In this section:

This section provides a detailed description about the requirements to install EdgeView Service Control Center.

Download EdgeView Service Control Center Installation File

Download the installation files from a remote web server to the /opt directory of your Linux server.

Deploy the installation file using Ribbon's installation script to instalEdgeView, as described in this section.  

Installation Prerequisites

Minimum Requirements:

  • CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 18 Virtual Machine. 
    • Use a dedicated virtual machine with no other production applications running on it. Install and update the base OS packages to the latest versions.
    • Ensure Internet connectivity to automatically install and configure software dependencies.
  • vCPU/Core: 8*
    • Example: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8175M CPU @ 2.50 GHz
  • RAM: 32 GB*
  • NIC interface: 1
  • Disks mounted to the Virtual Machine: 2**
    • Host OS: 100 GB minimum
    • EdgeView/Docker storage: 
      • Recommended 1 TB. Minimum 500 GB*.
  • Docker version 20.10.6
  • Docker Compose version 1.28.5

*CPU, Memory and Disk resources should have monitor and alert functions configured using tools native to the environment. It is recommended that you monitor and alert at generally safe thresholds, for example use 75% of the capacity and increase the resources available to the system as necessary. 

**Configure and mount an additional disk/file system at /var/lib/docker/ prior to any installation activities. This provides greater flexibility and reliability on production systems. A sample configuration guide is provided under Configuring Storage for EdgeView and Docker section.


If you choose to install the EdgeView product on a bare metal server, Ribbon recommends managing the storage provided to the OS through a logical volume manager to enable redundancy and facilitate expanding storage capacity over time.

However, due to the operational complexity, Ribbon does not recommended this option for most environments. Additionally, configuring such an environment is considered outside the scope of this document. Contact your Ribbon Sales representative for guidance.

Network Port Requirements:

Open the following ports to ensure a successful EdgeView installation: 

  • 80, 443 for HTTP/HTTPS
    Inbound (EdgeView GUI access and initial ZTP connection from EdgeMarc)
  • 5671 for EMPath
    Inbound (RabbitMQ communication between EdgeMarc and EdgeView)
  • 8022, 8443 for EM GUI access
    Inbound (Communication between EdgeView and EdgeMarc)
  • 9142 for legacy support data syncing
    Inbound (Cassandra connection for legacy support)
  • 22 for ssh
    Inbound (Connection of EdgeMarc devices in environments that have both EdgeView14 and EdgeView15 deployed)
  • 25, 587 for SMTP
    Outbound (For EdgeView to send email notifications to users)

VM Sizing Chart:

EdgeView Configuration
EdgeMarcs/Calls per second3000/60

Testing Environment:

  • CentOS 7.7.1908
  • Docker 20.10.6
  • Docker Compose 1.28.5
  • EdgeView 16.2.0
  • Infrastructure/Hardware: AWS m5 instances with EBS storage

Capacity numbers vary based on a variety of factors. Use the above information as a reference point based on your specific hardware and associated environment requirements.