You can use the Batch Operations object to facilitate the data manipulation for large system deployments.


Although the Batch Operations button appears in the UI, this button is only intended for Gateway Screening. For MSU tracing, you should configure each screening record separately.

You must create batch files using a text editor, and then upload the batch files to the DSC Platform using the GWST UI (see the following figure). After you loaded the batch files, you can use various actions to manipulate these files (refer to Configuring Batch Operations).


During batch operations, table and configuration modifications cannot be performed.

Any errors during batch operations are logged to the debuglog with an overview of the total errors against the total number of records for each file. The overall total number of errors are displayed in the GWST Tables Summary object (refer to Figure GWST Tables Summary Screen).

Batch Operations Screen

Batch operations use comma-separated value (CSV) files where each record is uniquely identified on a single line. Comment can be added to the batch file by starting a line with an initial # character (refer to Batch Operations File Names and File Format Examples).


The Web UI shows the GSWT table names without underscores (see the preceding figure, Batch Operations Screen). However, if you export the CSV file, the tables names include underscores (refer to Figure incomingLinkset File Format for Batch Operations (Example)).

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