This page provides the settings and cable pinouts for the console of an Edge 8000 Series device.

Console Settings

The RJ-45 port is configured as an RS232 serial console output port with the following settings:

  • Baud rate: 115200.
  • Data bits: 8.
  • Stop bits: 1.
  • Parity: None.
  • Flow control: None.

Here are the pin assignments for the RJ-45 console.

Pin Assignments for the Console Cable

Pinout for the Console Cable

SignalDB9 PinRJ45 PinSignal
-1 - NCNC-
-4 - NCNC-
-6 - NCNC-
-7 - NCNC-
-8 - NCNC-
-9 - NC--


NC: Not Connected

TXD: Transmit Data

RXD: Receive Data

GND: Ground