Modified: for 16.0.1

In this section:


This section describes how to use the EdgeView SCC to replace older model EdgeMarc devices to newer model devices using the  EdgeMarc Swap (ESWAP) feature. 


ESWAP, the EdgeView replacement solution, is a method of migration from legacy EdgeMarc devices and EdgeView 14 to newer model EdgeMarc devices and the new EdgeView SCC.  


Before proceeding, install EdgeView SCC and make sure that the legacy EdgeView and public Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) server are reachable. Refer to Installing and Upgrading EdgeView SCC for more details on how to install EdgeView SCC.

During the EdgeView SCC installation, the administrator registers the EdgeView using a registration key received from Ribbon and sets up the evadmin and tenantadmin user profiles. Use the evadmin credentials and set a valid email address in General Settings Notification Sender Email to allow EdgeView to send emails for password resets or first-time password creation when adding new users. 

ZTP allows you to redirect factory defaulted or out-of-the-box, newer model EdgeMarc devices to the EdgeView using auto-provisioning and ESWAP. When an order is placed for a new EdgeMarc device, Ribbon's order management system assigns this EdgeMarc device's LAN MAC address to an EdgeView SCC identifier. This identifier references the device's registration when EdgeView is first installed. The identifier and the device's LAN MAC address are used by the ZTP server to provide redirection to this EdgeMarc when it is placed in the network for service deployment. The EdgeMarc contacts the ZTP server and provides it its LAN MAC address and the ZTP server provides the EdgeMarc the URL to contact the EdgeView SCC which then claims this device using auto-provisioning or ESWAP.

Configure EdgeView SCC

Configure EdgeView SCC for EdgeView 14 Integration

This section describes how to configure EdgeView SCC and EdgeView 14, so as to allow the ESWAP feature to extract the legacy device's active running configuration and apply it to the newer model EdgeMarc replacement device.

The ESWAP feature requests the configuration of a legacy EdgeMarc device to the EdgeView 14 managing it, when the device is online and in service. EdgeView 14 contacts the legacy device using its management protocol methods and performs a full system backup.

Create a Collection for EdgeView 14 Integration

To integrate EdgeView SCC with EdgeView 14, create a collection. The integration process synchronizes all EdgeView 14 groups and EdgeMarc devices to this collection. You can create this collection with the tenantadmin or a named user with tenantadmin rights. In all examples of this section, the tenantadmin user is used. 

To create a collection:

  1. Choose Devices > Collections. The Collections page appears.

  2. Choose ADD COLLECTION. The Add Collection page appears.

  3. Enter the following details: 

    • Name – Enter a name for your collection.

    • Description – Enter a description for the collection.

    • External API Key – To integrate a top-level collection with Phonism, specify the Phonism API key. For more details on integrating Phonism with the EdgeView, refer to Integrate Phonism with EdgeView.
    • Firmware Repository – Choose the Firmware Repository to associate with the collection. 

  4. Select ADD COLLECTION once you are done. The collection is added successfully. For more details on how to create a collection, refer to Create Collections in EdgeView.
  5. The created collection now appears under Devices > Collection. Select the created collection and click the Edit icon in the Policy pane.

  6. Click Add.


    It is not necessary to make any changes to the policy before clicking Add.

  7. Go to Devices > Collection and select the Unassigned Collection.

  8. Add a policy to the unassigned collection by selecting the Unassigned Collection and clicking the Edit icon in the Policy pane.

  9. Click Add.


    It is not necessary to make any changes to the policy before clicking Add.

Create an External Admin Collection User for EdgeView 14 Integration

EdgeView SCC requires a specific user type for EdgeView 14 integration. This section explains how to create this user and to assign this user to the newly created collection. 

The integration process synchronizes all EdgeView 14 groups and EdgeMarc devices to the collection using this username and password for authentication to EdgeView SCC

To create a user:

  1. Choose Users > List. The users List page appears.
  2. Choose ADD USER. The Add User page appears.

  3. Enter the following details:
    • Full Name
    • User Name
    • Email
    • Phone Number (Optional)


      Make sure that the email address you provide is one that you have access to, as you will receive the reset password function for the externaladmin user on this email address.

  4. Choose the collection that you created to get access to the collection.
  5. Choose the Role type as externaladmin. This role is specific to EdgeView 14 integration and cannot be used for EdgeView SCC login and management.
  6. Configure the Collection Access by selecting the collection created for EdgeView 14 integration.

  7. The following notification appears. Click OK.

  8. Select ADD USER to save changes and to add the new user.
  9. If required, reset your password by selecting Reset Password.


    New user creation automatically sends a reset password email to the user's configured email address. The reset password function is required if the password is forgotten or a new operations person is managing the system.

For more details on how to create a user, refer to User Management in EdgeView.

Configure EdgeView 14


  • TCP port 443 – For HTTPS REST request for synchronization - allow inbound to the EdgeView SCC IP.
  • TCP port 5671 – For status reporting after synchronization - allow inbound to the EdgeView SCC IP.

Configure EdgeView 14 for EdgeView SCC Integration

This section describes how to configure EdgeView 14, so as to connect to EdgeView SCC to allow the ESWAP feature to extract the legacy device's active running configuration and apply it to the newer model EdgeMarc replacement device.

To configure the EdgeView 14:

  1. Go to the EdgeView 14 server and log in as a user with administrator role.
  2. Choose EV SYSTEM > System Settings > EdgeView 15. The EdgeView 15 tab appears.

  3. Enter the following details:
    • Enable EV15 Synchronization: Select the check-box.

    • EV15 Address: Enter the EdgeView 15 IP address.

    • EV15 Username: Enter the user-name of the user created in Create an External Admin Collection User for EdgeView 14 Integration.

    • EV15 User Password: Enter the user's password.

    • EdgeView14 External Address: Configure the IP or FQDN of this EdgeView 14 system. By default populates the IP address of logged-in EdgeView 14.x.x.


      The field description asks you to include 'http://' or 'https://' in the address. Do not include these in the address string. 

  4. Click Save and then select Test EV15 Connection to test the connection.

  5. If the connection is successful, select Sync with EV15.

  6. You are prompted to confirm the sync. Click OK.

    If the sync is successful, the following screen appears.

  7. On the EdgeView SCC, select the collection created. All the collections and devices in the EdgeView 14.x.x are populated here.

For more details on the EdgeView 15 synchronization, refer to Manage EdgeMarc Legacy Devices.

Verify EdgeView 14 – EdgeView SCC Integration

The time required to complete the synchronization depends on the number of EdgeView 14 groups and EdgeMarc nodes. As an example, if the EdgeView 14 has two groups with one EdgeMarc in each group, the synchronization is completed within a few seconds.

The synchronization time depends on:

  • Compute resources on both EdgeView 14 and EdgeView SCC
  • The speed of your network connection.
  • The number of groups and EdgeMarc devices being synchronized.

Any IDS/IPS system inspecting the TCP 443 connection can introduce delays.

To verify the synchronization:

  1. Log in to EdgeView SCC.
  2. Go to Devices > Collections.

  3. Select the collection created in Create a Collection for EdgeView 14 Integration that now appears with a blue highlight and the label Legacy.

    The external admin user created in Create an External Admin Collection User for EdgeView 14 Integration and assigned to this collection, gives EdgeView 14 the permission to connect to the EdgeView SCC and copy all groups and EdgeMarc devices on EdgeView 14 to this specific collection.

  4. The Relationship pane contains the synchronized grouping structure and sub-groups from EdgeView 14. 


    The initial synchronization may take a while to complete.

    Synchronization from EdgeView 14 to EdgeView SCC is an ongoing process. When a group or EdgeMarc is created on EdgeView 14, they are synchronized with EdgeView SCC in real-time. Test this by adding a new EdgeView 14 group and verifying that this group is available on EdgeView SCC.

  5. Verify the availability and connectivity of legacy EdgeMarc devices by selecting the required group.

  6. Select the Devices tab. The following screen appears with all the EdgeMarc devices in the EdgeView 14 group. The EdgeView SCC replacement feature is now functional.

EdgeView SCC Replacement Feature

Replace the Legacy EdgeMarc Device

ESWAP provides a way to easily convert a legacy model EdgeMarc SBC to a newer model EdgeMarc SBC.

The legacy management and SBC solution used a multi-protocol management method to provide operators with the toolsets required to provide end-users a quick analysis of the problem they are experiencing or help with additional service configuration requirements. As networks began to grow, security surrounding VoIP solutions became a topic of concern. The new EdgeMarc devices and the EdgeView SCC provides better security to protect device data, new connection methods to ensure strong encryption, all the while maintaining ease of deployment. 

The EdgeView SCC along with newer EdgeMarc firmware provides this added security element with methods for transitioning older legacy devices that are in service, quickly and securely. The ZTP process provides redirection of newer EdgeMarc devices to the EdgeView SCC server. The EdgeView SCC to/from ZTP uses TCP port 443 with HTTP REST based API’s. The EdgeMarc that contacts ZTP also uses TCP port 443 and when redirected to the EdgeView SCC server, creates a new TCP 443 connection for provisioning. EdgeView uses the ESWAP feature to identify legacy devices to be replaced with newer model EdgeMarc devices that use a single port TCP 443 encrypted connection for provisioning and EdgeView SCC management. The legacy devices multi-protocol management method required certain service ports to be opened inbound to the legacy EdgeMarc, but the new EdgeMarc devices connect outbound to the EdgeView SCC for management. 

This section explains how to replace a legacy device managed by EdgeView 14 with a newer device completely managed by EdgeView SCC. The new device once replaced, runs the legacy device's latest configuration to reduce service outage at the end-user's location.

To replace legacy device:

  1. Go to the EdgeView 14 server and log in as a user with administrator role.
  2. Go to Devices > Collections and select the collection used for EdgeView 14 synchronization.

  3. Select the legacy group populated by the EdgeView 14 synchronization.

  4. Select Devices tab and choose the legacy device to replace. 

  5. On the device overview page, go to Actions > Replace Device. A Replace Device dialog box appears.


    If you select Manage Device from the Actions drop-down menu, a new browser instance of the EdgeView 14 appears as the selected device is not yet fully managed by EdgeView SCC. The browser that opens is not a direct connection to the EdgeMarc, but a proxy connection to the EdgeView 14.

  6. In the Replace Device dialog box, enter the MAC address of the new replacement device and click REPLACE.


    One method to obtain the replacement device's MAC address is by logging into it and copying it from the Admin page. 

  7. You are prompted to confirm the action. Click Confirm.

  8. You are redirected to the Action Log page. You are most likely to see a pending status. During this process, the EdgeView SCC is waiting for the EdgeView 14 to create a backup of the legacy device. This may take up to 10 minutes.


    Hovering over the status indicator shows a message when the device is ready for replacement.

  9. Go to Provisioning > Status. The current state of the EdgeView during replacement is displayed. Awaiting Contact signifies that the EdgeView is waiting for the replacement device to connect and request provisioning. 

  10. Power on the replacement device for provisioning. It may take a few minutes for the replacement device to boot up and connect to the EdgeView. The status changes when the replacement device is configured. Select the Finished check-box to verify the status.

    The Action Log also displays a Completed status. 

    The new device is now ready for EdgeView SCC management.

For more details on how to replace EdgeMarc devices, refer to Replace EdgeMarc Legacy Devices.


By default, the new EdgeMarc device lands in the same collection as that of the EdgeMarc device it replaces. You can move it to any other collection. For more information on how to move an EdgeMarc device to a different collection, refer to Perform Actions on SBC Edge

Verify Replacement

To verify that the replacement is successful:

  1. Go to Devices > Collections.
  2. Select the Unassigned collection. The new EdgeMarc device is now visible in the collection and ready for management. 


    In this example, the full legacy configuration is applied to the replacement device – this includes the hostname and all IP configurations.

  3. Select the new device for a list of full management parameters.


    The legacy hostname configuration is applied to the replacement device due to the policy but the replacement MAC, model, and firmware correctly reflect the replacement device.