Use the following workflow to set up the basic platform characteristics of a single  device. 

For the complete configuration instructions for standalone service, refer to Workflow for Initial Setup - Standalone.


Remember these important considerations when running Setup Wizard:

  1. Plan to run the Setup Wizard only once, since you can only define the IP addresses and host name of the internal configuration container and VM once when they are initially created. To update the settings later, you must perform a factory reset of the device and then rerun the Setup Wizard. A few specific cases may warrant rerunning the Setup Wizard: 
    1. Changing the memory assigned to the  VM, such as when the intent is to change an existing setup to use 30 cps vs 10 cps
    2. Changing the vCPU assigned to the VM
    3. Adding extra interfaces to the  VM
  2. The Setup Wizard "save" option is only allowed when the user is running Setup Wizard from a telnet or console session and not via an SSH session. Attempting to save while connected from an SSH session results in an error message. This is to ensure that the user has access to the device in case the user incorrectly configures the network and the device becomes isolated. 

  • Login access to the  CLI as user system administrator (sysadm).

Note that initially, the serial console port of the front panel provides the login access, either directly from a physically connected laptop or remotely via a terminal server. Refer to Edge 8000 Front and Back Panels for the location and description of the console port. Once the setup is complete, you can access the CLI remotely through a secure shell (ssh) connection using port 22 and the management interface IP address established with Bridge 2. See Complete the BR1, 2, 4, and 5 Menus of this workflow.


Job Aid: Navigating Within the Setup Wizard

The Setup Wizard is a text user interface (TUI). To move between elements and activate selections, use the following keys from the keyboard.

KeyMovement or Action
Up-arrow, down-arrowmoves the selection up or down one element in the same area
Tabmoves the selection between areas
Enteractivates a selection
Space bartoggles a selection between enabled [ * ] and not enabled [   ]

Log In and Start the Setup Wizard

  1. From the  CLI, log in as user system administrator (sysadm).

  2. Follow the prompts to change the password, and then log in again.
    Refer to Password Management for the initial (default) passwords.

  3. Change to root user. Enter the new password you chose in the previous step.

    $ sudo -i
    password for sysadm:
  4. Start the Setup Wizard.

    # setupwizard

    The System Startup Configuration window appears.

Complete the System Menu

  1. From the System Startup Configuration window, select System and press Enter.
  2. The System Configuration window appears, showing available elements to configure:
    Hostname, PRI type, and 6WIND fast path cores.
  3. Press the down-arrow key to select an element in the System Configuration window.
    For example, 
    1. Select Hostname and press Enter.
      The Host Configuration window appears.
    2. Configure the Hostname settings.
    3. Click OK to save the settings.
      The System Configuration window appears again, enabling you to select another element for configuration.
  4. Modify the system settings per the field definitions given in the following table.
  5. Click OK to save the settings. 

System Configuration - Field Definitions

Field Descriptions

Enter the hostname of your system.

Default: e8000

PRI type

Select the PRI interface type from one of the following options:

  • T1Net
  • T1User
  • E1Net
  • E1User

Additional notes:

Network-side PRI (T1Net or E1Net) enables the 's SIP User Agent (SIP_UA) to provide a standard ISDN PRI network-side interface to a legacy TDM PBX and mimic the behavior of legacy phone switches. The SIP_UA receives calls from a TDM PBX and connects the calls to the IP network using SIP and vice versa.

User-side PRI (T1User or E1User) enables the 's SIP gateway (SIP_GW) to provide a standard PRI client-side interface to the PSTN. The SIP_GW receives calls from the IP network and connects them through PRI to the PSTN and vice versa.

Whichever PRI type you choose here determines the menu choices available later in the Analog PRI-Setting folder of the webUI.

6WIND fast path cores

Enter the number of CPU cores to use for the 6WIND fast path.

Default: 4

Available values: 2, 4, and 6

Supported values for the 6WIND application in the  device: 2 and 4

Additional notes:

This field enables the 6WIND router to access more or fewer CPU cores in the host operating system. Consult Technical Support before modifying the fast path cores setting, as  has optimized the default settings (4 CPU cores for 6WIND fast path, 2 for ) for overall performance.

Complete the BR1, 2, 4, and 5 Menus

  1. From the System Startup Configuration window, select a bridge and press Enter
    A Bridge Configuration window appears, for example, the BR1 Configuration window.

  2. Modify the bridge settings per the field definitions given in the following table.


    BR3 is an internal bridge with no provisionable fields. 

  3. Click OK to save the settings.

BR1, 2, 4, and 5 Configuration - Field Definitions

Field Descriptions
Interface Name

Required field for all bridges.

Default names:

BR1 VNF Private: br1 

BR2 VNF Management: br2

BR4 VNF Public: br4

BR5 VNF Additional: br5

Additional notes:

BR1 and BR4 are associated with . BR1 typically serves as the LAN side of an device, and BR4 typically serves as the WAN side of the device.

BR2 provides administrative access to all of the components, including the SBC SWe Edge VNF. 

IPv4 Address

Required field for all bridges.

Default addresses:

BR1 Configuration:

BR2 Configuration:

BR4 Configuration:

BR5 Configuration:

Netmask Length

Required field for all bridges.

Default: 24

Additional Notes:

The allowed range for netmask is 16-28 for BR1 and BR2. For BR4 and BR5, it can be any value. 


Optional field, available for BR1, BR2, BR4, and BR5.

Default members:

BR1: ge1 ge2 ge3 ge4

BR2: ge7

(BR4 and BR5 do not have defaults.)

Possible values: ge1-ge8, sfp9, sfp10

Additional Notes:

The physical port you assign as a member of Bridge 2 will be the access point for the CLI and webUI management of the device.

DHCP server

Optional field, available for BR1, BR2.

Default: enabled [ * ]

Additional Notes:

The DHCP server serves external DHCP clients assigned to the bridge. 

The default DHCP start range is based on the network IP (IP address intersected with the netmask) plus the value 2. The end range is the network IP plus the value 12. 

Enable DHCP Client

Optional field, available for BR4, BR5.

Default: enabled [ * ]


If you specify an interface in the Members field and leave DHCP client enabled [ * ], you must keep the IPv4 address at the default value of and manually configure a gateway and DNS.

If you specify an interface in the Members field and disable DHCP client [  ], you must enter a static IPv4 address.

Complete the GE1-8 Menus

  1. From the System Startup Configuration window, select a Gigabit Ethernet (GE) port and press Enter
    A GE Configuration window appears, for example the GE1 Configuration window.
  2. Modify the Gigabit Ethernet settings per the field definitions given in the following table.


    If the interface is a member of a bridge, do not enter values in the IPv4 Address and Netmask Length fields. Leave the default values in place.

  3. Click OK to save the settings.

GE1-8 Configuration - Field Definitions

Field Descriptions
Interface Name

Default names for interfaces GE1-8:

ge1 ge2 ge3 ge4 ge5 ge6 ge7 ge8

IPv4 Address


Netmask LengthDefault: 0

Complete the SFP9-10 Menus

  1. From the System Startup Configuration window, select an SFP port and press Enter
    An SFP window appears, for example, the SFP9 Configuration window.
  2. Modify the SFP settings per the field definitions given in the following table.


    If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not enter IPv4 Address and Netmask Length values. Leave the default values in place.

  3. Click OK to save the settings.

SFP9-10 Configuration - Field Definitions

Interface Name

Default names: sfp9 sfp10

IPv4 Address

Enter the IP address.


To assign a static IP address in the IPv4 Address field, you must disable the DHCP client. (Press the space bar in the Enable DHCP Client field to toggle between enabled [ * ] and disabled [  ].)

Netmask LengthDefault: 0
Enable DHCP Client

Default: disabled [   ]


To activate a DHCP client, change the DHCP Client field to enabled [ * ], keep the IPv4 address at the default value of, and manually configure a gateway and DNS.

Complete the Default Gateway Menu

  1. From the System Startup Configuration window, select Default Gateway and press Enter
    The Default Gateway window appears.
  2. Modify the default gateway settings per the field definitions given in the following table.
  3. Click OK to save the settings.

Default Gateway Configuration - Field Definitions

IPv4 Address

Enter the IP address.


Additional notes:

The IPv4 address must be within a subnet on an interface.

Complete the SWe-Edge Settings Menu

  1. From the System Startup Configuration window, select SWe-Edge Settings and press Enter
    The Swe-Edge Configuration window appears.
  2. Modify the SWe Edge settings per the field definitions given in the following table.
  3. Click OK to save the settings.

SWe Edge Configuration - Field Definitions

CPUs (1 2 4)

Default: 2

Additional notes:

This field enables the 6WIND router to access more or fewer CPU cores in the host operating system.

Consult  Technical Support before modifying the fast path cores setting, as  has optimized the default settings for overall performance.

Memory in MBs (1536-4096)Default: 2048
Extra Interface 1, 2

The Extra Interface values must be one of the VNF bridge interface names (BR4 or BR5).

Default: not assigned

Additional notes:

BR4 is the VNF Public bridge. BR5 is the VNF Additional bridge.

Exit the Setup Wizard

Exiting the Setup Wizard saves the configuration settings and applies the changes. This will cause a service interruption for approximately 3 minutes, during which time the system will be unreachable.

  1. From the System Startup Configuration window, select SAVE and press Enter.
  2. From the Confirm Screen window, select OK and press Enter.

This operation causes a service disruption. Perform this procedure only during a maintenance window.