Resources | oam | alarms | ipPolicingAlarmStatus


Specifies the status of the System Policer Alarm.

Operational Data

systemName Name of the system.
badEthernetIpHeaderAlarmLevel System bad Ethernet/IP Header policer alarm level.
badEthernetIpHeaderAlarmDuration Number of seconds the system bad Ethernet/IP Header policer alarm has been at this level.
badEthernetIpHeaderDiscardRate Current rate of bad Ethernet/IP Header discards for the system.
badEthernetIpHeaderPacketsDiscarded Total number of packets discarded by bad Ethernet/IP Header policers on the system.
arpAlarmLevel System ARP policer alarm level.
arpAlarmDuration Number of seconds the system ARP policer alarm has been at this level.
arpDiscardRate Current rate of ARP discards for the system.
arpPacketsDiscarded Total number of packets discarded by ARP policers on the system.
arpPacketsAccepted Total number of ARP packets accepted on the system.
uFlowAlarmLevel System micro flow policer alarm level.
uFlowAlarmDuration Number of seconds the system micro flow policer alarm has been at this level.
uFlowDiscardRate Current rate of micro flow discards for the system.
uFlowPacketsDiscarded Total number of packets discarded by micro flow policers on the system.
uFlowPacketsAccepted Total number of packets accepted by micro flow policers on the system.
aclAlarmLevel System access control list policer alarm level.
aclAlarmDuration Number of seconds the system access control list policer alarm has been at this level.
aclDiscardRate Current rate of access control list discards for the system.
aclPacketsDiscarded Total number of packets discarded by access control list policers on the system.
aclPacketsAccepted Total number of packets accepted by access control list policers on the system.
aggregateAlarmLevel System aggregate policer alarm level.
aggregateAlarmDuration Number of seconds the system aggregate policer alarm has been at this level.
aggregateDiscardRate Current rate of aggregate discards for the system.
aggregatePacketsDiscarded Total number of packets discarded by aggregate policers on the system.
aggregatePacketsAccepted Total number of packets accepted by aggregate policers on the system.
ipSecDecryptAlarmLevel System IPSEC decrypt offender discard alarm level.
ipSecDecryptAlarmDuration Number of seconds the system IPSEC decrypt offender discard alarm has been at this level.
ipSecDecryptDiscardRate Current rate of IPSEC decrypt offender discards for the system.
ipSecDecryptPacketsDiscarded Total number of packets discarded by IPSEC decrypt offenders on the system.
mediaAlarmLevel System media policer alarm level.
mediaAlarmDuration Number of seconds the system media policer alarm has been at this level.
mediaDiscardRate Current rate of media discards for the system.
mediaPacketsDiscarded Total number of packets discarded by media policers on the system.
rogueMediaAlarmLevel System rogue media policer alarm level.
rogueMediaAlarmDuration Number of seconds the system rogue media policer alarm has been at this level.
rogueMediaDiscardRate Current rate of rogue media discards for the system.
rogueMediaPacketsDiscarded Total number of packets discarded by rogue media policers on the system.
discardRuleAlarmLevel System discard rule discard alarm level.
discardRuleAlarmDuration Number of seconds the system discard rule discard alarm has been at this level.
discardRuleDiscardRate Current rate of discard rule discards for the system.
discardRulePacketsDiscarded Total number of packets discarded by discard rule on the system.
srtpDecryptAlarmLevel Srtp decrypt offender discard alarm level.
srtpDecryptAlarmDuration Number of seconds the srtp decrypt offender discard alarm has been at this level.
srtpDecryptDiscardRate Current rate of srtp decrypt offender discards for the system.
srtpDecryptPacketsDiscarded Total number of srtp decrypt offender discards on the system.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/api/operational/oam/alarms/ipPolicingAlarmStatus/{systemName}

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