Perform the procedures in the following workflow to configure the device for a basic SIP Trunk to SIP IP PBX application. The resulting configuration connects an existing LAN-side IP PBX host to a WAN-side Border Element host, such that internal callers can reach an outside Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP) and vice-versa. (Provisioning for a specific dial plan is beyond the scope of this workflow.)

For a complete illustration of the entire provisioning process, including sample outputs of the Setup Wizard, Network Interface provisioning, Static Route provisioning, and the Easy Configuration Wizard, refer to SIP Trunk Configuration for IP PBX Deployment.

Basic SIP Trunk to SIP IP PBX Application


Throughout the procedures, links to customer documentation provide topics helpful in configuring your device.


The IP addresses shown in the examples may conflict with an existing or planned production network. Consult with your network administrator for the specific IP addresses required for your deployment.


  • Completion of the initial setup procedures per the Workflow for Initial Setup. This includes physically installing the device, configuring the initial platform settings (Setup Wizard), and installing the license.
  • Login access to the WebUI as user administrator (admin)


Configure Network Interfaces

Use this procedure to manage the way the within the device interfaces with the external network.

The supports:

  • four system-created logical interfaces: the Administrative IP, Ethernet 1 IP, Ethernet 2 IP, and Ethernet 3 IP interfaces
  • user-created VLAN logical sub-interfaces

Refer to Managing Logical Interfaces within the documentation for additional information

The following table explains the nature of each of the logical interfaces.

Logical Interfaces for a SIP to SIP IP PBX Application

Logical InterfaceWhen and How ConfiguredPurpose
Admin IPSet during the execution of the Setup Wizard1.

Provides access to the WebUI

Ethernet 1 IPConfigured manually.Provides access to the LAN-side IP PBX
Ethernet 1.2626 IPConfigured manually.Provides a VLAN logical sub-interface to the LAN-side IP PBX 
Ethernet 2 IPConfigured manually.Not used in this SIP to SIP IP PBX application
Ethernet 3 IPConfigured manually.

Provides access to the WAN-side Border Element (Internet Telephony Service Provider, ITSP)

1 References to the Setup Wizard refer to the procedures in Running Setup Wizard, either for the stand-alone or High Availability deployment.


  1. In the Web UI, click the Settings tab.
  2. Navigate to SBC Networking Interfaces > Logical Interfaces.
  3. Configure each of the logical interfaces per your network plan.
    For field definitions, refer to Configuring and Modifying Logical Interfaces in the documentation.

Configure Static Routes

Use this procedure to configure static routes required by your device to communicate with remote networks.

In a production environment, static routes are mainly configured for routing from a specific network to another network that can only be accessed through a gateway (for a single path access or default route). When planning your network, consider these factors:

  • For smaller networks with just one or two routes, configuring static routing is preferable. This is often more efficient since a link is not being wasted by exchanging dynamic routing information.
  • For networks that have a LAN-side gateway on Voice VLAN or Multi-Switch Edge Devices (MSEs) with voice VLAN towards the SBC Edge, static routing configurations are not required.

Refer to Managing Static IP Route Tables within the documentation for additional information.

In the following example, two static routes are defined:

  • The first static route gives access to the SWe Edge WebUI through a VPN subnet.
  • The second static route gives access to SIPP servers on the WAN side of the device.


  1. In the Web UI, click the Settings tab.
  2. Navigate to SBC Protocols > IP > Static Routes.
  3. Configure each of the static routes per your network plan.
    For field definitions, refer to Creating Entries in a Static IP Route Table in the documentation.

Run the Easy Config Wizard

Use this procedure to configure the basic call routing framework for a SIP Trunk to SIP IP PBX application.

The  WebUI includes an Easy Configuration Wizard, which enables end-users to quickly configure settings for different deployment scenarios. Based on a template, you can configure items including:

  • an endpoint, with a defined user and provider
  • a routing scheme, with a routing configuration applied to the scenario
  • a country, with tone table parameters and emergency numbers for the chosen country

Once you complete the Easy Config Wizard, you must apply additional provisioning before making calls. This includes changing entries to the Transformation Tables, Signaling Groups and Routing Tables according to the network topology and dialing plan unique to your particular deployment.


Refer to Working with SBC Easy Configuration within the documentation for additional information.


  1. In the Web UI, click the Tasks tab.
  2. Navigate to SBC Easy Setup > Easy Config Wizard
  3. From the Step 1 menu, complete the fields for Scenario Parameters, SIP Trunk and IP PBX.
    For the SIP Sessions parameter, enter a value based on the license allocation for concurrent call sessions you ordered when you placed your order.
    For field definitions, refer to Configure a SIP Trunk With IP PBX in the documentation.


    The value entered for Scenario Description will be prefixed to all SBC configuration elements that the Easy Config Wizard creates.

    Example: If you enter SIP to SIP for the description, then the Call Routing tables for this deployment will be SIP to SIP: From IP PBX and SIP to SIP: From SIP Trunk.


    Scenario Parameters
    ApplicationSIP Trunk ↔ IP PBX
    Scenario DescriptionSIP to SIP
    Telephone CountryUnited States
    Emergency ServicesNone
    SIP PropertiesSIP Sessions100 (or whatever number you have licensed)
    SIP Trunk
    NameOther SIP Trunk
    IP PBX

    Other IP PBX

  4. Click Next.
  5. From the Step 2 menu, complete the fields for SIP Trunk and IP PBX.
    For field definitions, refer to Configure a SIP Trunk With IP PBX in the documentation.

    SIP Trunk: Other SIP TrunkBorder Element Server10.230.98.141
    Port Number5060
    Use Secondary Border Element ServerDisabled
    IP PBX: Other IP PBXHost



    Port Number


    Use Secondary Server


  6. Click Next.
  7. From the Step 3 menu, examine the SBC Setup Configuration Summary.
    Click Previous to make a change in a previous step.
    Click Finish when you are satisfied with the entries.
  8. After clicking Finish, click OK when you are ready to continue.
    Note that after clicking Finish, a confirmation message appears stating that a standard configuration is being applied and that you will need to configure additional parameters (especially for Transformation Tables, Signaling Groups and Routing Tables) before making calls. Click OK when you are ready to complete the Easy Configuration process.