The Diameter DSC Routing Search Utility (see the following screen capture) determines the diameter routing result based on parameters that the user provides. The DSC Routing Search Utility allows users to upload a diameter test message, and enter required and optional parameters for each attribute. A search is performed in the DSC Routing Search Utility to display the processed routing and modification tables, and the routing result.


The DSC Routing Search Utility only supports routing table processing and default routing results. The DSC Routing Search Utility does not support session binding and database lookup result details. If session binding is encountered, the DSC Routing Search Utility displays the table processing result and assumes that there is no response from the session binding database lookup.


The DSC does not include Previously Used routes when performing Default Routing.

DSC Routing Search Utility

The DSC Routing Search Utility provides the Result and Diagnostic Message result information. The result information is determined by processing the diameter test message and the provided attributes. The DSC Routing Search Utility supports both request and answer messages.


In the Diagnostic Message, the MSG data displays the header of the test message. The Hop-by-Hop (HH) Identifier and the End-to-End (EE) Identifier fields are not used by the DSC Routing Search Utility, and the user can insert a unique value to identify the message. In the Diagnostic Message, the MSG Path Trace data displays the path of the diameter test message and, if any errors, the return error information.

The DSC Node Name and Request Incoming ADN Name attributes must always be included. For a request message, the Answer Incoming ADN and Initial Routing Table Name can be empty. If the Initial Routing Table Name is empty, the Initial Routing Table Name from the DSC Node is used. For an answer message, the Answer Incoming ADN and Initial Routing Table Name attributes must be included.

The DSC Table Record object updates after the DSC Routing Search Utility performs a search, and the object displays the output and matching table results. The DSC Table Record includes the following summary attributes:

  • Sequence Number
  • Matching Table Type
  • Matching Table Name
  • Table Record

The DSC Table Record also includes the Next Table and Modification Table read-only attributes.

The DSC Candidate Outgoing ADN object updates after the DSC Routing Search Utility performs a search, and the object displays the candidate outgoing ADN of the diameter test message. The DSC Candidate Outgoing ADN includes the following summary attributes:

  • Order
  • Candidate ADN Name
  • Candidate Status

The Candidate Outgoing ADN displays the UNAVAILABLE candidate status only if the ADN record is from the result table.

The Continue action triggers a new search if the original attribute values are modified. If the original attribute values are not modified, the Continue action does not trigger a new search and the No attribute modifications were made error is sent.

The Perform Search action triggers a new search if the original attribute values are not modified. If the original attribute values are modified, the Perform Search action triggers a new search that uses the original attribute values. Use the Perform Search action when the attribute values are not modified, but

  • a new diameter test message is uploaded.
  • the routing table data is modified.
  • an issue that blocks the original search is fixed.
  • the ADN/ADNC record is altered.

Diameter Test Message

The diameter test message has a file size limit of 100 000 bytes. The maximum number of rows for the diameter test message is 1000, and if the data exceeds this maximum an error is sent.

The diameter test message is stored in one of the following file formats, which are uploaded to the /tmp/dscInputMessage.<instance> directory on the DSC system:

  • HEX message file format. The user inputs a single HEX message format that is captured with the tcpdump or Wireshark tool. This file format supports a comment line that starts with the # symbol, and lets the user add message details to the HEX message file.

  • XML message file format. The user inputs a single diameter test message in the XML format.

The HEX message file consists of ASCII text that only contains the characters a-f, A-F, 0-9, space, carriage return, and line feed. Each row can either be empty or have hex value pairs that are separated by spaces.

The XML message file stores the diameter test message and its AVPs in XML format. The routing table decodes the XML message to ensure that it satisfies the diameter test message format.

The octet string is decoded to ensure that it satisfies the diameter test message format. If decoding fails, the Result field displays the INVALID INPUT message.

To use the TL1 command to perform a routing table search, the diameter test message must be uploaded to the DSC Routing Search Utility. If the diameter test message is not uploaded first, the TL1 command returns the Input message file not uploaded error.

After the diameter test message traverses through the routing and modification tables in the DSC Routing Tables screen, the DSC Routing Search Utility displays the final routing result and matching records.


The diameter test message is not valid on a restart, so the diameter test message file needs to be re-uploaded.

How to Perform a DSC Routing Search

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