Resources | profiles | services


The Services object supports Class of Service Profile, Dynamic Blacklist Policer Profile, Disconnect Signaling Sequence Profile, Disconnect Treatment Profile, Emergency Call Profile, Path Check Profile, SIP ARS Profile, SIP Security Profile, Transparency Profile, and SIP Resource Priority Header Profile.

Exists on Condition (/system/sbcPersonality/role !='msbc') and (/system/sbcPersonality/role !='mrfp')


classOfServiceO Class Of Service which can be applied to Trunk Groups or Subscribers.
privacyProfileO This table contains information about CLI presentation.
dscpProfileO This table contains information of DSCP.
sipAdaptiveTransparencyProfileO Profile specifying which all SIP headers need to be passed Adaptive transparently.
stiProfileO This table contains information about each Secure Telephone Identity (STI) profile configured on the node.
dblProfileO The collection of DBL policers.
enhancedDblProfileO The collection of enhanced DBL profiles.
disconnectTreatmentProfileO This table contains Disconnect Treatment Profiles for the node.
disconnectSignalSequenceProfileO This table contains Disconnect Signal Sequence Profiles for the node.
sipResourcePriorityHeaderProfileO This table contains information about each Resource Priority Header Profile configured on the node.
hplmnProfileO Profile is a collection of PLMN IDs in the home network.
vplmnProfileO Profile is a collection of PLMN IDs in the visited network.
emergencyCallProfileO Profile specifying which calls can be classified as emergency calls.
sipSecurityProfileO Profile specifying what security mechanisms can be applied and their behavior.
sipArsProfileO Profile defining when a SIP peer should be considered unreachable.
surrogateRegistrationProfileO Profile contains AOR served for surrogate registration under one peer.
pathCheckProfileO Profile defining when a SIP for option ping mechanism
sipJipProfileO This table contains information about each JIP Profile configured on the node.
sipRecMetadataProfileO Profile specifying which all SIP headers need to be included in SRS call.
sipParamFilterProfileO Profile specifying which all option tag or methods need to be passed transparently for SIP headers-allow,supported,require.
transparencyProfileO Profile specifying which all SIP headers need to be passed transparently.
relayProfileO Profile contains information associated with relay ports.
hpcCallProfileO This table contains information about each high probability of completion (HPC) call profile configured on the node.
testCallNumberProfileO This table contains information about each Test call number
retryProfileO Profile specifying falback to Action defined by profile open reciept on configured error response.
monitoringProfileO Represents a Monitoring profile.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/api/config/profiles/services

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