A new license file will need to be uploaded before starting the upgrade.


  1. SFTP the 'license.new.dat' file (received from Ribbon) to the /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/ directory on the CPU that will be used to start the upgrade process. 

    Slot 1 is used to start the upgrade on DSC SWe, and Slot 2 is used to start the upgrade on DSC 8000 upgrades. 


    Once the upgrade is completed in each CPU, the licensing file (license.new.dat) will automatically be renamed to license.dat and used for the upgraded system. This also ensures that in the case of a rollback the correct license.dat file will be used.

    The new filename may be different from the license filename received. 

    DO NOT overwrite the old license file 'license.dat', as it is still used for the current license, and for a rollback (if needed).