearDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the IPSEC decrypt discard rate must be at or below its clear threshold before an alarm is cleared. A value of 0 clears the alarm immediately.
mediaSetThresholdOuint3220 The threshold for the media policer discard rate which may set an alarm. A value of 0 disables the policer from causing an alarm.
mediaClearThresholdOuint3210 The threshold for the media policer discard rate which may clear an alarm.
mediaSetDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the media policer discard rate must be at or above its set threshold before an alarm is set. A value of 0 sets the alarm immediately.
mediaClearDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the media policer discard rate must be at or below its clear threshold before an alarm is cleared. A value of 0 clears the alarm immediately.
rogueMediaSetThresholdOuint3220 The threshold for the rogue media policer discard rate which may set an alarm. A value of 0 disables the policer from causing an alarm.
rogueMediaClearThresholdOuint3210 The threshold for the rogue media policer discard rate which may clear an alarm.
rogueMediaSetDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the rogue media policer discard rate must be at or above its set threshold before an alarm is set. A value of 0 sets the alarm immediately.
rogueMediaClearDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the rogue media policer discard rate must be at or below its clear threshold before an alarm is cleared. A value of 0 clears the alarm immediately.
discardRuleSetThresholdOuint3220 The threshold for the discard rule discard rate which may set an alarm. A value of 0 disables the policer from causing an alarm.
discardRuleClearThresholdOuint3210 The threshold for the discard rule discard rate which may clear an alarm.
discardRuleSetDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the discard rule discard rate must be at or above its set threshold before an alarm is set. A value of 0 sets the alarm immediately.
discardRuleClearDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the discard rule discard rate must be at or below its clear threshold before an alarm is cleared. A value of 0 clears the alarm immediately.
srtpDecryptSetThresholdOuint3220 The threshold for the SRTP decrypt discard rate which may set an alarm. A value of 0 disables the policer from causing an alarm.
srtpDecryptClearThresholdOuint3210 The threshold for the SRTP decrypt discard rate which may clear an alarm.
srtpDecryptSetDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the SRTP decrypt discard rate must be at or above its set threshold before an alarm is set. A value of 0 sets the alarm immediately.
srtpDecryptClearDurationOuint323 The duration (in seconds) that the SRTP decrypt discard rate must be at or below its clear threshold before an alarm is cleared. A value of 0 clears the alarm immediately.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/api/config/profiles/system/ipPolicingAlarmProfile/{name}


curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://{SBX-SERVER}/api/config/profiles/system --data '


curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X DELETE https://{SBX-SERVER}/api/config/profiles/system/ipPolicingAlarmProfile/{name}

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