In this section:

This section explains the auto cleanup feature of EdgeView.


The EdgeView performs auto cleanup of data periodically to free storage space. Users are allowed to set duration of data retention. All database entries (except configuration data), Docker volumes and files outside Docker volumes including log files and pcap files older than the retention date are removed.


Disk space is not freed immediately after data deletion. It is eventually reclaimed by Docker and/or the underlying operating system and virtual machine.

Configure Data Retention Duration

To configure data retention duration:

  1. Log in to the EdgeView as evadmin.

    EdgeView Login

  2. In the General Settings tab, scroll down to Data & Files.

    General Settings Tab

  3. In the Data & Files panel click the Edit icon and select the data retention duration from the Purge data older than drop-down list.
    You can choose to retain data for 30 days, 60 days or 90 days.

    EdgeView Login