| Parameter | Description |
| GCID |
Unique global call identifier (GCID) for the call.
| state |
Current state of the call.
| callingNumber |
Calling Party's E.164 telephone number.
| calledNumber |
Called Party's E.164 telephone number.
| callIndex |
Identifies the target call index.
| ingressACName | Ingress Address Context Name |
| ingressZoneName | Ingress Zone Name |
| ingressTrunkName | Ingress Trunk Name |
| egressACName |
Ingress Address Context Name
| egressZoneName |
Ingress Zone Name
| egressTrunkName |
Ingress Trunk Name
| ingressRemoteIpSockAddr |
Remote signaling IP address for the ingress call leg.
| ingressRemotePort |
Remote media port for the ingress call leg.
| egressRemoteIpSockAddr |
Remote signaling IP address for the egress call leg.
| egressRemotePort |
Remote media port for the egress call leg.