In this section:

This section describes the IPv6 support of EdgeView and its limitations.


EdgeView supports EdgeMarc devices using IPv6 addressing on their interfaces. This ensures that:

  • EdgeView accepts IPv6 requests from EdgeMarc devices and user clients.
  • EdgeView upgrades EdgeMarc VOS using IPv6 address.
  • EdgeView supports IPv6 management in IP selection when IPv6 addresses are present.
  • EdgeView processes MOS reports where one or more endpoints are using IPv6 address.
  • EdgeView is able to change IPv6 parameters on all relevant subsystems including networking, COS, SIP and management.
  • EdgeMarc devices with only IPv4 addresses can be registered with dual setup EdgeViews.

Configure EdgeView in dual setup mode with both EV_IP and EV_IP6GUI_IP is used as both the management IP and the IP address to access EdgeView from the browser. It should be the same same as EV_IP or EV_IP6 depending on whether the EdgeView is setup for the user to be opened using an IPv4 or IPv6 url. For more details on configuring EdgeView refer to Install and Configure EdgeView.

Deployment Scenarios

EdgeView IPv6 management support covers the following deployment scenarios:

Dual Stack WAN with IPv4 Voice and IPv6 Management

EdgeView with dual stack WAN capabilities can be deployed in a network environment with IPv4 voice and IPv6 management.

IPv6 Management - Dual-Stack WAN with IPv4 voice

Dual Stack WAN with IPv6 Voice and IPv6 Management

EdgeViewwith dual stack WAN capabilities can be deployed in a network environment with IPv6 voice and IPv6 management.

IPv6 Management - Dual-Stack WAN with IPv6 voice

IPv6 WAN with IPv6 Voice and IPv6 Management

EdgeView with IPv6 WAN capabilities can be deployed in a network environment with IPv6 voice and IPv6 management.

IPv6 Management - IPv6 WAN with IPv6 voice


IPv6 support in Docker Compose has limitations. As a result of this:

  • ZTP Auto-provisioning is not supported in dual setup. Register EdgeMarc through EM path management server.
  • Pure IPv6 SMTP is not supported. To connect to SMTP, EdgeView still uses IPv4.