In this section:

This section explains how to add, activate, edit and delete troubleshooting rules in the EdgeView SCC.

Troubleshooting Rules in the EdgeView

Troubleshooting Rules provide an essential service assurance feature in the EdgeView that includes superior configuration, troubleshooting, remediation, and analytical capabilities. It allows you to automate and modify rules that define events and associated actions.

Adding a New Rule

Perform the following steps to add a new troubleshooting rule in the EdgeView.

  1. Choose Troubleshooting > Rules.

    Troubleshooting Drop-down List

    The Rules page appears.

    Rules Page

  2. Select ADD NEW RULE to add a new rule (see Rules page image). The Add New Rule page appears.

    Add New Rule Page

  3. On the Add New Rule page, fill the fields as detailed below:
    1. Rule Name: Enter a rule name of your choice.

    2. Trigger Type: Click on the drop-down list (see Rule Triggers image) to choose from six different triggers that are listed below:

      • Application Diagnostic Report: When service stops unexpectedly.
      • EdgeMarc Down: When the EdgeView loses contact with the EdgeMarc.

      • Kernel Diagnostic Report: When a kernel crash occurs.
      • MOS Below Threshold: When MOS score falls below a pre-configured threshold on an individual EdgeMarc.

      • SIP server Unavailable: When the EdgeMarc loses contact with the SIP server.

      • SIP server Mode Change: When the EdgeMarc goes into/out of survivability.

      • SIP server Change: When, due to redundancy, the EdgeMarc switches to the next SIP server on the list or switches back to the high priority one.

      • WAN Link Change: When there is a WAN link status change (up/down).

      Rule Triggers

    3. Rule: Define the rule depending on the trigger type.

    4. Actions: Choose the actions to perform based on the trigger type. 

    5. Rule Severity: Choose the desired rule severity (see Rule Severity image).

      Rule Severity

    6. Define Scope: Click SELECT COLLECTION OR DEVICE to select the device or collection to apply the rule against.

    7. Notify: Click ADD RECIPIENTS to add users who will receive notifications when this rule is triggered.

    8. Leave the Active box selected to ensure that the rule remains active (see Active Check-box image).

      Active Check-box

  4. After defining the rule, select ADD RULE to add the new rule.

    Add Rule Page

    A dialog box displays confirming the rule is added successfully. 

  5. Click OK.

Activating a Rule

Upon successful addition of new rule, you are redirected to the Rules page (see Rules page image). To activate a rule, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the check-box under Active, corresponding to the rule you want to activate (see Activate Rule image).

    Activate Rule

    A dialog box displays confirming the rule is turned on successfully.

    Rule Activated

  2. Select CLOSE (see Rule Activated image).

Editing and Deleting a Rule

To edit a rule, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the edit icon on the right side of the Rules page.

    Edit Rule

  2. On the Edit Rule page, make the required changes and save them.

To delete a rule, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the delete icon on the right side of the Rules page (see Edit Rule image).

    You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

    Confirm Deletion

  2. Select CONTINUE to confirm (see Confirm Deletion image). A Success popup appears on successful deletion.