| Parameter | Description |
  | name |
The name of the address context.
 | callSummaryStatusDetail |
Call Summary status table per addressContext.
 | callDetailStatusDetail |
Call Detail status table per addressContext.
 | callMediaStatusDetail |
Call Media status table per addressContext.
 | ipRouteStatus |
This entity's IP Routing table.
 | relayCurrentStatistics |
The relay Count statistics.
 | relayIntervalStatistics |
The relay Count statistics.
 | diamNode |
Diameter Node configurations.
 | sipSubscriptionStatus |
This table presents the active SIP subscription status for
a list of SIP endpoints.
 | sipSubCountStatistics |
This table presents SIP relayed subscription count statistics for the sip-endpoints
 | relaySessionStats |
The relay Session statistics.
 | cacOffenderStatus |
Recent SIP Endpoint CAC Offenders.
 | dnsGroup |
DNS Server Groups in this address context.
 | ipInterfaceGroup |
Groupings of IP interfaces in this address context.
 | logicalSigAddressBindingStatus |
The collection of logical signaling address bindings
 | sipDeletedRegStatus |
This table presents the deleted SIP registration status for
a list of SIP endpoints with unique id.
 | sipActiveRegisterNameStatus |
This table presents the active SIP registration status for
a list of SIP endpoints.
 | sipDeletedRegisterNameStatus |
This table presents the deleted SIP registration status for
a list of SIP endpoints.
 | sipActiveGroupRegStatus |
This table presents the active SIP registration status for
a list of SIP endpoints with unique id.
 | sipGeneratedSubscriptionStatus |
This table presents the active SIP subscription status for
a list of SIP endpoints.
 | sipActiveGroupRegSummaryStatus |
This table presents the active SIP registration status
summary for a list of SIP endpoints.
 | sipRegCountStatistics |
This table presents SIP registration count statistics for the sip-endpoints.
 | sipRegCountDomainStats |
This table presents SIP registration count statistics per domain for the sip-endpoints.
 | surrRegCountStatistics |
This table presents Surrogate registration count statistics for the sip-endpoints.
 | sipRegCountDomainCurStats |
This table presents SIP registration count per domain current statistics for the sip-endpoints.
 | sipRegCountDomainIntStats |
This table presents SIP registration count per domain interval statistics for the sip-endpoints.
 | sipSubscriptionCountStatistics |
This table presents SIP subscription count statistics for the sip-endpoints.
 | linkDetectionGroup |
Link Detection Groups in this address context.
 | linkDetectionGroupStatus |
The status of a link detection group.
 | linkDetectionGroupStatistics |
Statistics for link failure detected per link detection group.
 | zone |
Signaling, media, and control for a zone in the address context.
 | zoneStatus |
The current status for zones in this address context.
 | zoneCurrentStatistics | 1
The Zone Statistics Current table.
 | zoneIntervalStatistics |
The Zone Statistics Interval table.