| Parameter | Presence | Type | Default | Description |
  | name | M | string | |
The name of this DNS Group.
 | type | O | enumeration | none |
Type of IP interfaces to be used for this DNS Group.
 | transport | O | enumeration | udp |
Transport protocol used to communicate with DNS Servers.
 | ipInterface | O | reference | |
IP Interface group name when using packet interfaces.
 | mgmtInterface | O | reference | |
MGMT Interface group name when using management interfaces.
 | useConfiguredDnsServer | O | enumeration | disabled |
If enabled, always use the configured DNS server when resolving domain
names that does not exist in local cache.
 | ednsSupport | O | enumeration | disabled |
Whether EDNS needs to be supported for the DNS servers.
 | rcodeErrorMonitorTimer | O | uint16 | 0 |
Monitor Timer value in minutes for Rcode Error Alarm.
Enter value in the range of (0..60).
 | dnsFallback | O | enumeration | enabled |
To fallback to dns query incase of edns failure response from DNS server .
 | negativeDnsCacheSupport | O | enumeration | enabled |
To Support DNS Negative caching for Records in DNS Client and DNS Agent .
 | negativeDnsCacheTimer | O | uint16 | 60 |
Negative Cache Timer value in sec .
Enter value in the range of (10 ..300) .
 | server | O | | |
The DNS servers for this address context.
 | localRecord | O | | |
Local DNS Resource Records.