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This is an interoperability Note - it is not intended to be a full Configuration Guide / Interoperability Guide.
It is an informational document that briefs on the interop achieved between Ribbon products & various third party products.
This document focuses on the feasibility aspects in providing a Ribbon interoperable solution instead of the actual configuration involved for the Ribbon and Third Party product(s).
Details of the test setup used will be included, along with full details of the Ribbon and Third party products, including details of any hardware and software versions used.
The document will also detail results of the interop, and any notes or caveats related to the interworking.
This read-out document is open for all telecom-aware professionals including Ribbon customers & partners. It provides high-level information of the interop solution provided.
The sample configuration uses the following equipment and software:
Product | Equipment | Software Version |
Ribbon Communication | SBC Core PSX STI-AS/VS | V09.02.00-R002 V13.02.00-R000 V21.04-R000 |
Neustar | Neustar AS/VS | na |
IOT high level architecture covering call flows & overall topology is depicted below.
Test Scenario 1
Test Scenario 2
This document discusses the testing aspects of Ribbon and ATIS Robocalling test bed. The ATIS Robocalling Testbed is intended to facilitate interoperability testing for the new ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) framework.
This testbed environment helps in verifying industry implementations of the SHAKEN framework in a representative network configuration. Initial testing is intended to evolve and track with the SHAKEN test plan as currently being defined in the ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force (specifically, the “Secure Telephone Identity (STI) Protocol Test Plan”, IPNNI-2018-00055R000).
In this interoperability testing SBC, PSX, and Ribbon STI products were used.
Two types of call flows were tested as part of this Proof of Concept (POC).
Ribbon simulating the implementation of STI Authentication Service (STI-AS) and ATIS Testbed simulating the terminating service provider using its STI Verification Service (STI-VS).
In this test scenario,
ATIS Testbed simulating originating SP using its STI Authentication Service (STI-AS) and Ribbon simulating the implementation of STI Verification Service (STI-VS).
In this test scenario,
In both the test scenarios, if there are any errors in Signing or Verification, call should be disconnected with appropriate errors as defined in the standard.
Configure the PSX to trigger the HTTPS request to Ribbon STI-AS/VS server as per the wiki Ribbon - ATIS Neustar Interop Guide for STIR/SHAKEN Testing
For information regarding SBC Core configuration, refer to the product documentation on SBC Core Documentation
The following checklist depicts the set of services/features covered through the configuration defined in this Interop Guide.
Sr.No. | Supplementary Features/Services | Coverage |
1 | Basic Registration over UDP | |
2 | Basic Call Setup | |
3 | Basic Call Termination |
Supported | |
Not Supported | |
N/A | Not Applicable |
For any support related queries about this guide, please contact your local Ribbon representative, or use the details below:
For detailed information about Ribbon products and solutions, please visit: https://ribboncommunications.com/products
For detailed information about ATIS Robocalling testbed, please visit: https://www.home.neustar/atis-testbed/index.php
This Interoperability Note describes a successful configuration covering ATIS Robocalling interop with the SBC Core. All the necessary features and serviceability aspects stand covered as per the details provided in this interoperability document.
© 2021 Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc. © 2021 ECI Telecom Ltd. All rights reserved.