The following example demonstrates a complete SIP Trunk to IP PBX deployment using an Edge 8300 model and the Edge 8000 Series 24.0 software release. Screenshots and specific values are included for all the major configuration areas of the deployment:

  • Setup Wizard
  • Licensing
  • Network Interface provisioning
  • Static Route provisioning
  • Easy Configuration Wizard

For the entire provisioning process, including physically Installing the Edge 8000 Hardware, refer to Workflow for Initial Setup and Configuring SIP Trunk to SIP IP PBX Calls.

While the goal of this example is not to provide a detailed configuration that meets the needs of every deployment scenario, it does provide a starting point for building your own customized configuration for a SIP Trunk to IP PBX deployment.


The IP addresses shown in the examples may conflict with an existing or planned production network. Consult with your network administrator for the IP addresses required for your specific deployment.


Network and Call Flow Diagrams

In this demonstration, an Edge 8300 is configured to support two signaling groups:

  • On the private or LAN side, an IP PBX with VLAN logical sub-interfaces
  • On the public or WAN side, a SIP trunk to an Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP) Border Element

The following diagrams depict the deployment topology, network interfaces, and call flows for this deployment demonstration.

Deployment Topology

Network Interfaces

Signaling and Media Call Flows

Setup Wizard Values

After physically installing the device, the deployment team uses the Edge 8000 Setup Wizard to establish basic platform settings.

The following tables show the values entered in Setup Wizard for this SIP Trunk to SIP IP PBX demonstration. Consult your network design and deployment teams for the specific values appropriate for your network.

System Configuration


Time Zone

Time Server

Ramp Server

PRI Type

6WIND fastpath cores


Note: The Time Server allows the device to stay in sync with other devices in the network. This is helpful for troubleshooting logs, examining CDRs, etc. (default)4 (default)

Bridge Settings (BR1-4)

Interface Interface NameIPv4 AddressNetmaskMembers

DHCP server
(default = enabled)

Enable DHCP client
(default = enabled)

Setup Wizard Note
BR1 VNF Privatebr1192.168.200.1024ge1

[   ] disabled (press the space bar to toggle)


BR2 VNF Managementbr210.10.216.5226ge7 (default)[   ] disabled (press the space bar to toggle)n/a
BR3 VNF Internalbr3192.168.188.1 (default)24 (default)n/an/an/a
BR4 VNF Publicbr410.10.201.626sfp9n/a[  ] disabled (press the space bar to toggle)DHCP Client requires manual configuration of the gateway and DNS settings.

Gigabit Ethernet Settings (GE1-8)

InterfaceInterface NameIPv4 AddressNetmask Length
Setup Wizard Note
GE1ge10.0.0.0 (default)0 (default)

If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not set these values.

GE2ge20.0.0.0 (default)0 (default)

If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not set these values.

GE3ge30.0.0.0 (default)0 (default)

If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not set these values.

GE4ge40.0.0.0 (default)0 (default)

If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not set these values.

GE5ge50.0.0.0 (default)0 (default)

If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not set these values.

GE6ge60.0.0.0 (default)0 (default)

If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not set these values.

GE7ge70.0.0.0 (default)0 (default)

If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not set these values.

GE8ge80.0.0.0 (default)0 (default)

If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not set these values.

Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP9-10)

InterfaceInterface NameIPv4 AddressNetmask Length

Enable DHCP Client

(* = yes)

Setup Wizard Notes
SFP9sfp90.0.0.0 (default)0 (default)


If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not set these values.

DHCP Client requires manual configuration of the gateway and DNS settings.

SFP10sfp100.0.0.0 (default)0 (default)


If the interface is a member of a bridge interface, do not set these values.

DHCP Client requires manual configuration of the gateway and DNS settings.

Default Gateway

IPv4 Address

Setup Wizard Note

MUST be an IPv4 address within a subnet on an interface.

Note: This is the external gateway that the Edge 8000 device routes to in order to reach outside of itself, beyond its own subnet. It's how the gateway can respond when you ping it. Without this, the Edge 8000 device doesn't know where to send its responses.

DNS Settings

Primary DNS Server

Secondary DNS Server

Note: This allows the Edge 8000 device to get an actual IP address when it needs to resolve a domain name. Ask your network system administrator for the IP address to use.

Swe-Edge Settings

CPUs (1 2 4)

Memory (MBs)

Mgmt Host IP ([2-200]

Extra Interface 1

Extra Interface 2

Setup Wizard Note

2 (default)2048 (default)

53 (i.e.

Note: are the first three octets of the BR2 VNF Management interface and are not configurable in this menu.


The Extra Interface values are any of the physical port names, for example, ge1, sfp9 or the VNF Public bridge interface name, br4.

SWe Edge License Features

To view the SWe Edge license features, log in to the SBC SWe Edge WebUI as user admin, click the Settings tab, and navigate to Licensing > Current Licenses.

The following screenshot illustrates the SWe Edge license features used in this demonstration.

SWe Edge License Features

Network Interface Values

Network Interfaces define the way the SBC SWe Edge operates within the Edge 8000 to communicate with the external network.

The Edge 8000 supports system-created logical interfaces known as Administrative IPEthernet 1 IPEthernet 2 IP, and Ethernet 3 IP for the SWe Edge function. In addition, the Edge 8000 supports user-created VLAN logical sub-interfaces.

In this demonstration,

  • The Admin IP is set as the Mgmt Host IP in the Swe-Edge Settings of the Setup Wizard
  • The following IP addresses are not set during the Setup Wizard and must be entered manually:
    • the Ethernet 1 IP address, which provides a connection to the LAN IP PBX
    • the Ethernet 1.2626 IP address, which supports a connection to a VLAN logical sub-interface to the LAN IP PBX
    • the Ethernet 3 IP address, which provides a connection to the WAN Border Element (ITSP) 
  • The Ethernet 2 IP interface is not used

For this demonstration, the following Network Interface values have been assigned:

Network Interface Assignments

Interface NameIP Assign MethodPrimary AddressPrimary NetmaskMedia Next Hop IP
Admin IPStatic10.10.216.53255.255.255.192
Ethernet 1 IPStatic192.168.200.11255.255.255.0192.168.200.1
Ethernet 1.2626 IPStatic10.10.203.157255.255.255.12810.10.203.129
Ethernet 3 IPStatic10.10.201.9255.255.255.19210.10.201.1

To create a VLAN I/F for a Logical Interface, navigate to Networking Interfaces > Logical Interfaces > Create VLAN I/F.

To display Network Interfaces in the SWe Edge WebUI:

  • click the Settings tab
  • navigate to Networking Interfaces > Logical Interfaces

The following screenshots illustrate the Network Interfaces defined for this demonstration.

Network Interfaces

Example of a Network Interface: Ethernet 1 IP

Static Route Values

Static routes enable communication with remote networks. In a production environment, static routes are mainly configured to route traffic from one network to another network that can only be accessed through one point or one interface (single path access or default route).
  • For smaller networks with just one or two routes, configuring static routing is preferable. This is often more efficient since a link is not being wasted by exchanging dynamic routing information.
  • For networks that have a LAN-side gateway on Voice VLAN or Multi-Switch Edge Devices (MSEs) with voice VLAN towards the SBC Edge, static routing configurations are not required.

This demonstration does not have a LAN-side gateway, nor does it have MSEs.

Two Static Routes are defined for this demonstration:

  • The first Static Route gives access to the SWe Edge WebUI on a management computer through a VPN subnet.
  • The second Static Route gives access to SIPP servers on the WAN side of the Edge 8000 device.

Static Route fields include:

  • Destination IP – Specifies the destination IP address.
  • Mask – Specifies the network mask of the destination host or subnet. (If the 'Destination IP Address' field and 'Mask' field are both, the static route is called the 'default static route'.)
  • Gateway – Specifies the IP address of the next-hop router to use for this static route.

To display Static Routes in the SWe Edge WebUI:

  • click the Settings tab
  • navigate to Protocols > IP > Static Routes

The following screenshot illustrates the Static Routes defined for this demonstration.

Static Routes

Easy Config Values

Running the SBC Edge Easy Configuration establishes the basic call routing framework for a particular scenario. In this demonstration, the SIP Trunk ↔ IP PBX application is chosen as the scenario.

The following screenshots show the values entered in the three steps of Easy Config. (To access Easy Config, click the Tasks tab in the SBC Edge WebUI, then navigate to SBC Easy Setup > Easy Config Wizard.)

Step 1: Scenario Selection

Step 2: End Point Configuration

Step 3: Summary and Confirmation

Easy Config Output

The following screenshots capture the resulting output of the Easy Configuration Wizard. Remember, the values shown are for illustration only. Do not use these values to define the configuration of your network.

As an aid to understanding, the following diagram depicts a typical call flow sequence. Every call enters through an ingress Signaling Group, traverses through a Call Routing Table and its associated Transformation Table or Tables, and exits through an egress Signaling Group. A SIP Server Table for each Signaling Group defines where the call should go on egress.

SIP to SIP Call Flow Sequence

Signaling Groups

Signaling groups allow telephony channels to be grouped together for routing and shared configuration purposes. They are the locations from which ingress calls enter and to which egress calls are routed out. They are also the location from which Tone Tables are selected. In the case of SIP, they specify protocol settings and are linked to server, media, and mapping tables.

Two Signaling Groups are defined for this demonstration:

  • SIP TO SIP: IP PBX Signaling Group – serves the LAN-side IP PBX 
  • SIP TO SIP: Border Element Signaling Group – serves the WAN-side SIP Trunk

The following fields of each Signaling Group must be modified as a minimum per your deployment plan:

  • SIP Profile
  • Tone Table
  • Call Routing Table
  • SIP Mode
  • SIP server table / Local Registrar
  • Media List ID
  • Signaling/Media Source IP
  • Listen Ports
  • Federated IP/FQDN

Additional fields may be modified per end-user requirements.

Be sure to set the Signaling/Media Source IP value correctly for each Signaling Group per your network topology plan.

To display Signaling Groups in the SWe Edge WebUI:

  • click the Settings tab
  • navigate to Signaling Groups

The following screenshots illustrate the Signaling Groups created by the Easy Configuration Wizard.

SIP TO SIP: IP PBX Signaling Group

SIP TO SIP: Border Element Signaling Group

SIP Profiles

SIP Profiles control how the Edge 8000 device communicates with other SIP devices. SIP Profiles control important characteristics such as session timers, SIP header customization, SIP timers, MIME payloads, and option tags.

In this demonstration, two SIP Profiles are defined, one for each Signaling Group:

  • SIP TO SIP: IP PBX Profileserves the SIP TO SIP: IP PBX Signaling Group
  • SIP TO SIP: BE Profile serves the SIP TO SIP: Border Element (BE) Signaling Group

To display SIP Profiles in the SWe Edge WebUI:

  • click the Settings tab
  • navigate to SIP > SIP Profiles

The following screenshots illustrate the SIP Profiles created by the Easy Configuration Wizard.


SIP TO SIP: BE Profile

Tone Tables

Tone Tables allow the Edge 8000 administrator to customize the tones a user hears when placing a call. You can modify the tone to match your local PSTN or PBX. The default Tone Table is configured for the values used in the United States for the following categories: Ringback, Dial, Busy, Congestion, Call Waiting, Disconnect, and Confirmation.

In this demonstration, both Signaling Groups – the IP PBX Signaling Group and the Border Element (SIP Trunk) Signaling Group – use the same Tone Table:

  • SIP TO SIP: United States.

To display Tone Tables and associated profiles in the SWe Edge WebUI:

  • click the Settings tab
  • navigate to Tone Tables

The following screenshots illustrate the Tone Table and associated Tone Profiles created by the Easy Configuration Wizard

SIP TO SIP: United States Tone Table

Ringback Tone Profile

Congestion Tone Profile


Transformation Tables

Transformation Tables facilitate the conversion of names, numbers, and other fields when routing a call. They can, for example, convert a public PSTN number into a private extension number or into a SIP address (URI). Every entry in a Call Routing Table requires a Transformation Table.

In this demonstration, six Transformation Tables are defined:

  • three supporting the Call Routing Table, SIP TO SIP: From IP PBX
  • three supporting the Call Routing Table, SIP TO SIP: From SIP Trunk

To display Transformation Tables in the SWe Edge WebUI:

  • click the Settings tab
  • navigate to Call Routing Transformation

The following screenshots illustrate one of the six Transformation Tables, SIP TO SIP: IP PBX to SIP Trunk, and its three associated entries, as created by the Easy Configuration Wizard


To understand Input Field and Output Field values, refer to Regular Expressions for Number Matching and Transformation.

Transformation Table – SIP TO SIP: IP PBX to SIP Trunk 

Transformation Table Entry – Remove Prefix

Transformation Table Entry – Add Country Code (Output Field Type: Called Address/Number)

Transformation Table Entry – Add Country Code (Output Field Type: Calling Address/Number)

Call Routing Tables

Call Routing Tables allow calls to be carried between signaling groups, thus allowing calls to be carried between ports and between protocols (like ISDN to SIP). Call Routing Tables define routes, which allow for flexible configuration of which calls are carried and how they are translated. These tables are one of the central connection points of the system, linking Transformation Tables, Message Translations, Cause Code Reroute Tables, Media Lists, and Signaling Groups.

Each Signaling Group has one Call Routing Table. In this demonstration, the Easy Configuration Wizard has created the following two Signaling Groups and their corresponding Call Routing Table:

Signaling Group and Matching Call Routing Table

Signaling Group Call Routing Table
SIP to SIP: Border ElementSIP to SIP: From SIP Trunk

The following fields of the Call Routing Table must be modified as a minimum:

  • Number/Name Transformation Table
  • Destination Signaling Groups

Additional fields may be modified per end-user requirements.

To display Call Routing Tables in the SWe Edge WebUI:

  • click the Settings tab
  • navigate to Call Routing > Call Routing Table

The following screenshots show the two Call Routing Tables and the three entries in each table, as created by the Easy Configuration Wizard. Each entry specifies a different Transformation Table. Note that in this demonstration, the second entry of each table allows for the routing of an anonymous ("anon") call where the calling number is not disclosed.

Call Routing Table – SIP TO SIP: From IP PBX 

Entry – To SIP Trunk

Entry – To SIP Trunk (Anonymous Calls)

Entry – To SIP Trunk (Passthrough)

Call Routing Table – SIP TO SIP: From SIP Trunk

Entry – To IP PBX

Entry – To IP PBX (Anonymous Calls)

Entry – To IP PBX (Passthrough)

SIP Server Tables

SIP Server tables contain the IP address or FQDN of one or more SIP servers where INVITE messages can be sent to egress calls on a Signaling Group. The entries in the tables provide information about the IP Addresses, ports, and protocols used to communicate with the servers. The entries also contain links to counters that are useful for troubleshooting. 

In this demonstration, two SIP Server Tables, one for each Signaling Group, are defined:

Signaling Group and Matching SIP Server Table

Signaling Group SIP Server Table 
SIP to SIP: Border ElementSIP TO SIP: Border Element

The following fields of the SIP Server Table must be modified as a minimum:

  • Host FQDN/IP
  • Port
  • Protocol

Additional fields may be modified per end-user requirements.

To display SIP Server Tables in the SWe Edge WebUI:

  • click the Settings tab
  • navigate to SIP > SIP Server Tables

The following screenshots show the two SIP Server Tables created by the Easy Configuration Wizard. 

SIP Server Table – SIP TO SIP: IP PBX

SIP Server Table – SIP TO SIP: Border Element

Media Profiles

Media Profiles allow you to specify individual voice and fax compression codecs and their associated settings for inclusion in a Media List. Different codecs provide varying levels of compression, allowing a tradeoff between reducing bandwidth at the expense of reducing voice quality.

The following field of a Media Profile must be modified as a minimum:

  • Codec

Additional fields may be modified per end-user requirements.

To display Media Profiles in the SWe Edge WebUI:

  • click the Settings tab
  • navigate to Media > Media Profiles

The following screenshots show several different Media Profiles created by the Easy Configuration Wizard for this demonstration

SIP TO SIP (IP PBX): G.711 A-Law

SIP TO SIP (IP PBX): G.711 Mu-Law


SIP TO SIP (Trunk): G.711 A-Law

SIP TO SIP (Trunk): G.711 Mu-Law

SIP TO SIP (Trunk): Fax

Media Lists

A Media List contains a list of media profiles you order to give preference to more desirable codecs above less desirable ones. Profile order determines the order in which codecs are specified in SIP message(s) sent to a peer.

The following field of a Media List must be modified as a minimum:

  • Media Profiles List

Additional fields may be modified per end-user requirements.

To display Media Lists in the SWe Edge WebUI: 

  • click the Settings tab
  • navigate to Media > Media List

The following screenshots show the two Media Lists created by the Easy Configuration Wizard for this demonstration:

  • SIP TO SIP: SIP Trunk List


SIP TO SIP: SIP Trunk List