In this section:

This section provides instructions to perform an upgrade on the EdgeMarc firmware using EdgeView. To perform these actions on EdgeView, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Set up a Firmware Repository

To set up an upgrade firmware repository: 

Set up an FTP server 

  1. Download, install, and run any Linux based FTP server software. 
  2. Create a folder for the FTP server in the format c:\ftp\root\e_XXXX\ ; where XXXX is the EdgeMarc device that needs to be upgraded.
  3. Create a login account on the FTP server with a username and a password.

Locate the EdgeMarc VOS files on FTP server

To locate the EdgeMarc VOS files on the FTP server, follow the steps given below:

  1. From the built FTP server,  locate the EdgeMarc VOS files into the EdgeView device.
  2. Select the base path from the created folder path on the FTP server.
  3. Log in to the EdgeView device to point the FTP server to the repository

Base path is the absolute path to which the EdgeMarc VOS files are located. By default, the base path is in root.

Add Firmware Repository in EdgeView

To add a firmware repository on the EdgeView device, follow the steps given below:

  1. Choose System > Firmware Repositories.

    EdgeView System Menu

    The EdgeView Firmware Repositories page appears.

    Firmware Repositories Page

  2. Click ADD REPOSITORY on the top right corner. The Add Repository page appears.

    Add Repository Page

  3. On the Add Repository page, enter the repository details of the selected device from its FTP server and enable the Map to Unassigned collection check-box.

    Repository Details Section

  4. Click Add Repository. The Upgrade page appears.

    Upgrade Page

  5. On the Upgrade page under the ACTIONS menu:
    1. Select Get Latest Versions to add the latest EdgeView versions on the device.
    2. Select Map Versions. The Map Versions dialog box appears, where you can select the latest GA build version for upgrading from EdgeView to EdgeMarc.

      Map Versions Dialog Box

Step 2: Create a Collection

To add a collection for the upgrade firmware, follow the steps given below:

  1. Choose Devices > Collections

    Devices Menu

    The Collections page appears.

    Collections Page

  2. Click ADD COLLECTION on the top right corner. The Add Collection page appears.

    Add Collection Page

  3. On the Add Collection page, enter a name for the collection and select the created upgrade firmware repository from the Select Firmware Repository drop-down list. 
  4. Click ADD COLLECTION. A new collection is created.

For more details on EdgeView Collections, refer to Managing Collections.

Step 3: Add a Device to the Collection 

To add the required EdgeView device to the created collection, follow the steps given below:

  1. Choose Devices > List.

    Devices Menu

    The List page appears.

    List Page

  2. On the list page, select the device you want to add to the collection from the list of EdgeMarc devices.
  3. Under the Bulk Actions menu, select Move to Collection.

    Bulk Actions Menu

    The Move to Collection page appears.

    Move to Collection Page

  4. On the Move to Collection page under Choose collection, select the created collection.


    Enable the Send notification once Move is completed check-box if you want to receive notifications.

  5. Click Move 1 Device. You are prompted to confirm this action.

    Confirm Move 1 Device

  6. Click MOVE NOW to confirm the action. The Action Log page appears.

    Action Log Page

    Here you can see that the device moved to the collection appears in the table.

For more details on EdgeView Collections, refer to Managing Collections.

Step 4: Upgrade the Firmware

To perform the firmware upgrade, follow the steps given below:

  1. On the Action Log page, click on the device that you added to the collection.

    Action Log - Device Moved

    The Device Overview page of that device appears.

    Device Overview Page

  2. On the Device Overview page under the ACTIONS menu, select Upgrade Firmware.

    Actions Menu

    The Upgrade Firmware page appears.

    Upgrade Firmware Page

  3. Under the Included Devices table, select the firmware version to which you want to upgrade the device (see Upgraded Firmware page).


    Enable the Send notification once Upgrade is completed check-box if you want to receive notifications.

  4. Schedule when to upgrade your firmware by selecting Perform Now or Perform Later. If you decide to perform the upgrade later, enter the following details:
    • Schedule Name – Enter a schedule name of your choice.
    • Date and Time – Enter the date and time when the upgrade is to be performed.
    • Time Zone – Choose whether the time is to be calculated based on Local Time Zone or UTC.

      Schedule Upgrade - Perform Later

  5. Click UPGRADE 1 DEVICE (see Upgraded Firmware page). You are prompted to confirm the upgrade.

    Confirm Upgrade

  6. Select UPGRADE NOW to upgrade the selected device (see Confirm Upgrade).


    If you scheduled this action to be performed at a later point in time, you can edit this action at any point before the scheduled time. To edit, go to Jobs > Scheduled Jobs and click the Edit icon corresponding to this action. For more details on scheduling and editing a job, refer to Scheduling Jobs in EdgeView.


    Devices that are not moved to the created collection cannot be upgraded using the above steps. If you try to upgrade such a device, the following message is displayed:

    "This action will not be performed on these devices due to insufficient permission or other conditions. See details in table."