Table of Contents


Document Overview

This document provides a configuration guide for Sonus SBC 5XX0 Series (Session Border Controller) when connecting to CounterPath Bria Desktop SoftClient.

This configuration guide supports features described on the CounterPath website.


The interoperability compliance testing focuses on verifying inbound and outbound call flows between Sonus SBC 5XXX and CounterPath Bria SoftClient.


This is a technical document intended for telecommunications engineers with the purpose of configuring both the Sonus SBC and the third-party product. Navigating the third-party product as well as the Sonus SBC Command Line Interface (CLI) will be required. Understanding the basic concepts of TCP/UDP, IP/Routing, and SIP/RTP are also necessary to complete the configuration and any needed troubleshooting.

This configuration guide is offered as a convenience to Sonus customers. The specifications and information regarding the product in this guide are subject to change without notice. All statements, information, and recommendations in this guide are believed to be accurate, but are presented without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and are provided "AS IS." Users must take full responsibility for the application of the specifications and information in this guide.


The following equipment and software were used for the sample configuration provided:




Software Version

Sonus Networks

Sonus SBC 5200



Third-party Equipment

CounterPath Bria 4  Build 83451

Reference Configuration

The following reference configuration shows connectivity between CounterPath SoftClient and Sonus SBC 5XXX.

Reference Configuration Topology


For any questions regarding this document or the content herein, contact your maintenance and support provider.


Third-Party Product Features

The testing was executed with the CounterPath test plan. The following features were tested:

  • Basic Calls (Wired Ethernet Connection)
  • Advanced Calls, (Wired Ethernet Connection)
  • Basic Calls, Wireless Connectivity (Wireless Access Point)
  • Advanced Calls, Wireless Connectivity (Wireless Access Point)
  • Access Point Changes, Background Support
  • Call Log, MWI
  • Video Calling

Verify License



CounterPath Bria SoftClient Configuration

The following new configurations are included in this section:

  1. Account Settings
  2. Audio Codecs

1. Account Settings

Select Softphone > Account Settings

Account Settings


Select Add > SIP Account

Add SIP Account

Add SIP Account Details


2. Audio Codecs

Select Softphone > Preferences


Add/Remove Audio Codecs


Sonus SBC 5xx0 Series Configuration

Complete Configuration
#DSP Resources
set system mediaProfile compression 90 tone 10
#Element Routing Priority profile
set profiles callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP entry localOperator 0 entityType trunkGroup
set profiles callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP entry nationalType 0 entityType trunkGroup
set profiles callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP entry internationalType 0 entityType trunkGroup
set profiles media codecEntry BRIA_G729AB_20ms codec g729ab packetSize 20 preferredRtpPayloadType 128
set profiles media codecEntry BRIA_G711_20ms codec g711 packetSize 20 law deriveFromOtherLeg
set profiles media codecEntry BRIA_G722_20ms codec g722 codingRate 64 packetSize 20 preferredRtpPayloadType 128
#Packet Service Profile
set profiles media packetServiceProfile BRIA_PSP codec codecEntry1 BRIA_G722_20ms codecEntry2 BRIA_G711_20ms codecEntry3 BRIA_G729AB_20ms
set profiles media packetServiceProfile BRIA_PSP packetToPacketControl transcode conditional
set profiles media packetServiceProfile BRIA_PSP videoCalls maxVideoBandwith 5000 videoBandwidthReductionFactor 0 ipv4Tos 0 ipv6TrafficClass 0 ieee8021QVLanCos 0 audioOnlyIfVideoIsPrevented enable
#PathCheck Profile
set profiles services pathCheckProfile BRIA_PCP protocol sipOptions sendInterval 3 replyTimeoutCount 3 recoveryCount 3
#Trusted Side Configuration
#IP Interface Group
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup TRUSTED ipInterface TRUSTED portName pkt0
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup TRUSTED ipInterface TRUSTED ipAddress
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup TRUSTED ipInterface TRUSTED prefix 26
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup TRUSTED ipInterface TRUSTED state enabled
#IP Static Route
set addressContext default staticRoute 0 TRUSTED TRUSTED preference 100
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED id 3
#SIP signaling port
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipSigPort 3 ipInterfaceGroupName TRUSTED
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipSigPort 3 ipAddressV4
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipSigPort 3 portNumber 5060
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipSigPort 3 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-udp
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipSigPort 3 mode inService
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipSigPort 3 state enabled
#IP Peers
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED ipPeer BRIA1 ipAddress ipPort 5070 defaultForIp false
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED ipPeer BRIA1 pathCheck profile BRIA_PCP hostPort 0 state enabled statusUpdateSupport disabled
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED ipPeer BRIA1_WIFI ipAddress ipPort 5070 defaultForIp false
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED ipPeer BRIA1_WIFI pathCheck profile BRIA_PCP hostPort 0 state enabled statusUpdateSupport disabled
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED ipPeer BRIA2 ipAddress ipPort 5070 defaultForIp false
#SIP trunk groups
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 policy callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName TRUSTED
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 policy media packetServiceProfile BRIA_PSP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 mode inService
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 state enabled
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA2 policy callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA2 media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName TRUSTED
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA2 policy media packetServiceProfile BRIA_PSP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA2 ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA2 mode inService
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA2 state enabled
#Untrusted Side Configuration
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup UNTRUSTED ipInterface UNTRUSTED ceName SALINEA
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup UNTRUSTED ipInterface UNTRUSTED portName pkt2
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup UNTRUSTED ipInterface UNTRUSTED ipAddress
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup UNTRUSTED ipInterface UNTRUSTED prefix 26
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup UNTRUSTED ipInterface UNTRUSTED mode inService
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup UNTRUSTED ipInterface UNTRUSTED state enabled
#IP Static Route
set addressContext default staticRoute 0 UNTRUSTED UNTRUSTED preference 100
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED id 4
#SIP signaling port
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipSigPort 4 ipInterfaceGroupName UNTRUSTED
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipSigPort 4 ipAddressV4
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipSigPort 4 portNumber 5060
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipSigPort 4 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-udp,sip-tcp
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipSigPort 4 mode inService
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipSigPort 4 state enabled
#IP Peer
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED ipPeer PSTN1 ipAddress ipPort 0 defaultForIp false
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED ipPeer PSTN2 ipAddress ipPort 0 defaultForIp false
#SIP trunk groups
#PSTN trunks
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN1 policy callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN1 media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName UNTRUSTED
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN1 policy media packetServiceProfile BRIA_PSP
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN1 ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN1 mode inService
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN1 state enabled
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN2 policy callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN2 media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName UNTRUSTED
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN2 policy media packetServiceProfile BRIA_PSP
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN2 ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN2 mode inService
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN2 state enabled
#Global Configuration
#Route Labels
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PSTN1 routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN1 ipPeer PSTN1 proportion 0 cost 1000000 inService inService testing normal
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PSTN2 routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN2 ipPeer PSTN2 proportion 0 cost 1000000 inService inService testing normal
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_BRIA1 routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 ipPeer BRIA1 proportion 0 cost 1000000 inService inService testing normal
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_BRIA1 routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 ipPeer BRIA1_WIFI proportion 0 cost 1000000 inService inService testing normal
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_BRIA2 routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA2 ipPeer BRIA2 proportion 0 cost 1000000 inService inService testing normal
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 SALINE standard 2144326894 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PSTN2
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 SALINE standard 2221113333 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_BRIA2
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA1 SALINE standard 2144326888 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PSTN1
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA2 SALINE standard 2144326894 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PSTN2
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA2 SALINE standard 2221112222 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_BRIA1
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-BRIA2 SALINE standard 2144326888 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PSTN1
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN1 SALINE standard 2221113333 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_BRIA2
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN1 SALINE standard 2144326894 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PSTN2
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN1 SALINE standard 2221112222 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_BRIA1
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN2 SALINE standard 2221113333 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_BRIA2
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN2 SALINE standard 2221112222 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_BRIA1
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PSTN2 SALINE standard 2144326888 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PSTN1



Test Results

Test Results

TCIDTest Case NameExpected ResultsResultComment
Section 1 - Basic Calls (Wired Ethernet Connection)
1.01Bria outbound call to VoIP endpointCall established, two-way audio.Pass 
1.02Bria Inbound Call from VoIP endpointCall established, two-way audio.Pass 
1.03Bria outbound call to PSTN numberCall established, two-way audio.Pass 
1.04Bria Inbound Call from PSTN numberCall established, two-way audio.Pass 
1.05Extended call with VoIP endpointConfirm call does not drop and 2-way audio maintained for duration of callPass 
1.06Extended call with PSTN endpointConfirm call does not drop and 2-way audio maintained for duration of callPass 
1.07Internal HOLDText seen: Call on Hold. Play Button appears (to allow for resuming call) and call is on Hold, no audio between call participantsPass 
1.08Internal Retrieve HOLDText Seen: Call Established. Play button removed, pause button and other audio options available , voicepath resumedPass 
1.09External HOLDText seen: Call on Hold. Play Button appears (to allow for resuming call) and call is on Hold, no audio between call participantsPass 
1.10External Retrieve HOLDText Seen: Call Established. Play button removed, pause button and other audio options available , voicepath resumedPass 
Section 2 - Advanced Calls, (Wired Ethernet Connection)
2.01Bria Hold internal then call internalFirst call goes on hold, second call established.  Internal B is on hold (with play button show)  Two-way audio with C.Pass 
2.02Bria Swap InternalCall is swapped to first call (call with end B) with two way speech path and second call (with end C) goes on holdPass 
2.03Bria Hold external then call externalFirst call goes on hold, second call established.  Internal B is on hold (with play button show)  Two-way audio with C.Pass 
2.04Bria Swap ExternalCall is swapped to first call (call with end B) with two way speech path and second call (with end C) goes on holdPass 
2.05Bria Hold internal then call externalFirst call goes on hold, second call established.  Internal B is on hold (with play button show)  Two-way audio with C.Pass 
2.06Bria Hold external then call internalFirst call goes on hold, second call established.  Internal B is on hold (with play button show)  Two-way audio with C.Pass 
2.07Bria Swap MixedCall is swapped to first call (call with end B) with two way speech path and second call (with end C) goes on hold (with play button show)Pass 
2.08Bria Swap End first callCall with end B is terminated properly and call with C is retrieved from Hold with two way speech path.Pass 
2.09Bria Second call attempt  cancelledFirst call (call with End B) resumes when we end the second call attemptPass 
2.10Bria Blind Transfer

B gets transferred to C.
Two way speech path established between end B and end C.

2.11Bria Supervised TransferBria Supervised TransferPass 
2.12Bria ConferenceConference call established successfully between Bria VOIP, end B and end C.Pass 
2.13Bria Split ConferenceConference split successfully resulting in independent calls with B and C, allowing swap.Pass 
2.14Bria  Conference Holdconference call goes on hold successfully, no audio between participantsPass 
2.15Bria Conference Retrieve Holdconference call comes off hold successfully, audio restored between participantsPass 
2.16Receive incoming call (internal) while in active callConfirm can answer and swap between active calls as expectedPass 
2.17Receive incoming call (external) while in active callConfirm can answer and swap between active calls as expectedPass 
Section 3 - Basic Calls, Wireless Connectivity (Wireless Access Point)

Bria outbound call to VoIP endpoint

Call established, two-way audio.Pass 

Bria Inbound Call from VoIP endpoint

Call established, two-way audio.Pass 
3.03Bria outbound call to PSTN numberCall established, two-way audio.Pass 
3.04Bria Inbound Call from PSTN numberCall established, two-way audio.Pass 
3.05Extended call with VoIP endpointConfirm call does not drop and 2-way audio maintained for duration of callPass 
3.06Extended call with PSTN endpointConfirm call does not drop and 2-way audio maintained for duration of callPass 
3.07Internal HOLDText seen: Call on Hold. Play Button appears (to allow for resuming call) and call is on Hold, no audio between call participantsPass 
3.08Internal Retreive HOLDText Seen: Call Established. Play button removed, pause button and other audio options available, voicepath resumedPass 
3.09External HOLDText seen: Call on Hold. Play Button appears (to allow for resuming call) and call is on Hold, no audio between call participantsPass 
3.10External Retrieve HOLDText Seen: Call Established. Play button removed, pause button and other audio options available, voicepath resumedPass 
Section 4 - Advanced Calls, Wireless Connectivity( Wireless Access Point)
4.01Bria Hold internal then call internalFirst call goes on hold, second call established.  Internal B is on hold (with play button show)  Two-way audio with C.Pass 
4.02Bria Swap InternalCall is swapped to first call (call with end B) with two way speech path and second call (with end C) goes on holdPass 
4.03Bria Hold external then call externalFirst call goes on hold, second call established.  Internal B is on hold (with play button show)  Two-way audio with C.Pass 
4.04Bria Swap ExternalCall is swapped to first call (call with end B) with two way speech path and second call (with end C) goes on holdPass 
4.05Bria Hold internal then call externalFirst call goes on hold, second call established.  Internal B is on hold (with play button show)  Two-way audio with C.Pass 

Bria Hold external then call internal

First call goes on hold, second call established.  Internal B is on hold (with play button show)  Two-way audio with C.Pass 
4.07Bria Swap MixedCall is swapped to first call (call with end B) with two way speech path and second call (with end C) goes on hold (with play button show)Pass 
4.08Bria Swap End first callCall with end B is terminated properly and call with C is retrieved from Hold with two way speech path.Pass 
4.09Bria Second call attempt  cancelledFirst call (call with End B) resumes when we end the second call attemptPass 
4.10Bria Blind Transfer

B gets transferred to C.
Two way speech path established between end B and end C.

4.11Bria Supervised TransferA establishes call with B.  B gets placed on hold while call with C is established.  Call is transferred successfully  and two way speech path established successfully between end B and end C.Pass 
4.12Bria ConferenceConference call established successfully between Bria VOIP, end B and end C.Pass 
4.13Bria Split ConferenceConference split successfully resulting in independent calls with B and C, allowing swap.Pass 
4.14Bria  Conference Holdconference call goes on hold successfully, no audio between participantsPass 
4.15Bria Conference Retrieve Holdconference call comes off hold successfully, audio restored between participantsPass 
4.16Receive incoming call (internal) while in active callConfirm can answer and swap between active calls as expectedPass 
4.17Receive incoming call (external) while in active callConfirm can answer and swap between active calls as expectedPass 
Section 5 - Access Point Changes, Background Support
5.01Switch from Wired only to  Wi-FiBria should maintain registration and ability to make and receive calls with 2-way audio.N/ASBC5k doesn't support registration.
5.02Switch from Wired only to Wi-Fi onlyBria should stay registered and be able to make and receive calls with 2-way audio.N/ASBC5k doesn't support registration.
5.03Switch from Wifi to WiredBria should maintain registration and ability to make and receive calls with 2-way audio.N/ASBC5k doesn't support registration.
5.04Switch from Wireless only to Wired onlyBria should re-register and be able to make and receive calls with 2-way audio.N/ASBC5k doesn't support registration.
5.05Background support, incoming call shortBria should maintain registration and ability to receive calls with 2-way audio.N/ASBC5k doesn't support registration.
5.06Background support, incoming call longBackground support, incoming call longN/ASBC5k doesn't support registration.
5.07Background support, outgoing callBria should maintain registration and ability to make and receive calls with 2-way audio.N/ASBC5k doesn't support registration.
Section 6 - Call Log, MWI (Advanced Voice Features)
6.01Bria Call Log: display correct logs for outgoing callsOutgoing call logs displayed properly with correct name, number and  iconPass 
6.02Bria Call Log: display correct logs for incoming callsIncoming call logs displayed properly with correct name, number and  iconPass 
6.03Bria MWI On 

Verify new Message Waiting Indicator is displayed on Bria (VM icon highlighted and number of VM indicated)

6.04Bria Retrieve Voicemail DTMF is sent/received allowing retrieval of voicemail N/A 
6.05Bria Voice mail MWI Persist on register/unregisterMWI should persist between unregister/register or Exit and re-launch of Bria VOIP Client. N/A 
6.06Bria New MWI Increment

MWI counter on dash board should increase by 1 after leaving new message to Bria voice mail.

6.07Bria MWI DecrementMWI  counter on dash board should decrease by 1 after message is deletedN/A 
6.08Bria MWI OffVerify MWI turned off after all VM are retrieved by BriaN/A 
Section 7 - Video Calling(Advanced Feature) (video codec enabled via SIP)
7.01Bria outbound video call to VoIP endpointCall established, two-way audio, two-way videoPass 
7.02Bria Inbound Video Call from VoIP endpointCall established, two-way audio, two-way videoPass 
7.03Bria outbound escalation from audio call to  video callCall established, two-way audio, two-way videoPass 
7.04Bria Inbound escalation from audio call to video call Call established, two-way audio, two-way videoPass 
7.05Extended video call with VoIP endpointConfirm video call does not drop and 2-way audio and 2-way video maintained for duration of callPass 
7.06Internal HOLDPlay/Resume button presented and call is on Hold, no audio or video between call participantsPass 
7.07Internal Retrieve HOLDhold button presented back, voice and video paths resumedPass 
Section 8 - Messaging & Presence (Advanced Feature) (requires XMPP account)
8.01Change Presence StatusConfirm status change updates other clientsN/A 
8.02Receive Presence StatusConfirm other clients status is updated on BriaN/A 
8.03Send IMMessage created, sent and receivedN/A 
8.04Messaging ActivityConfirm other party's messaging response activity is detected in BriaN/A 
8.05Receive IMMessage received.N/A 
8.06Group ChatGroup chat created, message sent and message receivedN/A 



These Application Notes describe the configuration steps required for Sonus SBC 5XXX to successfully interoperate with CounterPath Bria SoftClient. All feature and serviceability test cases were completed and passed with the exceptions/observations noted in Test Results.