In this section:

To perform bulk actions in EdgeView, choose Devices > List.

EdgeView Devices Menu

The EdgeMarc devices list appears.

EdgeView Devices List

Bulk Configure

To perform bulk Configure, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required EdgeMarc devices to bulk configure from the devices list (see EdgeView Devices List image).
  2. Select Configure Device from Bulk Actions drop-down list.

    Bulk Actions

    The Configure Devices page appears.

    Configure Devices Page

  3. Make the necessary configuration changes.


    You can also push a complete configuration from EdgeView 15 or higher to an EdgeMarc. Select Click to select a file or drag it here to push new configurations to an EdgeMarc (see Configure Devices page image). 


    Refer to the Configuring Parameter Values section in this document to see in detail the Configuration Parameter Values. 

  4. Schedule when to configure your device by selecting Perform Now or Perform Later. If you decide to perform the configuration later, enter the following details:
    • Schedule Name – Enter a schedule name of your choice.
    • Date and Time – Enter the date and time when the configuration is to be performed.
    • Time Zone – Choose whether time is to be calculated based on Local Time Zone or UTC.

      Schedule Configuration - Perform Later

  5. Select CONFIGURE 2 DEVICES to save the changes (see Configure Devices page image).


If you scheduled this bulk action to be performed at a later point in time, you can edit this action at any point before the scheduled time. To edit, go to Jobs > Scheduled Jobs and click the Edit icon corresponding to this bulk action. For more details on scheduling and editing a job, refer to Scheduling Jobs in EdgeView.

Bulk SD-WAN Configuration

To perform bulk SD-WAN Configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required EdgeMarc devices to bulk configure from the devices list (see EdgeView Devices List image).

  2. Select Configure SD-WAN from Bulk Actions drop-down list.

    Bulk Actions

    The Configure SD-WAN page appears.

    Configure SD-WAN Page

  3. Make the necessary configuration changes and then select CONFIGURE SD-WAN ON 2 DEVICES to save the changes (see Configure SD-WAN Screen image).


    For more details on configuring SD-WAN, refer to Deploying SD-WAN on EdgeMarc Device.  

Bulk Upgrade

To perform bulk upgrade, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required EdgeMarc devices for performing bulk actions from the devices list (see Configure Devices page image). 
  2. Select Upgrade Firmware from Bulk Actions drop-down list.

    Bulk Actions

    The Upgrade Firmware page appears where you can confirm the devices to upgrade.

    Upgrade Devices

  3. Select UPGRADE TO to choose the version.

  4. Schedule when to upgrade your device by selecting Perform Now or Perform Later. If you decide to perform the upgrade later, enter the following details:
    • Schedule Name – Enter a schedule name of your choice.
    • Date and Time – Enter the date and time when the upgrade is to be performed.
    • Time Zone – Choose whether time is to be calculated based on Local Time Zone or UTC.

      Schedule Upgrade - Perform Later

  5. Select UPGRADE 2 DEVICES (see upgrade Devices image).


If you scheduled this bulk action to be performed at a later point in time, you can edit this action at any point before the scheduled time. To edit, go to Jobs > Scheduled Jobs and click the Edit icon corresponding to this bulk action. For more details on scheduling and editing a job, refer to Scheduling Jobs in EdgeView.

Moving Devices in Bulk to a Collection

To move devices in bulk from unassigned list to a collection, or from one collection to another, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required EdgeMarc devices for performing bulk actions from the devices list (see Configure Devices page image). 
  2. Select Move to Collection from the Bulk Actions drop-down list.

    Bulk Action

    The Move to Collection page appears where you can select the collection to which you need to move the device, be it a specific collection or to the Unassigned collection.

    Move Devices Page

  3. Choose the collection and click MOVE 2 DEVICES (see Move Devices page image). You are prompted to confirm the action.

    Moving Devices

  4. Select MOVE NOW to move the devices.

Bulk Delete Devices


Before deleting EdgeMarc devices, please make sure that these devices have been taken out of service and shut down. If these devices are up and running during deletion, you may experience unexpected behaviors.

To delete EdgeMarc devices in bulk, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required EdgeMarc devices for performing bulk actions from the devices list (see Configure Devices page image). 
  2. Select Delete Device from the Bulk Actions drop-down list.

    Bulk Actions

    The Delete Devices page appears where you can confirm the deletion of devices.

    Delete Devices Page

  3. Select DELETE 3 DEVICES (see Delete Devices page image). You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

    Confirm Deletion

  4. Select DELETE NOW to delete the devices.

Bulk Health Report Run

Health report provides the list of devices connected to the EdgeMarc LAN port and their details (IP address, MAC Address, TWAMP)

To view bulk health report, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required EdgeMarc devices for performing bulk actions from the devices list (see Configure Devices page image). 
  2. Select Run Health Report from the Bulk Actions drop-down list.

    EdgeView Devices List Menu

    The Run Health Report page appears where you can confirm the devices to run health report.

    Devices Health Report Page

  3. Select the RUN HEALTH REPORT FOR 2 DEVICES (see Devices Health Report page image). 
    The Action Log page appears.

    Action Log

Bulk Backup Devices

To backup EdgeMarc devices in bulk, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required EdgeMarc devices for performing bulk actions from the devices list (see Configure Devices page image).
  2. Select Backup Configuration from the Bulk Actions drop-down list.

    Bulk Actions

    The Backup Configuration page appears where you can confirm the devices to backup.

    Backup Devices Page

  3. Select BACKUP 2 DEVICES (see Backup Devices page image).

You can edit this bulk action at a later point in time. To edit, go to Jobs > Scheduled Jobs and click the Edit icon corresponding to this bulk action. For more details on scheduling and editing a job, refer to Scheduling Jobs in EdgeView.

Bulk Restore Configuration

In order to restore your EdgeMarc device to a previous backup point, you should have your EdgeMarc device backed up earlier.


You can Restore your EdgeMarc device to only the available backup points.

To restore EdgeMarc devices in bulk, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required EdgeMarc devices for performing bulk actions from the devices list (see Configure Devices page image). 
  2. Select Restore Configuration from the Bulk Actions drop-down list.

    Bulk Action

    The Restore Configuration page appears where you can select the date and time to which you are required to restore the devices.

    Restore Devices Page

  3. Choose RESTORE 2 DEVICES (see Restore Devices page image). You are prompted to confirm the action.

    Confirm Restore

  4. Select RESTORE to restore the devices.

Bulk Change Passwords

To change the passwords of  EdgeMarc devices in bulk, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required EdgeMarc devices for performing bulk actions from the devices list (see Configure Devices page image). 

  2. Select Change Passwords from the Bulk Actions drop-down list.

    Bulk Actions

    The Change Password page appears where you can set the Root Password, GUI User Root, and GUI User Rouser passwords.

    Change Password

  3. Select Set all as and then enter Root Password, GUI User Root and GUI User (see Change Password image).

  4. Select SET PASSWORD FOR 1 DEVICE (see Change Password image). The Change Password for 1 device page appears where you can confirm the password change.

    Change Password Confirm

  5. Select CHANGE PASSWORD from the confirmation screen to change the passwords (see Change Password Confirm image).

Bulk Reboot

To reboot EdgeMarc devices in bulk, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required EdgeMarc devices for performing bulk actions from the devices list (see Configure Devices page image). 

  2. Select Reboot Device from the Bulk Actions drop-down list.

    Bulk Actions

    The Reboot Devices page appears where you can confirm the devices to Reboot.

    Reboot Devices

  3. Select REBOOT 2 DEVICES (see Reboot Device image).

You can edit this bulk action at a later point in time. To edit, go to Jobs > Scheduled Jobs and click the Edit icon corresponding to this bulk action. For more details on scheduling and editing a job, refer to Scheduling Jobs in EdgeView.