To install and configure EdgeView, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the EdgeView artifacts and ev-fullpkg.tar.xz to the /opt directory of your system (reach out to for the URLs of these artifacts):

    cd /opt/
    wget ftp://$url_from_support
    wget ftp://$url_from_support

  2. Enable read-write-execute permissions for the copied files using the command given below:

    chmod +x
  3. Validate installation media readiness using the command given below:

    pwd && ls -alh

    As depicted in the example screenshot, confirm the two files exhibit approximately the same size and permissions. 

  4. Execute the following command to start installation process:


    The installation continues by installing Docker Compose, Docker and EdgeView. Respond to  any prompts that arise.   
    The installation creates a log file of all actions for historical review/troubleshooting. The resultant filename is in the format of $MM-DD-YYYY-ev-install.log 

    You are prompted to enter information related to your networking configuration. Read this section carefully and enter the appropriate values applicable to your environment.
    Once installation completes, the console screen displays the message “ EdgeView Installation/Upgrade Completed ”. A directory named scc-build is created.

  5. To check whether the containers started successfully, use the following command:

    docker ps --format "table 

    Make sure that the STATUS is healthy. If there are unhealthy statuses, run the following command and check the Health section of the output:

    docker inspect $container_name

    For example:

    docker inspect scc

  6. Once the installation completes, optionally run a basic sanity check using the command given below:s

    cd /opt/scc-build ; ./ post-install

  7. For initial SCC configuration, register your EdgeView server by accessing it through the web interface at its IP address and entering the registration information that you received in your email. If the registration information is not available, reach out to

    Refer to Manually Configure ZTP when upgrading from EdgeView 15.2.0 or 15.2.1.

  8. Enter the EdgeView admin registration details, and then click NEXT.
  9. Enter the Tenant Admin registration details, and then click NEXT.
  10. Click APPLY to complete the registration.
  11. Click LOGIN to navigate to the login screen.
  12. Enter the credentials and click SIGN IN to log in to EdgeView.