| Parameter | Description |
 | sharedCacCurrentStatistics |
The shared CAC-limits pool current statistics.
 | sharedCacIntervalStatistics |
The shared CAC-limits pool statistics for the specified interval.
 | sharedCacFailureCurStats |
The shared CAC-limits pool current failure statistics.
 | sharedCacFailureIntStats |
The shared CAC limits pool interval failure statistics.
 | sharedCacStatus |
Current status of the shared CAC-limits pool.
 | mtrgServerStatus |
Status of Master Trunk Group Server.
 | mtrgServerRegTgStatus |
Status of the registered trunk groups or Child MTRGs with this MTRG server.
 | mtrgClientStatus |
Status of Master Trunk Group Client status.
 | mtrgClientRegTgStatus |
Status of the registered trunk groups or Child MTRGs with this MTRG client.