This document provides a configuration guide for Sonus SBC 5XX0 series (Session Border Controller) when connecting to Microsoft Skype for Business.
This configuration guide supports features given in TDS_SfB_Server_2015_Infrastructure_Interoperability_Program_for_SBC.docx.
The interoperability compliance testing focuses on verifying inbound and outbound calls flows between the Sonus SBC 5200 and Microsoft Skype for Business, using TCP, TLS and SRTP.
This is a technical document intended for telecommunications engineers with the purpose of configuring both the Sonus SBC and the third-party product. Some steps require navigating third-party as well as the Sonus SBC Command Line Interface (CLI). Understanding the basic concepts of TCP/UDP, IP/Routing, and SIP/RTP are also necessary to complete the configuration and for troubleshooting, if necessary.
The following equipment and software were used for the sample configuration provided:
Test Equipment and Software
Equipment | Software Version | |
Sonus Networks | Sonus SBC 5200 BMC BIOS ConnexIP OS SonusDB EMA SBX |
V02.10.00 V02.06.00 V03.00.01-R000 V05.00.01-R000 V05.00.01-R000 V05.00.01-R000 |
Third-party Equipment | Microsoft | Skype for Business 2015 |
The following reference configuration shows connectivity between third-party and Sonus SBC 5XX0 series.
Reference Configuration
For any questions regarding this document or the content herein, please contact your maintenance and support provider.
The following features and functionality were covered during compliance testing:
All the Skype Topology should be configured.
SBC is installed with correct version and also has valid License for TLS.
No special licensing is required for this test.
This section provides an overview of Sonus SBC 5200 configuration used during compliance testing. The Sonus SBC 5200 is typically configured for customers by Sonus Networks. The screen shots and partial configuration shown below, supplied by Sonus Networks, is provided only for reference. Other configurations are possible.
Create a Codec Entry with the supported codec on the network.
set profiles media codecEntry G711_2833_20 set profiles media codecEntry G711_2833_20 codec g711 dtmf relay rfc2833 set profiles media codecEntry G711_2833_20 packetSize 20 commit set profiles media codecEntry G711SS_2833_20 codec g711ss sendSid enable dtmf relay rfc2833 set profiles media codecEntry G711SS_2833_20 packetSize 20 commit set profiles media codecEntry G711A_2833_20 law ALaw codec g711 packetSize 20 dtmf relay rfc2833 commit
Configure RTCP interval.
set system media mediaRtcpControl senderReportInterval 5 commit
Specify the global SIP Domain name.
set global sipDomain set global sipDomain set global sipDomain set global sipDomain commit
Create a Feature Control Profile (FCP) for the Skype side. The FCP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group configuration.
set profiles featureControlProfile LYNC_FCP ipProtocolFlags useIpProtocol enable defaultCalledUser enable commit
Configure DSP resources.
This configuration only applies if the SBC has been deployed with (hardware) DSP resources. If it was not, executing this configuration step has no negative impact. Subsequent configuration sections (Packet service profiles) do not attempt transcoding, so lack of compression resources will not impact the overall SBC configuration in this document.
set system mediaProfile compression 75 tone 25 commit
Create a LRBT profile that will be attached to the Skype side. Enable Dynamic LRBT.
set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF localRingBackTone signalingTonePackageState enable makeInbandToneAvailable enable set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF localRingBackTone flags useThisLrbtForIngress enable set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF localRingBackTone flags dynamicLRBT enable
Create a path Check profile that will be attached to the Skype side.
set profiles services pathCheckProfile LYNC_OPTIONS protocol sipOptions sendInterval 20 replyTimeoutCount 1 recoveryCount 1 commit set profiles services pathCheckProfile LYNC_OPTIONS transportPreference preference1 tcp commit
Create a Packet Service Profile (PSP) for the Skype side. The PSP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group configuration.
set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711_2833_20 set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP rtcpOptions rtcp enable terminationForPassthrough enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 101 set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP silenceInsertionDescriptor g711SidRtpPayloadType 13 heartbeat enable commit
Create an IP Signaling Profile (IPSP) for the Skype side. The IPSP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group configuration.
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeReasonHeader enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendPtimeInSdp enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags publishIPInHoldSDP enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendRtcpPortInSdp enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes optionTagInRequireHeader suppressReplaceTag enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags routeUsingRecvdFqdn disable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags relayDataPathModeChangeFromOtherCallLeg disable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP egressIpAttributes numberGlobalizationProfile DEFAULT_IP set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP egressIpAttributes domainName useZoneLevelDomainNameInContact enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tcp set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP ingressIpAttributes flags sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP egressIpAttributes privacy flags msLyncPrivacySupport enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP ingressIpAttributes flags sendSdpInSubsequent18x enable commit
Configure the IP Interface Group.
The following configuration is for a Sonus 52x0 system using a single port for Internal connectivity.
set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0_V4 ceName NBS51K1 portName pkt0 ipAddress prefix 24 altIpAddress fc00::20:f:f:f:233 altPrefix 64 set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0_V4 mode inService state enabled commit
Configure the domain name associated with the zone.
The Zone groups the set of objects that is used for the communication to Skype for Business.
set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE id 2 set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE domainName commit
Configure SIP Signaling port.
A SIP Signaling port is a logical address permanently bound to a specific zone and is used to send and receive SIP call signaling packets.
set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE id 2 sipSigPort 2 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF1 ipAddressV4 portNumber 5060 ipAddressV6 fc00::20:f:f:f:233 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tcp,sip-tls-tcp state enabled mode inService commit
Configure DNS Group.
DNS Groups set DNS objects that may be used for DNS resolution within a particular Zone.
set addressContext a1 dnsGroup EXT_DNS type mgmt server DNS1 ipAddress state enabled set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE dnsGroup EXT_DNS commit
Create a SIP Trunk Group towards Skype side and assign the Profiles configured above.
set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF1 set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG policy media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG downstreamForkingSupport enabled set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG signaling rel100Support enabled set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG signaling acceptHistoryInfo enabled set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG services dnsSupportType a-only set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG policy featureControlProfile LYNC_FCP set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG policy media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG ingressIpPrefix 32 set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG ingressIpPrefix 32 set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG ingressIpPrefix 32 set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG ingressIpPrefix fc00::20:f:f:f:50 128 set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG ingressIpPrefix fc00::101:f:f:f:83 128 set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG ingressIpPrefix fc00::101:f:f:f:84 128 set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG signaling timers sessionKeepalive 0 set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG signaling honorMaddrParam enabled set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG mode inService state enabled commit
Create a default route to the subnet's IP nexthop for the interface and IP Interface Group.
set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100 commit set addressContext a1 staticRoute fc00::20:f:f:f:50 128 fc00::20:f:f:f:1 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute fc00::20:f:f:f:51 128 fc00::20:f:f:f:1 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute fc00::20:f:f:f:52 128 fc00::20:f:f:f:1 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100 commit set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute fc00::101:f:f:f:83 128 fc00::20:f:f:f:1 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute fc00::101:f:f:f:84 128 fc00::20:f:f:f:1 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100 commit
Create a Packet Service Profile (PSP) for the SP side. The PSP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group configuration.
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP set profiles media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711_2833_20 set profiles media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP rtcpOptions rtcp enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 101 set profiles media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP silenceInsertionDescriptor g711SidRtpPayloadType 13 heartbeat enable commit
Create an IP Signaling Profile (IPSP) for the SP side. The IPSP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group configuration.
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeReasonHeader enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendPtimeInSdp enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags publishIPInHoldSDP enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendRtcpPortInSdp enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes optionTagInRequireHeader suppressReplaceTag enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags routeUsingRecvdFqdn disable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags relayDataPathModeChangeFromOtherCallLeg disable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP egressIpAttributes numberGlobalizationProfile DEFAULT_IP set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters sipToHeaderMapping calledNumber set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP egressIpAttributes domainName useZoneLevelDomainNameInContact enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tcp set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type2 udp set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP ingressIpAttributes flags sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP egressIpAttributes privacy flags msLyncPrivacySupport enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP ingressIpAttributes flags sendSdpInSubsequent18x enable commit
Configure the IP Interface Group.
The following configuration is for a Sonus 52x0 system using a single port for Internal connectivity.
set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1_V4 ceName NBS51K1 portName pkt1 ipAddress prefix 24 altIpAddress fc00::21:f:f:f:233 altPrefix 64 set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1_V4 mode inService state enabled commit
Configure the domain name. Assign DNS server to the zone.
The Zone groups the set of objects that is used for the communication to Skype for Business.
set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE id 3 commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE domainName commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE dnsGroup EXT_DNS commit
Configure SIP Signaling port.
A SIP Signaling port is a logical address permanently bound to a specific zone and is used to send and receive SIP call signaling packets.
set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE id 3 sipSigPort 3 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF2 ipAddressV4 portNumber 5060 ipAddressV6 fc00::21:f:f:f:233 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tcp,sip-tls-tcp state enabled mode inService commit
Create a SIP Trunk Group towards SP side and assign the Profiles configured above.
set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF2 set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG policy media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG policy media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG ingressIpPrefix 32 set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG ingressIpPrefix 32 set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG ingressIpPrefix fc00::20:f:f:f:50 128 set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG signaling timers sessionKeepalive 0 set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG signaling honorMaddrParam enabled set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG mode inService state enabled commit
Create an IP Peer with the Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the end points and assign it to the SP or Lync Zone. Assign the path check profile created.
set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP1 policy sip fqdn fqdnPort 5068 commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP1 pathCheck profile LYNC_OPTIONS hostName hostPort 5068 state disabled commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP1 pathCheck profile LYNC_OPTIONS hostName hostPort 5068 state enabled commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP2 policy sip fqdn fqdnPort 5066 commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP2 pathCheck profile LYNC_OPTIONS hostName hostPort 5066 state disabled commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP2 pathCheck profile LYNC_OPTIONS hostName hostPort 5066 state enabled commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP3 policy sip fqdn fqdnPort 5070 commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP3 pathCheck profile LYNC_OPTIONS hostName hostPort 5070 state disabled commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP3 pathCheck profile LYNC_OPTIONS hostName hostPort 5070 state enabled commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_FAILOVER1 policy sip fqdn fqdnPort 5072 commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_FAILOVER1 pathCheck profile LYNC_OPTIONS hostName hostPort 5072 state disabled commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_FAILOVER1 pathCheck profile LYNC_OPTIONS hostName hostPort 5072 state enabled commit set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE ipPeer LYNC_IPP1_Manual policy sip fqdn fqdnPort 5068 commit set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP1_MANUAL ipAddress ipPort 5060 commit
Create a default route to the subnet’s IP nexthop for the interface and IP Interface Group.
set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100 commit set addressContext a1 staticRoute fc00::20:f:f:f:50 128 fc00::21:f:f:f:1 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute fc00::20:f:f:f:51 128 fc00::21:f:f:f:1 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute fc00::20:f:f:f:52 128 fc00::21:f:f:f:1 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100 commit set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute fc00::10:54:20:69 128 fc00::21:f:f:f:1 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100 set addressContext a1 staticRoute fc00::20:f:f:f:233 128 fc00::21:f:f:f:1 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100 commit
Create a Routing Label with a single Routing Label Route to bind the SP or Lync Trunk Group with the SP or Lync IP Peer.
set global callRouting routingLabel SP_RL1 routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup SP_TG ipPeer SP_IPP1 inService inService set global callRouting routingLabel SP_RL2 routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup SP_TG ipPeer SP_IPP2 inService inService set global callRouting routingLabel SP_RL3 routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup SP_TG ipPeer SP_IPP3 inService inService set global callRouting routingLabel SP_RL_FO1 routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup SP_TG ipPeer SP_FAILOVER1 inService inService set global callRouting routingLabel LYNC_RL1_Manual routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup LYNC_TG ipPeer LYNC_IPP1_Manual inService inService set global callRouting routingLabel SP_RL_MANUAL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup SP_TG ipPeer SP_IPP1_MANUAL inService inService commit
Routing must be put in place to send calls to the correct destination. For the purpose of this scenario, trunk group routing was used, but additional routing options may be used.
Configuration of both standarf and username routes are done to ensure that no matter which way the called party is addressed (a number or username) the SBC will route the message to the Core.
Create Route entries for standard Trunk Group routing with Matching Criteria and a Routing Label destination.
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 333 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel SP_RL1 set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 444 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel SP_RL2 set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 666 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel SP_RL3 set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 777 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel SP_RL_FO1 set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL username Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL all all ALL none routingLabel SP_RL1 set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 65 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel LYNC_RL1_Manual set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 54 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel SP_RL_MANUAL set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL username Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL all all ALL none routingLabel LYNC_RL set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL username Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL all all ALL none routingLabel LYNC_RL commit
The following shows the only difference from previous section
Important Note SBX5K does not support MKI. LYNC_IT tool does not take into account that SBX has not published MKI support in its SDP and still tries to validate SRTP as SRTP with MKI BIT set. As a workaround, we publish MKI support in SDP and use this new debug xrm command to mark MKI bit in outgoing SRTP/SRTCP streams and also factor it for incoming SRTP/ SRTCP streams. This command is to be used only for LYNC certification or qualification in Customer Labs only. We do not recommend enabling this in production enviroment. admin@pumal% unhide debug Password: ****** #password is sonus1 admin@puma% request sbx xrm debug command "srtpmki enable" [ok][2014-04-01 16:54:17] [edit] MKI Enabled: encLength=1; encValue=0x1; decLength=1 admin@puma%
set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT type local-internal commit
request system security pki certificate SBC_CERT generateCSR csrSub /C=US/ST=MA/L=Westford/O=Sonus/ keySize keySize2K
Note: Generate required certificates and then copy the Lync Server Root Certificate (rootcert.cer) and Microsoft signed SBC Certificate (servercert.pem) into /opt/sonus/external/ folder of SBC
set profiles security cryptoSuiteProfile CRYPT_PROF entry 1 cryptoSuite AES-CM-128-HMAC-SHA1-80 commit
set system security pki certificate LYNC_CERT type remote fileName rootcert.cer state enabled commit
set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT fileName servercert.pem state enabled commit
set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF clientCertName SBC_CERT serverCertName SBC_CERT cipherSuite1 rsa-with-3des-ede-cbc-sha cipherSuite2 rsa-with-aes-128-cbc-sha authClient true allowedRoles clientandserver acceptableCertValidationErrors invalidPurpose commit
set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP secureRtpRtcp cryptoSuiteProfile CRYPT_PROF set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags enableSrtp enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags allowFallback disable commit NOTE: If media Bypass is disabled on LYNC set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags resetEncDecROCOnDecKeyChange disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags resetROCOnKeyChange enable commit NOTE: If media Bypass is enabled on LYNC set profiles media packetServiceProfile <LYNC_PSP> secureRtpRtcp flags resetROCOnKeyChange disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile <LYNC_PSP> secureRtpRtcp flags resetEncDecROCOnDecKeyChange enable commit
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tlsOverTcp commit
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 criterion 1 message condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 criterion 2 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 criterion 2 messageBody condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 operation regstore set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 from type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 from messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 to type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 to variableValue var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 regexp string "a=crypto.*?\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 criterion 1 message messageTypes all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 criterion 1 message condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 criterion 2 type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 criterion 2 variable condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 criterion 2 variable variableID var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 action 1 type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 action 1 from value "|2^31|1:1\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 action 1 to type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 action 1 to variableValue var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 action 1 regexp string "\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 2 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 criterion 1 message messageTypes all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 criterion 1 message condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 criterion 2 type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 criterion 2 variable condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 criterion 2 variable variableID var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 action 1 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 action 1 from type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 action 1 from variableValue var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 action 1 to type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 action 1 to messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 action 1 regexp string "a=crypto.*?\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 3 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 criterion 1 type message message messageTypes requestAll condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 criterion 2 type header header name Request-Line condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 criterion 3 type parameter parameter name maddr paramType uri set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 criterion 3 type parameter parameter condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 criterion 3 parameter condition regex-match regexp string .*fc00.* set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 1 type parameter operation store from type parameter value maddr set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 1 paramType uri set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 1 to type variable variableValue var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 2 type variable operation store from type value value [ set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 2 to type variable variableValue var2 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 3 type variable operation append from type variable variableValue var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 3 to type variable variableValue var2 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 4 type variable operation append from type value value ] set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 4 to type variable variableValue var2 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 5 type parameter operation modify from type variable variableValue var2 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 5 to type parameter value maddr set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam rule 4 action 5 paramType uri set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile addCryptoParam state enabled commit
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 criterion 2 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 criterion 2 messageBody condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 criterion 2 messageBody messageBodyType all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 from value "\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 to type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 to messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 1 regexp string "\|2\^31.*r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 2 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 2 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 2 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 2 from value "\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 2 to type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 2 to messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 2 regexp string "\|2\^31.*\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam rule 1 action 2 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile removeCryptoParam state enabled commit
set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile addCryptoParam set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile removeCryptoParam set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile addCryptoParam set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile removeCryptoParam commit
This Application Notes document describes the configuration steps required for the Sonus SBC 5XX0 series to successfully interoperate with Microsoft Skype for Business. All feature and serviceability test cases were completed and passed.