
Use the following parameters to configure the gateway with global configurations. 

SIP Configuration



Default is False. This field enables or disables the gateway feature. 

This field defines the maximum number for the FXS port that your deployment supports.

This field has a value of 22 when an FXS/FXO card is present.

This field has a value of 24 when an FXS card is present.

The value should not be changed.

SIP-SERVER-IPThis field is read-only. The value represents the SWe Edge IP address used for SIP signaling communication (
SIP-UA-IPThis field is read-only. The value is This field represents the SIP-UA SIP signaling IP address used for communication with SWe Edge.

Default is the internal port 1025 (including when the field is left empty). The range is 0 to 65535.  Enter a port number to which SIP UA binds and listens for SIP messages. 

Note: You can use port 5060 in IAD mode or bind-to-WAN. In all other cases, port 5060 cannot be used here.


Default is blank. The default indicates that all FXS ports use the system's ALG LAN IP address as the domain unless the value is overwritten at the port level. Each FXS port will be provisioned in the Softswitch domain, and the SIP-User domain is also the authentication domain for each FXS port. 


Default is True. Select the checkbox to instruct each configured FXS port to send a REGISTER request to the configured domain through a configured outbound proxy. If this checkbox is not checked, FXS ports will not register.

Note: Some VoIP deployments use static registration for the FXS ports and do not require port registration.

Enable-SIP-Authentication-NameDefault is False. When selected, the value configured for the port's username is used for the port's registration request.

Default is False. When enabled, PRACK and UPDATE are advertised in the SIP Supported header, and support for the SIP option Tags “100rel” and “timer” is enabled. 


Default is True. If set to true, the SIP Instance parameter is added to SIP Contact header.


Default is True. Select True if your VoIP switch supports REFER requests as outlined in RFC3515 to perform call transfer.

Note: For release 24.1, this value should always be set to True.

Tone Configuration


Default is False. Select the checkbox to specify that an initial FAX request be ignored and to establish an audio call instead. On calls terminating onto a FXS port, in rare cases a FAX request can arrive in the initial INVITE message.

Unless this option is specifically needed, this field should be left as False. 

Disable-T38-RejectDefault is False. By default, a SIP 488 reject response is sent when T38 offer comes and T38 FAX support is disabled, followed by a G711 response. When set to True, a 488 response will not be sent, only a G711 response.
Enable-ADTRAN-T38-INTEROPDefault is True. When True, Redundance Recovery mode is forced for better interop.

Default is False. If FAX is detected, the recommendation is to have the Receiving T38 gateway always offer T38. Note that some implementations of the software might break if T38 is not offered. When enabled, the sending gateway will offer T38. 

Disable-RFC2833Default is False. If True, the FXS port do not advertise the telephone-event in SDP offer.
Enable-RFC2833-IBDefault is False. If RFC2833 is disabled by Disable-RFC2833, you can enable this attribute to still answer with RFC-2833. 

Default is 101. The range is 100 to 101. This field allows you to define a telephone-event payload with any value.


RTP-Min-PortDefault is 22000. The range is 20000 to 65535. Enter the minimum number of RTP ports that SIP UA uses for media.
RTP-Max-PortDefault is 41600. The range is from 1 to 65535. Enter the maximum number of RTP ports that SIP UA uses for media.

Default is G7110-uLaw. Choose a codec type from the Codec Preference drop-down list. Edgemarc chooses this codec when offered by the far end regardless of the order of appearance in the SIP SDP.

This selects the codec that is used by all FXS ports for encoding analog data. The codec must be part of the negotiated codec list: G.711 ulawG.711 alawG.729G.728G.726,16 Kbps G.726, 24 Kbps G.726, 32 Kbps G.726, 40 Kbps.


Default is False. Select the checkbox for this field to specify that only the preferred codec is used when the FXS places a call. If an incoming call does not have the preferred codec, the call is rejected.

Enable-Access-CodeDefault is False. By default ‘#’ is used to auto-terminate dialing on FXS port. If ‘#’ is required as part of dial-pattern for access-codes, this field should be set to true.
VAD-EnabledDefault is Enabled. Choose whether to enable voice activity detection globally. 
Jitter-Buffer-ValueDefault is 60 msec. The range is 10 to 90 msec. This field defines the Jitter Buffer value in unit of msecs. 

Call Configuration

Call-Waiting-Tone-IndexDefault is 72. The range is 72 to 76. Each value in the range represents a variant of the call-waiting tones. The default tone is sufficient in most deployments. 

Default is empty. Enter the Conference URI if your softswitch supports creating a conference using ad hoc SIP methods as outlined in RFC 4579, section 5.4.

Format in the same manner as a SIP endpoint (user@host).

Incoming-Answer-Wait-DelayDefault is 40 seconds. This field limits the time (in seconds) that a FXS port should keep ringing on an incoming call without an answer. Note that 40 seconds is equivalent to about 10 rings in the United States. 
Connect-To-PBXDefault is False. When enabled, certain mid-call features that the FXS port completes will be disabled, as they are handled by the PBX.

Default if False. This field is relevant when an FXS port is connected to a PBX or Key system. When enabled, the FXS port will generate a Calling Party Control signal on the PBX or Key system port to release lines internally, when the call is ended by the IP side. 


Default is 800 ms. CPC (Calling Party Control) timer (in milliseconds).

Enter the CPC timer value in milliseconds. The range is 250 to 1500ms.

CPC is a signal sent from electronic COs to indicate that the Calling Party has hung up. When programming telephone equipment, CPC is also referred to as Open Loop Disconnect.

CPC is normally sent as an open (0 volts DC) signal, ranging from 250 to 500 milliseconds. When FXS is on call and the remote party hangs up, FXS sends the CPC disconnect signal to the PBX/key system connected to FXS.

PTimeDefault is 20 ms. Packetization Time controls the length of audio (in milliseconds) contained in each RTP packet. This parameter is advertised in the SIP SDP as Ptime.

Default is 0. Choose the ring index to use for ringing the called phone. Range is Ring-0 to Ring-4.

If the Alert-Internal header is missing, a ringing pattern is used based on the distinct ring rules configured on the FXS/Phone Port Distinctive Ring configuration page. The header must look like this: Alert-Info:info=alert-internal


Default is 0. Choose the ring index to use for ringing the called phone. Range is Ring-0 to Ring-4.

If the Alert-External header is missing, a ringing pattern is used based on the distinct ring rules configured on the FXS/Phone Port Distinctive Ring configuration page. The header must look like this: Alert-Info:info=alert-external


Default is Disabled. This field allows the selection of ring cadence. In most deployments, the country specific default ringing (the default) is chosen. 

CallerID-Send-DisableDefault is False. This field controls if Caller-ID data will be sent  as part of the ringing process. When True, no Caller-ID data will be sent as part of ringing the device connected to the FXS port.
CallerID-Field-OrderDefault is Date-Name-Number. Call-ID data usually consists of date, name and number. This field allows you to choose the order of each element, in the case that end-points that require a specific order.
CallerID-Max-Name-LengthDefault is 16. The range is 1 to 24 octets. This field limits the length of the Name element of Caller-ID.
CallerID-Max-DigitsDefault is 16. The range is 1 to 24 octets. This field limits the length of the Digit element of Caller-ID.


Default is False. CID is sent after the first ring. However, for some country types, this should be enabled to send CID data before the first ring.
Inter-Digit-Delay-TimerDefault is 4 seconds. Enter the maximum delay between two dialed digits in seconds. If a key is not pressed within the defined delay, dialing is auto-completed, and the collected digits are dialed out.

Default is empty. Enter the dial-completion pattern that is used to auto-complete the dialed string on the FXS port. Each pattern can be defined in a list separated by the pipe character (“ | ”).

Dial completion pattern formatting:

.Matches one or more digits.
[x-y]Matches any single digit between x and y. For example, [1-3] matches 1, 2, or 3.

Matches any digit between 0 and 9, equivalent to [0-9].


Matches any digit between 1 and 9, equivalent to [1-9].

NMatches any digit between 2 and 9, equivalent to [2-9].

Dial Completion Pattern Example


If the dialed pattern matched 911 or any 4 or 7 digit number, dial operation is complete and the call is placed.

Howler-Tone-DelayDefault is 60 seconds. The range is 10 to 120 seconds. When a call ends, but a user forgets to put phone on-hook, this tone is a reminder and play when phone stays off-hook for the set time in this field.

Default is 600 ohm (for connections less than 5,000 meters in length). Choose the impedance on the outboard port based on the connected analog devices and the length of cable hooking up the device.

Local-Time-ZoneDefault is UTC. Choose the local time zone for FXS ports. The local time zone is used when sending date/time information in CallerID to an analog device connected to the FXS port. For US time zones, daylight savings observation is taken into account.
CountryDefault is USA. Choose the country where the Edge 8000 is located.