Using the Memory Space Accounting (MSA) feature, defined in GR-82-CORE Issue 10, the DSC provides accounting of the amount of memory space allocated to monitored objects for the supported SS7 applications such as Signaling Channels (SIGCH), Annex A Channels (ANNEXA), MTP3 NAs (NA) linksets (LINKSET), and so on.

The MSA information allows the assessment whether there is enough memory space for all objects prior to provisioning the system, and the monitoring of these objects during system operation.

Three alarm threshold values can be configured to indicate if a threshold has been exceeded. When the current size of a tracked object increases and crosses a threshold, an alarm is triggered and the event is recorded in the system log (ptisyslog) file. When the current size of a tracked object returns below the alarm threshold, a cleared alarm message is recorded in the system log (ptisyslog) file.

For detailed information about MSA, refer to Data Measurements Reference.

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