
Use the following parameters to configure the specific FXO port.






Select the Enable FXO port dropdown to enable the FXO/Line port for incoming and outgoing calls.

When this field is not checked, the FXO/Line port is disabled. The options are True and False.


Select the Enable InBound (from IP network) two-stage dialing dropdown to allow two-stage dialing for incoming calls from the IP network. The options are True and False. Default is False


Select Enable InBound (from PSTN) two-stage dialing to allow two-stage dialing for incoming calls from the PSTN.

Provides dial tone when a call is answered. The caller can then dial an extension to further complete the call or hang up. The options are True and False. Default is False.


If the Enable InBound (from PSTN) two-stage dialing is not selected, enter a name or number in the Forward to field to automatically forward incoming calls from the PSTN to this name or number.


Provides a connection for a call from PSTN to IP under two conditions: 

  1. If caller ID is detected, then a call connects.
  2. When using a simple ring detect, connect the call to IP.

The options are CallerID Detection and Ring Detected Counts. Default is CallerID Detection. 


Provide the PSTN Accept Ring Counts value to define the number of rings to connect to the IP. This value applies when the ring is selected as an accepted method. The range is 2 to 8.


Choose the Analog Transmit gain. Control the gain of media signal coming to FXO from IP side. 

The options are in the following list (Default is 0db).

Note: In cases where the default value does not optimize echo cancellation, adjust the gain with -6DB in steps to -10DB until the echo is gone.


Choose the Analog Receive gain. Control the gain of media signal coming to FXO from PSTN side. Based on the line conditions, sometimes the level of the DTMF signal needs to be boosted to make DTMF detection more reliable. Default is 0dB.