# Create 2 TGs one for Ingress (IMS/PCRF) and one for Egress
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName Public
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy carrier 0000
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy country 1
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy localizationVariant northAmerica
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy tgIPVersionPreference both-ipv4-and-ipv6
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy digitParameterHandling numberingPlan NANP_ACCESS
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy callRouting elementRoutingPriority DEFAULT_IP
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy media packetServiceProfile PSP-G711U-20ms
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy services classOfService DEFAULT_IP
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy ingress flags nonZeroVideoBandwidthBasedRoutingForSip enable
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy ingress flags nonZeroVideoBandwidthBasedRoutingForH323 disable
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy ingress flags hdPreferredRouting disable
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG policy ingress flags hdSupportedRouting disable
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG state enabled
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG mode inService
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName Public
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy carrier 0000
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy country 1
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy localizationVariant northAmerica
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy tgIPVersionPreference both-ipv4-and-ipv6
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy digitParameterHandling numberingPlan NANP_ACCESS
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy callRouting elementRoutingPriority DEFAULT_IP
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy media packetServiceProfile PSP-G711U-20ms
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy services classOfService DEFAULT_IP
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy ingress flags nonZeroVideoBandwidthBasedRoutingForSip enable
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy ingress flags nonZeroVideoBandwidthBasedRoutingForH323 disable
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy ingress flags hdPreferredRouting disable
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG policy ingress flags hdSupportedRouting disable
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG state enabled
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG mode inService
# Create 4 SIP Peers. 3 for the SIP Phones and one for the PSTN call
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH ipPeer SIPPHONE-9001 ipAddress ipPort 5060
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH ipPeer SIPPHONE-9002 ipAddress ipPort 5060
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH ipPeer SIPPHONE-9005 ipAddress ipPort 5060
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH ipPeer USTX-SBCLAB01-PSTN ipAddress ipPort 5060
# Create 4 corresponding Routing Labels
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL overflowNumber ""
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL overflowNOA none
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL overflowNPI none
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL routePrioritizationType sequence
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL action routes
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL numRoutesPerCall 10
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup SANDVINE-TG
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL routingLabelRoute 0 ipPeer SIPPHONE-9001
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL routingLabelRoute 0 proportion 0
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL routingLabelRoute 0 cost 1000000
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL routingLabelRoute 0 inService inService
set global callRouting routingLabel 9001-RL routingLabelRoute 0 testing normal
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL overflowNumber ""
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL overflowNOA none
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL overflowNPI none
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL routePrioritizationType sequence
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL action routes
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL numRoutesPerCall 10
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL routingLabelRoute 0 ipPeer SIPPHONE-9002
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL routingLabelRoute 0 proportion 0
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL routingLabelRoute 0 cost 1000000
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL routingLabelRoute 0 inService inService
set global callRouting routingLabel 9002-RL routingLabelRoute 0 testing normal
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL overflowNumber ""
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL overflowNOA none
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL overflowNPI none
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL routePrioritizationType sequence
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL action routes
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL numRoutesPerCall 10
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL routingLabelRoute 0 ipPeer SIPPHONE-9005
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL routingLabelRoute 0 proportion 0
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL routingLabelRoute 0 cost 1000000
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL routingLabelRoute 0 inService inService
set global callRouting routingLabel 9005-RL routingLabelRoute 0 testing normal
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN overflowNumber ""
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN overflowNOA none
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN overflowNPI none
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN routePrioritizationType sequence
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN action routes
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN numRoutesPerCall 10
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup SANDVINE-TERM-TG
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN routingLabelRoute 0 ipPeer USTX-SBCLAB01-PSTN
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN routingLabelRoute 0 proportion 0
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN routingLabelRoute 0 cost 1000000
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN routingLabelRoute 0 inService inService
set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN routingLabelRoute 0 testing normal
# Add the Routes
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 4692199001 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel 9001-RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 4692199002 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel 9002-RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 4692199005 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel 9005-RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 9724894725 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel PSTN
# EMERGENCY Call Profile Configuration
set profiles services sipResourcePriorityHeaderProfile "RPH-1" rphEmergencyMatchingConfig "esnet" "1"
set profiles services sipResourcePriorityHeaderProfile "RPH-1" sendEgressRphForEmergency esnet 1
set profiles services emergencyCallProfile "EMG-ECSCF" resPriorityHeaderProfile "RPH-1"
set profiles services emergencyCallProfile EMG-ECSCF prefix 9724894725
set profiles services emergencyCallProfile EMG-ECSCF urnPrefix "service:sos.fire"
# Assign the Emergency Profile to the PCRF TG
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG services emergencyCallProfile EMG-ECSCF
# Configure SBC Diameter Node
set addressContext default diamNode ANVIK-DIAM primaryOriginHost cscf.sonusnet.com secondaryOriginHost cscf2.sonusnet.com ipV4Address originRealm sonusnet.com transactionTimeout 1000 ipInterfaceGroupName Public
# Configure SBC Diameter Peer
set addressContext default diamNode ANVIK-DIAM peer sandvine2.sandvine.com fqdn sandvine2.sandvine.com ipAddress tcpPort 3868
# Configure SBC Diameter Realm Routes
set addressContext default diamNode ANVIK-DIAM realmRoute sandvine2.sandvine.com peer sandvine2.sandvine.com realm sandvine.com
# Enable SBC Diameter Node
set addressContext default diamNode ANVIK-DIAM state enabled
# Enable SBC Diameter Peers
set addressContext default diamNode ANVIK-DIAM peer sandvine2.sandvine.com state enabled
Enable SBC Diameter Realm Routes
set addressContext default diamNode ANVIK-DIAM realmRoute sandvine2.sandvine.com state enabled
# Assign the PCRF Realm to the Truk Group
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG media pcrf pcrfRealm sandvine.com pcrfCommitment required cushionPacketSize enabled cushionNullSdp enabled
# To enable the PCRF to terminate an Rx session on the
# IMS properly. Jira opened to fix this
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG signaling timers sessionKeepalive 10
set addressContext default zone SZ_PUB_SOUTH sipTrunkGroup SANDVINE-TG callRouting ansSupervisionTimeout 10