You must first register your login credentials on the SDA System Manager to enable the SDA Scripting function.

To register for SDA Scripting

  1. SSH to the SDA System Manager.

  2. Enter the following command at the prompt:

    # source /opt/sigflex/current/scripts/sm.env


  3. Specify the definition file using the following command:

    # touch /data/FLXsm/SCRIPT/script_working/schd_def


  4. Enter the autoexec-config command to start the Scripting registration session:

    # /opt/sigflex/current/bin/FLXsm/command/bin/autoexec-config


  5. Enter your GUI, MMI, and email login credentials at the prompts.

    Command Example Input
    GUI username : smroot
    GUI password :
    MMI username : smroot
    MMI password :
    Email        :


  6. Press Enter to complete the registration.

    Command Output
    Continue On Error Flag (SET = 1 / UNSET = 0 ) : 1
    File Transfer option ( SET = 1 / UNSET = 0 ) : 0
    File transfer option not selected

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