
Use this procedure to install an  software image file. This procedure applies to all Edge 8000 Series devices.

Ribbon ships the device with preinstalled firmware. For version control or solution reasons, Support may recommend the system be upgraded to a newer or specific version of firmware.

Support provides a link to the  image to be downloaded to the local management computer. The management computer must have IPv4 access to the system to perform the image transfer and then perform the upgrade. When upgrading more than one system on the network it may be desired to place the image files on a HTTP server to allow multiple systems to pull the image files.

SCP is the preferred method to transfer the file from the management computer to the system. Use SCP as a command line option or use an SCP application utility like WinSCP. The image file and the associated md5sum file must be placed in the /e8k-data directory on the system, with a maximum of 2 versions in the directory.

Connecting to the serial console port gives access to the system, allowing the user to view the installation process on the management computer. This console interface provides an option to keep the existing configuration or select a factory default option. The default is to keep the existing configuration.


This operation causes a service disruption. Perform this procedure only during a maintenance window.


  • System Administrator (sysadm) login access to the Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • The ISO image file supplied by Ribbon or available in Ribbon Global Service Center (GSC)


  1. Log in to the Edge 8000 CLI as System Administrator (sysadm) and enter the password.
  2. Change permission to root user by entering sudo -i. Then enter the sysadm user password.
  3. Verify the integrity of the image file. Confirm that the file size from the Ribbon download server is the same size on the management computer.
  4. Verify there is sufficient space to copy the new image file.
    1. List the image files. 
      sys-tools image ls

      # sys-tools image ls
      CommonOs-alma.host-8.6-v23.6.0b18010-x86_64.iso (active)


    2. If there are two image files, remove the image that is not active to make room for the new image file.
      sys-tools image delete <filename.iso>
      Ribbon recommends deleting the non-active image file to allow the active running image to be available should a downgrade be necessary.
  5. Transfer the new ISO image file and the associated md5sum file to directory /e8k-data using the CLI scp command.
    The sys-tools image installation tool verifies that the md5sum of the ISO file matches the value in the md5sum file before starting the installation to avoid any issues with a corrupted ISO image file.
  6.  Execute the command to install the new image. 
    The system sets the boot option to the new ISO image, backs up all configuration settings, reboots to start the image installation, and finally restores the system configuration settings. The installation takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes.
    sys-tools image install <image_file_name.iso>
    sys-tools image ls
    [root@e8000 ~]# sys-tools image install CommonOs-alma.host-8.6-v23.6.0b19919-x86_64.iso
    This action will reboot the device and enter the install Almalinux process.
    All Almalinux OS data on the disk will be overwritten.
    The installation will take about 30 minutes.
    Continue (yes/no)?
    Set ventoy(0004) as next boot

  7. After the system reboots, log back in to the device as System Administrator (admin) using the web-based user interface.

  8. The current software version appears on the Home page of the Settings tab. Verify the software version is the new version.
  9. As a double check, use the CLI to confirm that the system is running on the new image.
    sys-tools image ls
    In the system response, the word "active" in parenthesis indicates which image the system is running on. Verify that the image that is active is the new image you just installed.

    # sys-tools image ls
    CommonOs-alma.host-8.6-v23.6.0b18010-x86_64.iso (active)