Use the following Workflow as an aid to debugging an device. The procedures explain how to collect information about the device.


  • Login access to the Command Line Interface (CLI), as user sysadm and then as user root, using an SSH client such as Putty. (Some actions require you to capture the CLI output using the Putty collection function.)
  • Login access to the  webUI as user admin.


Job Aid: Network Diagram

Use the following diagram as an aid to understanding the various interfaces typical of an Edge 8300 device. (Note that an Edge 8100 model is the same except without the FXO, PRI, and FXS interfaces.)


The IP addresses shown in the examples may conflict with an existing or planned production network. Consult with your network administrator for the specific IP addresses required for your deployment.

Example Network Diagram: Edge 8300 Model

Log in to the Edge 8000 CLI

  1. From the Edge 8000 CLI, log in as user system administrator (sysadm).
  2. Change to user root.

    $ sudo -i

Collect Logs from the SIPUA

  1. As user root in the CLI, access the SIP User Agent (SIPUA) module.

    db-manager-ctl cli
  2. Enter number 4 to access the SIPUA.

  3. Run the following command to enable log collection.
    Make sure that the Putty session is set to capture the output.

    debugsipgw 7 <enable debug>
  4. After completing your test calls, run the following command to disable log collection.

    debugsipgw 0 <disable debug> 

Collect PCAPS from the SIPGW or SIPUA


  • Login access to the  CLI as user sysadm.


  1. As user root in the CLI, access the SIP Gateway (SIPGW) or SIPUA module.

    db-manager-ctl cli
    1. Enter number 9 to access the SIPGW.
    2. Enter number 4 to access the SIPUA.
  2. Mount the filesystem to provide a memory disk area for writing pcaps. 
    Note that the /etc/images directory already exists on the host. When setting the size, do not exceed 10 Mb (10m).

    mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /etc/images -o size=4m   
    tcpdump -s 0 -ni eth0 port 5060 -w /etc/images/sip1.pcap
  3. After completing your test calls, open a new session to transfer the captured file to the host. Note the different internal IP addresses for SIPGW and SIPUA:
    IP address for SIPGW:
    IP address for SIPUA:

    cd /E8000/backup_config
    scp root@<IP>:/etc/images/sip1.pcap 
    Password - <shift key plus 234567890>
  4. Change permissions on the pcap file so you can delete it.

    chmod 770 sip1.pcap
  5. Delete the pcap file and unmount the filesystem from the session where pcaps data was captured.

    rm /etc/images/sip1.pcap
    umount /etc/images

Collect Logs and PCAPS from the SWE Edge

For collecting logs and packet captures (PCAPS) from the SWE Edge, refer to Working with Logging in the SBC Edge Portfolio Documentation.


The  product reuses and 6WIND software. Therefore, at times you will be directed to the customer documentation of the other product where a complete documentation suite describes all the features and functions of that software.

Refer to Related Documents for links to the documentation suites applicable to the product.

Configure Analog (FXS/FXO) and PRI Logs

The  device enables debug message collection from its internal SIP User Agent (sipua) and SIP Gateway (sipgw) functions into the SWe Edge log collection screen so that the functions all write their logs to /var/log/messages. You then can use the syslog configuration screen to populate the host syslog settings so that the logs from the SWe Edge and Analog Manager functions can all be written out to an external syslog server.

To configure log collection for Analog Manager and SIPGW functions, use the following procedure.


  • Login access to the  webUI as user admin.


  1. As user admin in the  webUI, select the Settings tab.
  2. Navigate to System > Logging Configuration > Diagnostic Logging > By Subsystem.
  3. Click the "+" symbol to add a Subsystem Configuration.
  4. Complete the fields in the Subsystem Configuration window.
    Subsystem Name

    From the dropdown list, choose one of the available  subsytems, such as Analog (FXS/FXO) or PRI.

    Log LevelFrom the dropdown list, choose a log level from Default to Fatal. Refer to Supported Logging Levels for logging level definitions.
    Log DestinationFrom the dropdown list, choose either Local Logs or one of the Remote Logs already defined.
  5. Click OK.

Generate a System Report

As user root in the CLI, generate a system report using the following command:

sys-tools report <reportName>

The report format is <reportName>_<year>-<month>-<day>-<time>.tgz

For example, SBC_NODE_1_2024-08-31-00.12.14.tgz

The system report file is saved in the /e8k-data/reports directory. The file contains information about the Setup Wizard configuration, software versions, ifconfig, iptables, route, bridge, arp, dmesg, systemctl, memory information, and NTP information, plus a config backup and various other Linux level files, for example,/var/log/messages.


You can generate the system report at any time since it does not disrupt service on the SWE Edge system.

Generate a System Debug Report

As user root in the CLI, generate a system debug report using the following command:

sys-tools debug

The system debug report file is displayed in the terminal window. The file contains information about the Setup Wizard configuration, software versions, ifconfig, iptables, route, bridge, arp, dmesg, systemctl, memory information, NTP information, and other data useful to the support engineer.

Make sure that the Putty session is set to capture the output.


You can generate the system debug report at any time since it does not disrupt service on the SWE Edge system.

View 6WIND Router Logs

View logs specific to the 6WIND data router function of the device. Refer to 6WIND Router Documentation. Once in the documents, search the User Guide for System Logging to learn about logging services, local logging configuration, remote syslog configuration, and transport layer security for syslog messages.