Use the following workflow to configure High Availability on a pair of new devices. For an overview of the High Availability architecture and the associated user interface menus, refer to High Availability. (Refer to Workflow for Initial Setup - Standalone for configuring standalone service on a single  device.)


  • Login access to the following user interfaces:
    • CLI, as user sysadm
    • webUI, as user admin
    • RAMP CLI, as users insight and admin

Refer to Password Defaults for the initial (default) passwords.


StepActionUser Interface Required

Physically install the two devices.

Install the devices and their cabling. For High Availability, this includes connecting the HA cable between the devices. Power on the systems.

Refer to Installing Edge 8000 Hardware.


Configure the initial platform settings on the devices.1

For High Availability, this includes:

      • changing the default CPU assignments to decrease the number of 6WIND Fast Path router cores to 2 and increase the SWe Edge call management cores to 4
      • increasing the default SWe Edge memory to 4096 MB
      • utilizing Bridge 5 as the HA bridge

Refer to Running Setup Wizard - High Availability

Perform this procedure on one and then on the other  device.

CLI via the front panel serial console port


Activate High Availability on the two devices.1,2 

This includes:

      • setting each device's local and remote HA interface addresses so the Standby SWe Edge instance can monitor the Active SWe Edge instance
      • allowing the devices to reboot
      • installing a single HA license that applies to both devices 

Note that the first device you enable for High Availability becomes the Active device; the other becomes the Standby.

You install the HA License only on the Active Edge 8000 device. Once the Active instance accepts the licensing data, the HA feature automatically replicates the licensing information to the Standby.

Refer to Activating High Availability.

GUI via web browser


Configure the SWe Edge application on the Active device.1

On the Active device, complete all the provisioning required for the desired deployment.

For the Standby device, manual provisioning is not required. The HA feature automatically replicates the SWe Edge configuration from the Active device to the Standby device in real-time.

Refer to Configuration Guides and Configuration Examples.

GUI via web browser


Configure dynamic RAMP registration on the Active device.3

Refer to Register an Edge 8000 Device.

RAMP CLI via ssh client


  1. Upon initial login, the system instructs you to change the password. Refer to Password Defaults for the initial (default) passwords.

  2. Each device comes factory-installed with an on-premise, virtual machine (VM) version of . Follow the procedures to order a node-locked production license, generate a license key, and install the license.

  3. This step references the Application Management Platform (RAMP) documentation.