In some cases, Ribbon signaling products may be used on more than one SS7 network at one time (see the following figure), or can appear to one SS7 network as multiple distinct elements.

DSC - SP2000 System on Two Networks

The preceding figure shows an DSC - SP2000 Platform being used in two different networks. The presence of the DSC - SP2000 Platform in each of these networks is a Network Appearance (NA). This platform does not route traffic between the networks, unless a special software application such as Ribbon’s Level 4 Converter or PCE is used.

An DSC - SP2000 Platform supports up to 32 NAs. Each NA has its own Local Point Code (LPC) and its own provisioning of all other elements such as VNodes, routesets and linksets. The number of NAs available to you is controlled by licensing. If you want to purchase additional NAs, contact your Sales Representative.

The following figure illustrates a simplified representation of two NAs (two STP stacks).

Typical Representation of NAs in a DSC - SP2000 System

As the two preceding figures illustrate, an NA is an instance of a signaling node (that is STP or End Node) within a network.

These illustrations show two networks. However, having two networks is not a requirement of multiple NAs. These NAs can be on the same network. The distinguishing factor is that each NA has its own LPC and other provisioned data. Each NA appears on the network as a network element just as they were running on different platforms.

The purpose of the multiple NAs is

  • to enable a specialized application such as the Level 4 Converter or PCE to transmit messages between networks
  • to have two End Nodes on the same platform.

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