In this section:

For detailed information about the appropriate description of the various supported CPUs and VMs, refer to Terminology.


The Level 4 Converter Menu (see the following figure) provides you with access to the following Converter objects screens:

  • Level 4 Converter Configuration screens
  • Level 4 Converter SS7 Variant screens
  • Level 4 Converter Statistics screens

Level 4 Converter UI Hierarchy


Memory Space Accounting (MSA) and Process Event are objects under the Level 4 Converter. For information about MSAs, refer to L4 Converter MSAs. For information about Process Events, refer to the appropriate section in the SS7 Application Guide 2.


SS7 Variants

The SS7 Variant object displays the variant’s general information and its route mapping, message rules, and parameter rule records. There are two SS7 Variant objects defined, one for each network.

From the Level 4 Converter SS7 Variant screen, you can access the Route Mapping, Message Rule, and Parameter Rule screens to configure the traffic conversion (refer to Configuring a Level 4 Converter SS7 Variant).


You can use the Level 4 Converter Statistics object for assistance during system maintenance. A Peer Statistics object is created automatically under  the Level 4 Converter Statistics object  for each Routing CPU (refer to Viewing Level 4 Converter Statistics).

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