The below sections describe the configuration Parameter values that can be set from the Configure Devices screen.

 Here are the settings that can be configured:

Network Settings

The below given are the parameters for configuring the network settings:

  • LAN IP Address: Enter the IP address used by the EdgeMarc for the private internal network.
  • Netmask: Select the Subnet Mask.
  • WAN Interface IPv4 settings (Static IP/ DHCP): Select the type of IPv4 WAN interface.
  • WAN IP Address: The static IP address used by the EdgeMarc for the WAN, or DHCP.
  • WAN gateway: The default gateway address.
  • Manually Set DNS: DNS server information to override any negotiated connection settings for DNS servers.
  • Enable SNTP: Synchronize with an SNTP server on the network.
  • Enable DHCP Server: Enable DHCP Server on LAN interface.
  • Secondary WAN Interface IPv4 settings: Select the type of IPv4 Secondary WAN interface from any of the given options:
    • Disable Secondary WAN
    • Static IP
    • DHCP
  • Manually set DNS for Secondary WAN: DNS server information to override any negotiated connection settings for DNS servers for secondary WAN.

Security Settings

The below given are the parameters for configuring the security settings:

  • Allow SSH access through firewall: Select this option to allow SSH access through firewall.
  • Allow HTTP access through firewall: Select this option to allow HTTP access through firewall.
  • Allow HTTPS access through firewall: Select this option to allow HTTPS access through firewall.
  • Allow SNMP access through firewall: Select this option to allow SNMP access through firewall.

Admin / Service Config Settings

The below given are the parameters for configuring the Admin / Service Config Settings:

  • Enable SNMPv1: Select this option to enable SNMPv1.
  • Enable Remote System Logging: Select this option to enable Remote System Logging.
  • Enable MOS Scoring: Select this option to enable MOS Scoring.
  • Enable Analytics: Select this option to enable Analytics.
  • Enable System Monitor: Select this option to enable System Monitor.

Trusted Hosts Settings

Trusted Hosts allows a user to define a list of hosts or networks that are allowed to access this system via management protocols. The below given is the parameter used for configuring the Trusted Hosts Settings:

  • Enable Trusted Hosts: Select this option to enable/disable Trusted Hosts. After choosing 'enable trusted hosts', an option to configure the list presents itself.
    • Set IP Addresses for Trusted Hosts: List of hosts or networks that are allowed to access this system via management protocols.
    • Netmask: Select the Subnet Mask.

VOIP Settings

The below given are the parameters used for configuring the VOIP settings:

  • SIP Server Name: If an SIP ALG is needed, enter the address (either an IP or URL).
  • SIP Server Port: Enter the port number of the SIP server.
  • SIP Server Transport: Select the SIP server transport settings. The SIP server transport settings will translate the outgoing B2BUA SIP signaling to the selected transport before forwarding to the SIP server.
  • Use Custom Domain: Select this to enable/disable SIP server custom domain.
  • Enable Multi - Homed Outbound Proxy Mode: This option allows or prevents phones from using a softswitch FQDN while using the EdgeMarc LAN IP as its outbound proxy. If the phone uses an IP address instead of a URL, this option does not prevent it.
  • Client UDP Listening ports: The port(s) on which the system will listen for SIP over UDP messages from SIP clients.
  • Enable Transparent Proxy mode: This option allows the system to intercept SIP messages from a LAN-side phone regardless of the outbound proxy and SIP proxy values configured in the phone.

Survivability Settings

The below given are the parameters used for configuring the Survivability Settings:

  • Enable Keepalives: Select this to enable Keepalives.
  • Error code to count as success: Select this to count error code as success.
  • Rate - Pacing behavior: Select the Rate - Pacing behavior.
  • Rate - Pacing interval: Select the Rate - Pacing interval.
  • Enable SIP server Redundancy: Select this to enable SIP server Redundancy.
  • Enable Phone Expires Override: Select this to enable Phone Expires Override.
  • Monitor SIP Messages: When this option is selected, the system monitors the SIP requests sent to the active server (excluding keepalive messages generated by the system).