Use the following procedure to restore your Signaling Database application in the case of application failure. 


Backup the SDA Database

  1. Create a SDA Database Backup under WebUI
    1. From the Main Menu on Web UI, click Backups.
    2. Click Manual ConfigurationBackup.
    3. Select SS7 DB Apps database backup.
    4. Type any notes regarding the backup as required in the Backup Notes text box.
    5. Click Create Manual Backup.  A backup file will be created in /var/database_backups on both SysMgr CPUs.

  2. On a SysMgr CPU, verify that the created backup tarball file is available.

    # ls -l /var/database_backups/
    Command Output
    total 284
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 268750 Sep 21 04:09 FlexDB-DSC0tmaslot4-21-09-22-040944.tgz
  3. Copy the backup tarball file to /var/log/backups on MGMT CPU.

    # scp /var/database_backups/<backup_tarball_file> slot2_0:/var/log/backups

Uninstall the Existing SDA Version

  1. Execute the following commands on the first SysMgr CPU.

    # /opt/sigflex/current/scripts/sigflexmgr stop
    # /opt/sigflex/current/scripts/.drbdini –-teardown --peerslot <peer>
    # rm -rf /opt/sigflex; rm -rf /data; rm -rf /nfmd0a; rm /opt/FLXsm; rm -rf /export
    # /usr/sbin/userdel smroot
  2. Execute the following commands on the second SysMgr CPU.

    # /opt/sigflex/current/scripts/sigflexmgr stop
    # rm -rf /opt/sigflex; rm -rf /data; rm -rf /nfmd0a; rm /opt/FLXsm; rm -rf /export
    # /usr/sbin/userdel smroot
  3. Execute the following commands on all DSS CPUs (one CPU at a time).

    # /opt/sigflex/current/scripts/sigflexdss stop
    # rm -rf /opt/sigflex; rm -rf /data; rm -rf /nfmd0a; rm /opt/FLXsm; rm -rf /export
  4. Execute the following commands on both MGMT CPU.

    # rm -rf /var/log/sigflex
    # rm /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/flex_slot.conf

Install SDA

  1. Follow the SDA Installation Guide at Installing SDA Software.

Restore the SDA Database

  1. On the MGMT CPU, copy the backup file that we saved previously to both SysMgr CPUs.

    # scp /var/log/backups/<backup_tarball_file> slot_<sysmgr1>_0:/var/database_backups/
    # scp /var/log/backups/<backup_tarball_file> slot_<sysmgr2>_0:/var/database_backups/
  2. On Web UI, click Backups > Restore Backup > Restore.

Additional Configuration


There are three IP addresses required for SDA. Two IP addresses are for each of the SDA System Manager CPU cards, and an additional address for the High Availability IP (Shared IP). To configure or modify the IP Address, proceed with the following procedure.

Before starting this procedure make sure you have the following information.

  • Netmask
  • Management IP address (shared IP between the two SDA System Manager cards)
  • Gateway IP address
  1. SSH to the Management CPU for the DSC 8000 on which SDA is installed.
  2. Enter "Startmenu in the prompt.
  3. Select System > Software Revisions > SS7 DB Apps > SS7 DB Apps Network Configuration
  4. Enter the required information in the menu prompts. After entering the IP Address, follow the prompts to complete the configuration.
  5. Type y and press Enter to restart networking on the cards.
  6. Apply SDA GUI MOP: DSC-21388 MOP to run SDA GUI by Java Web Start from Ribbon Support Portal.
  7. On the MGMT CPU, execute the following command to check if drbdipmgr issue persist.

    # tail -f /var/log/ptidbglog | grep drbdipmgr
    Command Output when drbdipmgr issue persist
    Sep 26 03:05:34.562670 [SEQ 350589] DSC0tmaslot5 drbdipmgr:  Recreating LOCIP on interface p19p1:1
    Sep 26 03:05:34.562670 [SEQ 350590] DSC0tmaslot5 drbdipmgr:  Recreating LOCIP on interface p19p1:1
    Sep 26 03:05:34.562670 [SEQ 350591] DSC0tmaslot5 drbdipmgr:  Recreating LOCIP on interface p19p1:1
    Sep 26 03:05:34.582798 [SEQ 350598] DSC0tmaslot4 drbdipmgr:  Recreating LOCIP on interface p19p1:1
    Sep 26 03:05:34.582798 [SEQ 350599] DSC0tmaslot4 drbdipmgr:  Recreating LOCIP on interface p19p1:1
    Sep 26 03:05:34.582798 [SEQ 350600] DSC0tmaslot4 drbdipmgr:  Recreating LOCIP on interface p19p1:1
  8. If drbdipmgr issue persist, apply drbdipmgr patch: DSC-19381 MOP for drbdipmgr Script Replacement from Ribbon Support Portal.

Verify the System after Restore

  1. Execute the status command at the system prompt on both SysMgr CPUs.

    # /opt/sigflex/current/scripts/sigflexmgr status
    Command Output of Standby CPU
    Remote is primary
               sigflxsys  running
                  flxsql  stopped
     flexServicesLicense  stopped
            sigFlxOrbMgr  stopped
                    sfsc  stopped
                  TrcMgr  stopped
                  FwdMgr  stopped
             EventMgrSvr  stopped
                  CmdLgr  stopped
              SmIntruder  stopped
                    Moss  stopped
            SySecMgrSrvr  stopped
                   Trcrt  stopped
              5129Server  stopped
               NSMServer  stopped
               ScrServer  stopped
         autoexec-script  stopped
              ScrSecIntf  stopped
        SmFlex5129Server  stopped
             ScrFlexIntf  stopped
         FlexRTGUIServer  stopped

    The first line of the status command output indicates whether the SysMgr CPU is active or standby.  In this example, the output message 'Remote is primary' indicates the other SysMgr card is the active CPU. Only the sigflxsys process is running on the standby SysMgr CPU.

    Command Output of Active CPU
    Local is primary
               sigflxsys  running
                  flxsql  running
     flexServicesLicense  running
            sigFlxOrbMgr  running
                    sfsc  running
                  TrcMgr  running
                  FwdMgr  running
             EventMgrSvr  running
                  CmdLgr  running
              SmIntruder  running
                    Moss  running
            SySecMgrSrvr  running
                   Trcrt  running
              5129Server  running
               NSMServer  running
               ScrServer  running
         autoexec-script  running
              ScrSecIntf  running
        SmFlex5129Server  running
             ScrFlexIntf  running
         FlexRTGUIServer  running
  2. Execute the status command at the system prompt on all DSS CPUs.

    # /opt/sigflex/current/scripts/sigflexdss status
    Command Output
    yj4flx  running
    mDaemon  running

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