In this section:

For detailed information about the appropriate description of the various supported CPUs and VMs, refer to Terminology.

Your system is delivered with the PCE software already installed. You should make sure that the initial configuration tasks are completed before your PCE is ready for further provisioning and use. The PCE initial configuration tasks are as follows:

  • Configuring the PCE Configuration
  • Configuring the PCE NA Manager

After you completed the initial configuration tasks, you can use the following actions to manipulate system-wide attributes (see To activate or deactivate PCE traffic)

  • Activate Traffic - activate the PCE traffic
  • Deactivate Traffic - deactivate the PCE traffic
  • Reset PCE processes - all standby PCE processes request the primary PCE process’ configuration file

The PCE is fully redundant by functioning on two CPUs in a DSC - SP2000 Platform mated pair configuration.

PCE Configuration Overview

You can use the PCE Configuration object to configure the PCE system-wide attributes.

This section also provide you with instructions about provisioning the PCE system-wide attributes and using the available actions.

General Configuration

Use the General Configuration screen (see the following figure) to set the SS7 Variant to the network variant. Set the supported traffic to the necessary services (ISUP, TCAP, or both) depending on the PCE deployment.

Enable Mono Mode only if instructed by Customer Support. Otherwise, leave this attribute disabled.

If the Non Member Routeset Support attribute is enabled, the PCE registers to the private network SCCP NA (or NAs for Enhanced PCE) with the reserved Application ID DSC_DEFAULT_RS (refer to Reserved Application IDs for SS7 Applications) for MTP3 traffic redirection. In this configuration, the PCE leaves the PC unchanged and does not trigger an error if a PCE Public Node is not found for a PC mapping of a public network initiated Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) transaction. This configuration allows nodes in the private network (or networks for Enhanced PCE) with cluster, network, or default routeset definitions to respond to TCAP queries from nodes in the public network that are not defined in the PCE as Public Nodes.


Private network initiated TCAP transactions require Public Node definitions in the PCE.

General Configuration Screen

ISUP Configuration

Use the ISUP Configuration screen (see the following figure) to determine if the three ISUP attributes presented on this screen are used. For most network, you can leave these attributes enabled; however, for some installations, ISUP processing may not be required or supported.

ISUP Configuration Screen

TCAP Configuration

Use the TCAP Configuration screen (see the following figure) to specify the detailed management of the TCAP messages. You can also define the routing options for TCAP transactions that start in the public network.

The IS41 Billing ID routing feature can be enabled or disabled using the TCAP Configuration screen. The feature is disabled by default. As this routing feature is dependent on IS41, the feature can only be enabled if the TCAP Variant is set to AUTO DETECT or ANSI.

TCAP Configuration Screen

Debug Configuration

Use the Debug Configuration screen (see the following figure) to set logging options.

All logs are simultaneously directed to both Routing and Management VMs, and, therefore, are identical, with the exception of the hostname values. For more information about logging, refer to the DSC - SP2000 Platform Manager User Guide.

PCE uses the standard debug and syslog for logging system events. The syslog is used to indicate conditions, that affect MSU conversion and node availability. All other logs are sent to the debug log based on the PCE debug flag set in the PCE Configuration object.

Only errors and setup management should be logged for a live system. All flags other than Errors and Setup must be set to NO LOGGED for live systems.

Messages sent to syslog are not configurable.

Debug Configuration Screen

System Configuration

Use the System Configuration screen (see the following figure) to view the maximums of PCE tables.

System Configuration Screen

Provisioning PCE Configuration

The following procedures provide you with instructions about how provision the PCE system-wide attributes and how to use the available actions.

To configure the PCE configuration

Click to

To activate or deactivate PCE traffic

Click to

Configuring the PCE NA Manager

The PCE Network Appearance (NA) Manager object is used to configure the NA records. The Basic PCE supports one public and one private NA. The Enhanced PCE supports one public and two private NAs.

The PCE NAs are no longer hard-coded to (1, 2 [basic]) and (1, 2, 3 [enhanced]). On initial PCE configuration, the PCE NAs can be modified as required. NA values cannot be modified when the traffic is activated. You cannot create or delete NA records.

To configure the PCE NA Manager

Click to

To configure a PCE NA

Click to