
About Audit Logging

Audit logging allows you to view user activity for any creation, update, or deletion performed for any element of the  device, including changes to the System, Analog, Routing, or SBC Swe Edge configuration via the webUI. The audit information includes:

  • the name of the user who performed the action
  • the action performed
  • which element the action was performed on
  • the IP address from which the request came

The device audit is always on, and the information goes into the standard webui.log file with the category AUDIT. Refer to Working with Logging for general logging information. Refer to Managing Local Logs for specific information about viewing the webui.log file.

View Audit Logs

Use the following procedure to view the audit logs of an  device.


  • Login access to the  webUI as user admin.


  1. Log in to the webU as user admin
  2. Click the Diagnostics tab.
  3. Navigate to Logs > Local System Logs.
  4. Expand webui.log to see the log entries.