Use the SBC Easy Configuration Wizard to deploy a partially configured signaling group with a new single end-point scenario. Refer to Using the Easy Configuration Wizard for an overview of Easy Config.

For the single endpoint configuration, since the peer end is not known or is not configured, the Easy Configuration Wizard creates the Transformation and Routing entries for the endpoint being configured independent of the peer end. If you have two endpoints connected and use the Single Leg Wizard to add the third endpoint, you'll need to create or modify the Transformation and Routing entries to complete the routing.

Easy Configuration Wizard - Single Leg Configuration Notes
  • The Single Leg Wizard should be used to add a 3rd, 4th, or 5th peer to the device, when at least 2 legs have already been configured via the standard Easy Configuration Wizard.
  • Emergency configuration is not supported for single end-point scenarios.


  • Login access to the SBC SWe Edge web-based user interface (UI), as user admin


Select Edge 8K

Easy Configuration Step 1 includes the configuration of Scenario Parameters. 

  1. In the SBC SWe Edge user UI, click the Tasks tab.
  2. In the navigation panel on the left, select SBC Easy Setup > Easy Config Wizard.
    Step 1 of the Easy Configuration appears.
  3. In the Scenario Parameters area, from the Application drop down list select Edge 8K.
  4. Configure the Step 1 parameters per the field definitions below.

  5. Click Next.
    Step 2 of the Easy Configuration appears.

Step 1 Scenario Parameters - Field Definitions

ApplicationConfiguration template used:  Edge 8K.
Scenario DescriptionName to describe the setup.
Telephone CountryCountry in which the IP PBX is setup.
SIP SessionsNumber of simultaneous SIP Sessions. Valid entry: 1 - 1200.
EDGE 8K VariantsValid selections (available for the 8300 device):
    • 8300 24S
    • 8300 22S 2X

Configure Edge 8K for Endpoint

Easy Configuration Step 2 includes the configuration of the Edge 8000 endpoint.

  1. Enter the Step 2 parameter, UA Server.
    This is the FQDN or IP address of the User Agent (UA) server that is resident in the Edge 8000device.
    For reference, the port numbers of the FXS, FXO, and PRI ports (as applicable) also appear in the Step 2 menu.
  2. Click Next.
    Step 3 of the Easy Configuration appears.

Review the Summary

Easy Configuration Step 3 includes a summary of the information configured in Steps 1 and 2.

  1. Review the information and click Finish.
  2. Read the continuation statement that asks you to configure the routes before attempting to make calls, and click OK.
    Example Continuation Statement

  3. Read the confirmation statement that says the System Configuration is complete, and click OK.