
Use this procedure to restore from backup the configuration settings of your Edge 8000 device. The sys-tools config restore command restores the system to a previous backup configuration. The command also restores the settings of all the components that were active in the device, including 

  • Analog Manager -  SIP User Agent, SIP Gateway, and PRI Settings (8300 only)
  • Routing - All configuration settings
  • SBC SWe Edge - This is a pre-installed KVM virtual machine (VM), so the complete VM is saved in this process, including the running configuration.

  • User Management - Users and Passwords

This procedure applies to all Edge 8000 Series devices.


You can also save and download the SBC SWe Edge running configuration separately using the SWe Edge GUI interface.


For a full recovery of all the system software of the Edge 8000 device, including the operating system software, refer to Performing Disaster Recovery.


This operation causes a service disruption. Perform this procedure only during a maintenance window.


  • Access to the backup file created from running the prior backup procedure.
  • System Administrator login access to the Edge 8000 CLI, SSH, or Console port.
  • Physical access to the GE 7 port of the Edge 8000 device.


  1. Connect the management computer to port GE 7 at the front of the Edge 8000 device.
    The computer will receive a DHCP IPv4 Address on the Edge 8000's management subnet,
    If the system's management network is reachable from the remote management computer, then SSH directly to the management IPv4 Address.
  2. Open a secure shell (ssh) session to the system's management IPv4 address. The default IP address is
  3. Log in to the Edge 8000 CLI as System Administrator (sysadm) and enter the password.
  4. Change permission to root user by entering sudo -i. Then enter the sysadm user password.
  5. Execute the system tools (sys-tools) command to restore the configuration settings from backup.
    sys-tools config restore <backup_file_name>

    # sys-tools config restore 05102023v1_2023-05-10-11.01.23.tgz
    Config restore will interrupt voice services for approximately 60 seconds.
    Current calls will be disconnected, Continue (yes/no)?
    Domain 'SBCSWeEdge' destroyed
    umount disk
    disconnect /dev/nbd5
    /dev/nbd5 disconnected
    virsh start SBCSWeEdge
    Domain 'SBCSWeEdge' started
    virsh start SBCSWeEdge  ====> Success.
    systemctl stop evagent.service  ====> Success.
    systemctl stop emtunnel.service  ====> Success.
    [root@e8000 /]#
  6. Exit the CLI session and remove the physical connection from the GE 7 port.