Use the Backup and Restore from Backup procedures to:
  • Capture deployment-specific configuration settings of an device.
    The backup and restore commands save and restore all the configuration settings of the device components, including the settings for Gateway, Router, and functions.
  • Restore the configuration settings as part of the Performing Software Upgrades and Performing Disaster Recovery.
    Use the Disaster Recovery procedures when an device suffers a partial or complete failure and must be replaced as a whole unit.


highly recommends storing the backups at an off-site location to ensure the recovery of the backups in the event of an on-site disaster.


When executing commands for a backup or recovery, remember you can always enter the CLI sys-tools help command. The response gives a list of available commands with the proper syntax and a brief explanation of each command.

[sysadm@8000 ~]$ sudo -i
[sudo] password for sysadm:
[root@8000 ~]# sys-tools help
app reinstall [ pkg_name ] - reinstall package
config backup [ ConfigName | default ] - configuration backup
config restore [ ConfigName | default ] - configuration restore
config ls - list saved configurations
debug - show some status and logs
image ls - show iso images on disk
image download [ http://path_to_get_file ] - download iso file
image active filename.iso - activate local repo from iso image
image install filename.iso - reboot and install using filename.iso
image delete filename.iso - delete image filename.iso
license [analog|router] license_key_string - update analog|router licnese key
license sweedge license_file.xml - update sweedge licnese file
linkstatus InterfaceName - show interface link status
report  [ name ] - report status/config to name
help - show help
[root@8000 ~]#