In this section:

Creating Users in EdgeView 

To create a new user in EdgeView, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Users > List.

    EdgeView List Menu

    The users List page appears.

    Users List Page

  2. Choose ADD USER (see Users List page image).

    Add User

    The Add User page appears.

    Add User Page

  3. Enter the following details (see Add User page image):
    • Full Name
    • User Name
    • Email
    • Phone Number
  4. Choose the collections and/or sub-collections to which the user needs access.

    Add User Collection Access

  5. Choose the Role type of the user. The following are the different types of users:

    Administrator: User can administer devices, User can do provisioning and configuration, User has access to troubleshooting tools, User Administration, User has access to notifications, User has access to reports.
    Provisioning: User can administer devices, User can do provisioning and configuration, User has access to general notifications, User has access to polling notifications, User has access to alert history.
    Troubleshooting: User can edit devices, User can edit EdgeMarc templates, User can edit endpoint templates, User has access to troubleshooting tools, User has access to notifications, User has access to reports.
    Viewonly: User has access to general notifications, User has access to alert history.
    ZTP: User has access to auto-provisioning.
    Tenantadmin: User can manage other users, other auto-provisioning users, tenant users, and roles. User can administer devices. User can do provisioning and configuration. User has access to troubleshooting tools, notifications, and reports.
    Externaladmin: User can import data from an external source.

    User Roles

  6. Select ADD USER to save changes and to add the new user.

    Add User Button


It is recommended to create multiple users with the Tenantadmin role. These users can reset each other's passwords in case you forget the answer to your Security Question.

Editing Users in EdgeView

To edit users in EdgeView, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Users > List.
  2. Choose a user that you want to edit.

    Choose User to Edit

    You are taken to the User Profile page.

  3. Select the edit icon under the user panel.

    User Profile - Edit

  4. You can now edit the user fields that appear. Select Save once you have edited the required fields.

    Edit User

Adding Role Exceptions (Optional)

To add role exceptions for a user, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Users > List.
  2. Choose a user for whom you want to add a Role Exception.

    Choose User

    You are taken to the User Profile page.

  3. Select the Edit icon under Collection Access.

    User Profile

    You are taken to the Edit Collection Access page.

    Edit Collection Access Page


    Adding Role Exceptions

  5. You can edit or add exceptions from the page below and then select SAVE to save the changes.

    Role Exceptions