You can monitor the following networking-related information using the utilities that are accessible from the Main Menu:

  • client connection
  • listening servers

The following table lists and describes the items on the Open Sockets fields

Open Sockets Fields Description

Item Description
Active Internet connection (servers and established)
Proto The protocol (tcp, udp, raw) used by the socket.
Recv-Q The count of bytes not copied by the user program connected to this socket.
Send-Q The count of bytes not acknowledged by the remote host.
Local Address Address and port number of the local end of the socket. Unless the -numeric (-n) option is specified, the socket address is resolved to its canonical host name, and the port number is translated into the corresponding service name.
Foreign Address Address and port number of the remote end of the socket. Analogous to Local Address.

The state of the socket. Because there are no states in raw mode and usually no states used in UDP, this column may be left blank. Normally, this attribute can be one of several values:


The socket has an established connection.


The socket is actively attempting to establish a connection.


A connection request has been received from the network.


The socket is closed, and the connection is shutting down.


Connection is closed, and the socket is waiting for a shutdown from the remote end.


The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network.


The socket is not being used.


The remote end has shut down, waiting for the socket to close.


The remote end has shut down, and the socket is closed. Waiting for acknowledgement.


The socket is listening for incoming connections. Such sockets are not included in the output unless you specify the - listening (-l) or --all (-a) option.


Both sockets are shut down but we still do not have all data sent.


The state of the socket is unknown.

Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto The protocol (usually UNIX) used by the socket.
RefCnt The reference count (in other words, attached processes using this socket).
Flags The flags displayed is SO_ACCEPTON (displayed as ACC), SO_WAITDATA (W) or SO_NOSPACE (N). SO_ACCECPTON is used on unconnected sockets if their corresponding processes are waiting for a connect request. The other flags are not of normal interest.

There are several types of socket accesses:


The socket is used in Datagram (connectionless) mode.


This is a stream (connection) socket.


The socket is used as a raw socket.


This one serves reliably-delivered messages.


This is a sequential packet socket.


Raw interface access socket.


N/A for this release.


This attribute may have the following values:

  • FREE

The socket is not allocated.


The socket is listening for a connection request. Such sockets are only included in the output if you specify the --listening (-l) or --all (-a) option.


The socket is about to establish a connection.


The socket is connected.


The socket is disconnecting. (empty). The socket is not connected to another one.


This state should never happen.

I-NodeI-Node is a data structure on a traditional Unix-style file system such as Unix File System (UFS). An I-Node stores basic information about a regular file, directory or other file system object.
PathThis is the path name as which the corresponding processes attached to the socket.

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