Table of Contents


Document Overview

This document provides a configuration guide for Ribbon EdgeMarc 6000 when connecting to MS Teams.

This configuration guide supports features given in the Virgin Media SIP Trunk Application.


The interoperability compliance testing focuses on verifying inbound and outbound call flows between Ribbon EdgeMarc 6000 and MS Teams platform.


This is a technical document intended for telecommunications engineers for configuring both the Ribbon SBCs and the third-party product. Users will perform steps to navigate the third-party product as well as the Ribbon SBC Command Line Interface (CLI). Understanding the basic concepts of TCP/UDP/TLS, IP/Routing and SIP/RTP is also necessary for completing the configuration and for troubleshooting, if necessary.


This configuration guide is offered as a convenience to Ribbon customers. The specifications and information regarding the product in this guide are subject to change without notice. All statements, information, and recommendations in this guide are believed to be accurate but are presented without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and are provided “AS IS”. Users must take full responsibility for the application of the specifications and information in this guide.


The following equipment and software were used for the sample configuration:



Software Version

Ribbon Communications

Ribbon EdgeMarc 6000


Third-party Equipment

MS Teams client

NGT Litev.1.51

Reference Configuration

The following reference configuration shows the connectivity between the third-party and Ribbon EdgeMarc 6000.

Reference Configuration


For any questions regarding this document or its content, contact your maintenance and support provider.

Third-Party Product Features

Ribbon supports the following third-party product features:

  • Basic originated and terminated calls
  • Basic inbound and outbound calls
  • Hold and Resume
  • Call Forwarding
  • DTMF
  • Conference Call
  • Action on eSBC outage (restart of eSBC)
  • Action on Loss of Virgin Media primary SBC

Configure Microsoft Teams

The following new configurations are included in this section:

  1. Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Configuration
  2. Obtain IP address and FQDN
  3. Domain Name
  4. Obtain a Certificate
  5. Public Certificate
  6. Configure and Generate Certificates on the SBC
  7. Configure Office 365 Tenant Voice Routing

1. Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Configuration

Consult Microsoft documentation for detailed information on Direct Routing interface configuration guidelines, including the RFC standards and the syntax of SIP messages. 

2. Obtain IP address and FQDN

The following table provides the requirements for configuring the SBC to support Teams Direct Routing:

Table1 : SBC Requirements


How it is used

Public IP address of NAT device (must be Static)*

Private IP address of the SBC

Required for SBC Behind the NAT deployment.
Public IP address of SBCRequired for SBC with Public IP deployment.
Public FQDNThe Public FQDN must point to the Public IP Address.

*NAT translates a public IP address to a Private IP address.

3. Domain Name

For the SBC to pair with Microsoft Teams, ensure that the SBC FQDN domain name matches with the name registered in both the Domains and DomainUrlMap fields of the Tenant.

Follow the steps to verify that the correct domain name is configured for the Tenant:

  1. On the Microsoft Teams Tenant side, execute Get-CsTenant.
  2. Review the output.
  3. Verify that the configured Domain Name is listed in the Domains and DomainUrlMap attributes for the Tenant. If the Domain Name is incorrect or missing, the SBC will not pair with Microsoft Teams.

You can configure users from any SIP domain registered for the tenant. For example, you can configure user with the SBC FQDN name, as long as both names are registered for the tenant.

Table 2: Domain Name Examples

Domain Name

Use for SBC FQDN

FQDN names - Examples

IPv4 Address

Valid names:


Valid names:

Invalid name:

(This requires registering the domain name in “Domains” first.)

Configure Domain Names - Example :

Domain Names

4. Obtain a Certificate

5. Public Certificate

Make sure that the certificate is issued by one of the supported certification authorities (CA). Note that wildcard certificates are supported.

6.  Configure and Generate Certificates on the SBC

Microsoft Teams Direct Routing allows only TLS connections from the SBC for SIP traffic with a certificate signed by one of the trusted certification authorities.

Follow the steps to request a certificate for the SBC External interface and configure it based on the example using the GlobalSign:

  1. Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and obtain the certificate from a supported Certification Authority.
  2. Import the Public CA Root/Intermediate Certificate on the SBC.
  3. Import the Microsoft CA Certificate on the SBC.
  4. Import the SBC Certificate.

You can obtain the certificate through the Certificate Signing Request (see the following instructions). You can obtain the Trusted Root and Intermediary Signing Certificates from your certification authority.

7.  Configure Office 365 Tenant Voice Routing

A Tenant is used within the Microsoft environment as a single independent enterprise that has subscribed to Office 365 services. Through this tenant, administrators can manage projects, users, and roles. Perform the following steps to configure the Tenant. For details on accessing the Tenant, refer to Microsoft Teams Documentation.

  1. Create Online PSTN Gateway that points to the SBC:
    1. Enter the SBC FQDN (see example below -  Be sure to configure the FQDN for the Tenant in both the Domains and the DomainUrlMap fields.
    2. Enter the SBC SIP Port (see example below - SipPort5061).

Domain Names

2. Configure Teams usage for the user:

a. Enter the User Identity (see example below -


EdgeMarc Configuration





LAN and WAN Interfaces

  1. Login to the EdgeMarc as a root user.
  2. Click Network to configure the LAN and WAN interfaces.

EdgeMarc Network LAN Interface


EdgeMarc Network WAN Interface

Static Routes

Click Network > Static Routes to configure the routes.

Static Routes


VoIP Settings

  1. Login as a root user.
  2. Click VoIP to configure the VoIP features.


SIP Settings

  1. Click VoIP > SIP to configure the SIP settings.
  2. Configure the SIP servers.



  1. Click VoIP > B2BUA for B2BUA trunking configuration.
  2. Configure the LAN Part with the next form.


Trunking Group Availability

  1. Click VoIP > Trunking Group Availability.
  2. Configure the Group "Teams Group" with Teams1 (, Teams2 (, Teams3 (

Trunking Group Availability


  1. Click VoIP > Survivability.
  2. Configure the parameters.




  1. Click Security > Certificates.
  2. Add the Certificate and upload the Certificate that you will use with MS Teams for communication. 



Test Results

The following table provides information about the tests that Ribbon performed to complete all scenarios that Virgin Media needs for its customers.


Vendors eSBC response to SIP OPTIONS messages from SBC

No calls are required for this test.

Capture the SIP trace for approximately 60 seconds and check for correct signaling.

For each eSBC, the SBC periodically sends an OPTIONS request to the vendors eSBC to check if its SIP stack is reachable. If the IP-PBX sends a SIP response 200 OK, the SIP trunk is placed or remains in an In-Service state.


OPTIONS sip:ping@<ip-pbx_IP_Addr>:5060 SIP/2.0

IOP2SBC response to SIP OPTIONS messages from vendor eSBC

No calls are required for this test.

Capture SIP trace for approximately 60 seconds (depending on agreement) and check for correct signaling.

Vendors eSBC setup for Solution IP.Addr Mode

  • The eSBC is configured to send OPTIONS messages to the SBC periodically.
  • The SBC responds with SIP response 200 OK.

"OPTIONS sip:ping@ SIP/2.0"

  • Verify that the eSBC can simultaneously send SIP OPTIONS messages to both the solution SBC addresses.
IOP4Basic test call from IP-PBX to PSTN line through SBC-A (using SBC-A IPV4 ip address)
  • The IP-PBX line initiates the call. 
  • The call is answered.
  • The IP-PBX line terminates the call.

Vendors eSBC setup for Solution IP.Addr Mode

A call progresses successfully when:

  • A call is received from the IP-PBX.
  • An Invite is seen from the eSBC to SBC-A.
  • Proxy authentication challenge is returned to the eSBC.
  • A Re-invite with correct credentials is received from the eSBC. 

Request-Line: INVITE sip:<B-party>@<SBC-A ip.addr TBD>:5060 SIP/2.0
To: sip:<B-Party>@<SBC-A ip.addr TBD>

  • Check the Wireshark trace to confirm that the G.711 A law codec with 10 or 20ms packetization is used.
  • Verify that the INVITE contains the Session-Expires header, and the INVITE is syntactically correct.
  • Check the Supported Header to ensure that it supports the 'timer'. Ensure that the response in the 200 OK is compatible with the INVITE. Also, verify that the Required Header contains the 'timer'. 

Basic test call from IP-PBX to PSTN line through SBC-B (using SBC-B IPV4 ip address)

Vendor to configure eSBC so that it used secondary SBC (SBC_B) for this test

Once the test completes, eSBC to be configured to use Primary SBC-A for calls to route to

  • The IP-PBX line initiates the call. 
  • The call is answered.
  • The IP-PBX line terminates the call.

Vendors eSBC setup for Solution IP.Addr Mode

A call progresses successfully when:

  • A call is received from the IP-PBX.
  • An Invite is seen from the eSBC to SBC-B.
  • Proxy authentication challenge is returned to the eSBC.
  • A re-invite with correct credentials is received from the eSBC.

Request-Line: INVITE sip:<B-party>@<SBC-B ip.addr TBD>:5060 SIP/2.0
To: sip:<B-Party>@<SBC-B ip.addr TBD>

Check the Wireshark trace to confirm that the G.711 A law codec with 10ms or 20ms packetization is used.


Called Number format - vendors eSBC to soft switch number normalization - Global Dial Plan

Test eSBC capability to send the called number in one of the following Global number formats (user part of Request & To URIs)

0yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
+44yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
+yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = international)
yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = unknown)

Configure the SBC for Global calling plan.

  • The IP-PBX line initiates a call to the PSTN line.
  • The call is answered.
  • The IP-PBX line terminates the call.
  • Configure the eSBC to present the called number in the user part of the Request & To URIs and send it in one of the following formats:
    • 0yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
    • +44yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
    • +yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = international)
    • yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = unknown)

Calling Number format - vendors eSBC to soft switch number normalization - Global Dial Plan

Test eSBC capability to send calling number in one of the following Global number formats (user part of FROM & PAI URIs)

0yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
+44yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
00yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = international)
yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = unknown)

Configure the SBC for Global calling plan.

  • The IP-PBX line initiates a call to the PSTN line.
  • The call is answered.
  • The IP-PBX terminates the call.
  • Configure the eSBC to present the calling number in the user part of the From & PAI URIs and send it in one of the following formats:
    • 0yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
    • +44yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
    • 00yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = international)
    • yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = unknown)


Called Number format - soft switch to eSBC number normalization - Global Dial Plan

Test eSBC capability of accepting the called number in one of the following Global number formats (user part of Request & To URIs)

+44yyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
+yyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = international)
yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = unknown)

Configure the SBC for Global calling plan.

  • The PSTN line initiates a call to the IP-PBX line. 
  • The call is answered.
  • The PSTN line terminates the call.
  • Configure the eSBC to accept the called number in the user part of the Request & To URIs in one of the following formats:
    • +44yyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
    • +yyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = international)
    • yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = unknown)
  • Verify that the INVITE contains the Session-Expires header and the INVITE is syntactically correct.
  • Check the Supported Header to ensure that it supports the 'timer'. Ensure that the response in the 200 OK is compatible with the INVITE. Also, verify that the Required Header contains the 'timer'.

Calling Number format - soft switch to eSBC number normalization - Global Dial Plan

Test eSBC capability of accepting the calling number in one of the following Global number formats (user part of FROM & PAI URIs)

+44yyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
+yyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = international)
yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = unknown)

Configure the SBC for Global calling plan.

  • The PSTN line initiates a call to the IP-PBX line.
  • The call is answered.
  • The PSTN line terminates the call.
  • Configure the eSBC to accept the calling number in the user part of the Request & To URIs in one of the following formats:
    • +44yyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = national)
    • +yyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = international)
    • yyyyyyyyyy (where y refers to any number, calling party = unknown)
IOP11Emergency Call Handling -IP-PBX Line to PSTN - UK Emergency call 999
  • Make a call from the IP-PBX line to the Emergency services using 999.
  • The call is answered.
  • Either party terminates the call.

Request-Line: INVITE sip:999@<SBC-A ip.addr TBD>:5060 SIP/2.0
To: <sip:999@<SBC-A ip.addr TBD>>
From: <sip:<A-party>@<IP-PBX IP.Addr>


Emergency Call Handling -IP-PBX Line to PSTN - UK Emergency call 112

  • Make a call from the IP-PBX line to the Emergency services using 112.
  • The call is answered.
  • Either party terminates the call.

Request-Line: INVITE sip:112@<SBC-A ip.addr TBD>:5060 SIP/2.0
To: <sip:112@<SBC-A ip.addr TBD>>
From: <sip:<A-party>@<IP-PBX IP.Addr>


Emergency Call Handling -IP-PBX Line to PSTN - UK Emergency call 18000 - Text Direct

  • Make a call from the IP-PBX line using a text direct set to the Emergency services using 18000. 
  • The call is answered.
  • Either party terminates the call.

Request-Line: INVITE sip:18000@<SBC-A ip.addr TBD>:5060 SIP/2.0
To: <sip:18000@<SBC-A ip.addr TBD>>
From: <sip:<A-party>@<IP-PBX IP.Addr>


IOP14IP-PBX Line to PSTN - call answer - Originator disconnect
  • Make a call from the IP-PBX line to the PSTN line.
  • Answer the call.
  • The IP-PBX line terminates the call.
IOP15PSTN calls SIP #1, SIP #1 conferences in SIP #2
  • Make a call from the IP-PBX line to the PSTN line.
  • Answer the call.
  • The PSTN line terminates the call.
IOP16IP-PBX Line to PSTN - Busy subscriber
  • Make a call from the IP-PBX line to a busy PSTN line (without divert on busy).
  • Wait for the soft switch to return the busy response.
  • Ensure that the eSBC is not recursive.
  • Set up the call via the secondary SIP trunk.
IOP17IP-PBX Line to PSTN - No answer timeout test
  • Make a call from the IP-PBX line to a PSTN line (without divert on no answer).
  • Do not answer the call.
  • Wait for the soft switch to return the no answer timeout response.
  • Ensure that the eSBC is not recursive. 
  • Set up the call via the secondary SIP trunk.
Pass With CaveatThe timeout should be coming from our end, but 90 seconds timeout from MS Teams precedes that.

IP-PBX Line to PSTN - Subscriber not reachable

Vendor to call 01189111111

  • Make a call from the IP-PBX line to an invalid number.
  • Wait for the soft switch to return a response.
  • Ensure that the eSBC is not recursive. 
  • Set up the call via the secondary SIP trunk.
IOP19PSTN Line to IP-PBX - call answer - Originator disconnect. 
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an IP-PBX line.
  • Answer the call. 
  • The originator disconnects the call.
IOP20PSTN Line to IP-PBX - call answer - Terminator disconnect
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an IP-PBX line.
  • Answer the call.
  • The IP-PBX line terminates call.
IOP21PSTN Line to IP-PBX - busy subscriber
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to a busy IP-PBX line (without divert on busy).
  • Wait for the IP-PBX to return the busy response.
Not-executedSBC team from VM advised to change this to not executed because it would mean a change to MS team server from it default configuration to get busy and we should not be change the default configuration on MS team server.
IOP22PSTN Line to IP-PBX - No answer timeout test, Invoked by PBX
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an IP-PBX line (without divert on no answer).
  • Wait for the IP-PBX to return the no answer timeout response.
IOP23PSTN Line to IP-PBX - subscriber not reachable
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an invalid number/unprogrammed DDI on the IP-PBX.
  • Wait for the IP-PBX to return a response.
IOP24Verify CLIP service on IP-PBX line (incoming call from PSTN) 
  • Make a call from the PSTN line to the IP-PBX line.
  • The PSTN line is set to allow the CLI presentation. Check that the CLI is delivered as expected.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP25Verify CLIR service on IP-PBX line (incoming call from PSTN)
  • Make a call from the PSTN line to the IP-PBX line.
  • PSTN line is set to restrict the CLI presentation. Check that CLI is not delivered as expected.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP26Verify CLIP service on PSTN line (outgoing call from IP-PBX, From)
  • Ensure the number used in From header is agreed with the Virgin Media and entered into the soft switch database for screening.
  • Make a call from an IP-PBX line to a PSTN line.
  • Ensure the eSBC configuration enables the IP-PBX line to send the From header containing the Calling Line ID (CLI) in the INVITE.
  • Ensure that the eSBC allows the presentation of its CLI, using the privacy-header (Privacy: none or privacy-header not present).
  • Ensure that the expected CLI is presented to the PSTN line.
  • Either party terminates call.

Verify CLIP service on PSTN line (outgoing call from IP-PBX, PAI/PPI)

Vendor to ensure PAI number is different to that from which the call originates

  • Ensure the number used in the PAI/PPI header is agreed with the Virgin Media and entered into the soft switch database for screening.
  • Make a call from an IP-PBX line to a PSTN line.
  • Ensure that the eSBC configuration enables the IP-PBX line to send the PAI/PPI header containing the Calling Line ID (CLI) in the INVITE. Note that if the PAI header is populated, it will be used in preference to the From header.
  • Ensure that the eSBC allows the presentation of its CLI, using the privacy-header (Privacy: none or privacy-header not present).
  • Ensure that the expected CLI is presented to the PSTN line.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP28Verify CLIR service on PSTN line (outgoing call from IP-PBX)
  • Ensure the number used in the From/PAI header is agreed with the Virgin Media and entered into the soft switch database for screening.
  • Make a call from an IP-PBX line to a PSTN line. 
  • Ensure that the eSBC configuration enables the IP-PBX line to send the From and/or PAI header, containing either the Calling Line ID or obscured information in the INVITE.

From: "user751000" <sip:+441256751000@>;tag=12345
From: "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>;tag=12345

  • Ensure that the eSBC restricts the presentation of its CLI, using the privacy-header (Privacy: id or Privacy: user or Privacy: user;id).
  • Ensure that CLI is NOT presented to the PSTN line.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP29Verify Call Forward Immediate (unconditional) on a IP-PBX line (Incoming call from PSTN, call forward terminates within IP-PBX)
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an IP-PBX line with Call Forward to a line within the same IP-PBX.
  • Answer the call.
  • Either party terminates call.

The IP-PBX does not have configuration settings to send SIP status 181 messages to the soft switch.

IOP30Verify Call Forward Immediate (unconditional) on a IP-PBX line (Incoming call from PSTN, call forward terminates PSTN)
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an IP-PBX line with Call Forward to a line in the PSTN.
  • Answer the call.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP31Verify Call Forward Busy on IP-PBX line (Incoming call from PSTN, call forward terminates within IP-PBX)
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an IP-PBX line with Call Forward Busy (or equivalent) to a line within the IP-PBX.
  • Answer the call.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP32Verify Call Forward No-answer on IP-PBX line (Incoming call from PSTN, call forward terminates within IP-PBX)
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an IP-PBX line with Call Forward No-answer (or equivalent) to a line within the IP-PBX.
  • Answer the call.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP33Verify Call Hold Service on IP-PBX (Incoming call from PSTN)
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an IP-PBX line with Call Hold.
  • Answer the call.
  • IP-PBX line places the call on hold.
  • Leave the call on hold for 30 seconds and then retrieve call.
  • Ensure speech path is re-established in both directions.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP34Verify 3-party conference service on IP-PBX (Incoming call from PSTN, 3rd party within IP-PBX)
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an IP-PBX line with a 3-party conference.
  • Answer the call.
  • IP-PBX line uses the 3-party conference facility to place the PSTN line on hold while dialing the 3rd party (on another IP-PBX line).
  • Once the 3rd party answers the call, place the 3 parties in a conference.
  • Ensure that all parties have a two-way speech path. Keep the speech path open for at least 20 seconds.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP35Verify 3-party conference service on IP-PBX (Incoming call from PSTN, 3rd party PSTN)
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to an IP-PBX line with a 3-party conference.
  • Answer the call.
  • IP-PBX line uses the 3-party conference facility to place the PSTN line on hold while dialing the 3rd party (on another IP-PBX line).
  • Once the 3rd party has answered the call, place the 3 parties in a conference.
  • Ensure that all parties have a two-way speech path.
    Keep the speech path open for at least 20 seconds.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP36Verify do-not-disturb service on IP-PBX line (Incoming call from PSTN)
  • The call does not ring.
  • PSTN line receives an appropriate announcement or tone.
  • Record the SIP status received from the IP-PBX.

IOP37Verify Call park service on IP-PBX line (Incoming call from PSTN)
  • Make a call from a PSTN line to IP-PBX line A with Call Park (or equivalent) feature active.
  • Answer the call.
  • Place the call in the Park condition.
  • After 10 seconds, retrieve the call from the IP-PBX line B, using the Call Park pick-up code.
  • Ensure the speech path is re-established in both directions.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP38Verify Call Waiting on an IP-PBX line, involving a PSTN line
  • Make a call from PSTN line A to an IP-PBX line with Call Waiting active.
  • Answer the call. 
  • Make a call from the PSTN line B to the same IP-PBX line, which should receive an indication that a second call is waiting.
  • PSTN line B receives the ringback tone.
  • IP-PBX line answers the call from the PSTN line B.
  • PSTN line A should receive an appropriate indication that they are now on hold.
  • IP-PBX line toggles the call back to PSTN line A.
  • Ensure the speech path is re-established in both directions and that PSTN line B receives an appropriate indication that they are now on hold.
  • Either party terminates call.
IOP39Verify DTMF transmission from/to IP-PBX - Inband
  • Configure the IP-PBX/eSBC to send the DTMF transmission in-band.
  • Make a call from IP-PBX line to a PSTN line.
  • Answer the call. 
  • PSTN line presses each of the keys on the number pad in turn. Note the far-end experience.
  • IP-PBX line presses each of the keys on the number pad in turn. Note the far-end experience.

The received DTMF tone is reflective of the length of time the key was pressed.

Not-executedSBC team from VM changed this to not executed as IN Band DTMF tones is not currently support and it will require a feature to be added to the code.
IOP40Verify DTMF transmission from/to IP-PBX - RFC 2833 - telephone-event 
  • Configure the IP-PBX/eSBC to send the DTMF transmission, using RFC 2833 - telephone-event.
  • Make a call from IP-PBX line to a PSTN line.
  • Answer the call. 
  • PSTN line presses each of the keys on the number pad in turn. Note the far-end experience.
  • IP-PBX line presses each of the keys on the number pad in turn. Note the far-end experience.

The received DTMF tone is reflective the length of time the key was pressed.

IOP41T.38 Fax transmission mode - PSTN to IP-PBX origination
  • Configure the ATA/IP-PBX/eSBC, so that the Fax transmission is sent using the T.38 Version 0 Fax transmission mode.
  • Make a call from PSTN line to an IP-PBX line.
  • Answer the call. 
  • Fax transmission is completed, and the call is terminated by either of the end terminal devices.
  • Ensure the Wireshark trace shows it is using the T.38 Fax Transmission. Check that the fax is transmitted and received as expected.
Not-executedMS Teams does not support Fax.
IOP42T.38 Fax transmission mode - IP-PBX to PSTN origination
  • Configure the ATA/IP-PBX/eSBC, so that the Fax transmission is sent using the T.38 Version 0 Fax transmission mode.
  • Make a call from IP-PBX line to a PSTN line.
  • Answer the call.
  • Fax transmission is completed, and the call is terminated by either of the end terminal devices.
  • Ensure Wireshark trace shows that the T.38 Fax Transmission is used.
  • Check that the fax is transmitted and received as expected.
Not-executedMS Teams does not support Fax.
IOP43In-band G.711 Fax transmission mode - PSTN to IP-PBX origination
  • Configure the ATA/IP-PBX/eSBC, so that Fax transmission is sent using the in-band G.711 Fax transmission mode.
  • Make a call from the PSTN line to an IP-PBX line.
  • Answer the call.
  • Fax transmission is completed, and the call is terminated by either of the end terminal devices.
  • Ensure the Wireshark trace shows that the in-band G.711 Fax Transmission is used.
  • Check that the fax is transmitted and received as expected.
Not-executedMS Teams does not support Fax.
IOP44In-band G.711 Fax transmission mode - IP-PBX to PSTN origination
  • Configure the ATA/IP-PBX/eSBC, so that the Fax transmission is sent using the  in-band G.711 Fax transmission mode.
  • Make a call from IP-PBX line to a PSTN line.
  • Answer the call.
  • Fax transmission is completed, and the call is terminated by either of the end terminal devices.
  • Ensure the Wireshark trace shows that the in-band G.711 Fax Transmission is used.
  • Check that the fax is transmitted and received as expected.
Not-executedMS Teams does not support Fax.
IOP45Test for call in progress audit function (response to in-call OPTIONS from soft switch to eSBC) & session refresh & response to UPDATE messages.
  • Make a call from an IP-PBX line to a PSTN line.
  • Answer the call.
  • Leave the two parties in conversation for 35 minutes.
  • Ensure the Session-expires setting is 3600 or less.
  • Ensure both parties have two-way speech at the beginning and end of call.
  • Either party terminates the call.
  • Check the Wireshark trace to ensure that the in-call OPTIONS are sent by the soft switch, and that the eSBC responds with status 200OK.
  • Check if the eSBC sends any in-call audit SIP messages.
  • Check for session refresh Update or Re-Invite and correct response.

Test for 4 simultaneous calls: 2 inbound, 2 outbound calls

Vendor to configure eSBC for Round robin to ensure calls go to both Primary and secondary SBC

  • Configure the eSBC, so that successive calls route to alternate SBCs (round robin, cyclic, and so on).
  • Make 4 simultaneous calls: 2 inbound and 2 outbound calls.
  • Answer the calls and ensure two-way speech path for each call.
Not-executedRound robin outbound calls is not a feature of the EdgeMarc platform. Adding this feature requires a change in the Edgemarc code. 
IOP47Test for eSBC endpoint restart-recovery
  • Restart the eSBC.
  • Ensure that, after recovery, inbound and outbound calls are successful.
IOP48Test for eSBC loss of Ethernet link and reconnection
  • Remove the Ethernet link between the eSBC and CE router. Leave in this condition for at least 3 minutes.
  • Reconnect the Ethernet link and ensure that after approximately 2 minutes inbound and outbound calls are successful.
Pass With CaveatIt takes five minutes before Edgmarc EM6000 accepts inbound calls when MS Teams or the SIP Trunk becomes unreachable,. Five consecutive Options (pings) are required from the EdgeMarc before it declares a trunk is available or clears the unreachable alarm.)
IOP49Test for the Primary SBC loss 

** Contact MSL engineer to carry out the following **

  • On the Primary SBC, carry out the ALLSTOP command to disable the SBC.
  • Make a call from the IP-PBX line to a PSTN Line.
  • Make sure that the call tries to route to the Primary SBC. On a non-response to INVITE, the eSBC re-routes the call to the Secondary SBC.
  • Wait for call answer.
  • Either party terminates call.

** Contact MSL engineer to carry out the following **

  • Restart the Primary SBC.
IOP51Test for Call forward Internal Busy

Additional test to cover when vendors are using Microsoft Skype for Business 2015:

  • PBX Subscriber 1 makes a call to PBX Subscriber 2, so that the PSTN to call the PBX subscriber 1 is Busy.
  • PSTN calls PBX user 1. The call should automatically go to voicemail after 10 seconds when call forwarding is off.
  • If VM is on another PBX Internal Line, the call should go to voicemail.
  • PSTN user listens to the voiceMail announcement, and leaves a clear message for PBX Subscriber 1 in VM.
  • If forwarded to voicemail, the PSTN terminates the call after hearing the VM announcement.
  • If forwarded to another user, either party terminates the call after checking that speech is clear in both directions.
IOP52Test for Call forward internal on No Answer

Additional test to cover when vendors are using Microsoft Skype for Business 2015:

  • PSTN calls PBX user 1.
  • The PBX User 1 should not to answer the call.
  • The call should automatically go to voicemail (VM), which is in another internal PBX line if call forwarding is turned off.
  • The call automatically goes to voicemail after 10 seconds.
  • The PSTN terminates the call after hearing the VM announcement.
  • If call forwarding is ON, the call is forwarded to another PBX user internal.
  • Check the speech quality, and terminate the call after checking that speech is clear in both directions.
IOP53Test for making a call from a PBX to a PSTN
  • Configure the eSBC to offer the T.38 in addition to G711A-law and G711-U law.
  • Make a call from the PBX to a PSTN.
  • Ensure the call is connected and dialog takes place for 10 minutes.
  • Check the Wireshark output. Confirm that the T.38 is not reflected in the protocol column after the call is connected for 7 minutes.
  • If T.38 is reflected in the protocol column, note it down.
Not-executedSince MS Teams does not support Fax, configuring T.38 on the Edgemarc platform when using MS Teams is never required.

Appendix A

  • If you need to send as Caller Number "Anonymous", you need to configure the next parameters Anonymous Profile in MS Teams:


  • Busy Profile is one of the default profile available on the MS Teams admin page. Admin can assign this profile to a particular user, using CLI or GUI. You need this configuration if you need to send a Busy Tone for busy calls:

Busy Tone