The DSC Platform Disaster Recovery procedure performs a backup and restore on a VM if a system failure occurs.

Only after a new VM is installed, configured, and running data traffic as per operating requirements, an image of the VM is created and saved in a backup file that is used to rebuild the VM in the event of a catastrophic system failure. The VM will be restored to the same image and configuration status that proceeded the catastrophic failure event.

The Disaster Recovery procedure is closely coupled with the new VM Install procedure. The backup file contains an image of the new DSC Platform after it is installed, configured, and performing (running data traffic) as required. 


It is highly recommended that a backup copy is made of the new DSC Platform installation and saved to another computer (for example, a dedicated backup server) for safe storage and later retrieval.


Create a Backup of a VM

Follow the instructions in this subsection for creating a backup of a VM.


For a complete backup and restore of system configuration files on the DSC Platform, refer to the detailed procedures in the Platform Manager User Guide.

  1. Login to the Web UI.
  2. In the System menu, click Backups.

  3. Select the Manual Configuration Backup.

  4. Click Complete configuration backup.

  5. Click Create Manual Backup.


    The backup file (tar archive) is created and stored in the default directory: /var/log/backups. For safe storage and retrieval, save the backup file to the designated backup server. The location of the backup file destination can be changed by selecting the Backup Destination tab and clicking Create New Destination Definition. The Create Backup Destination screen appears where you can define the Destination Types (for example, local or FTP directories) and the pathname of the new destination.

  6. In the System Menu, click File Retrieval, and then click /var/log.

  7. Click the backup file, select Save File, and click OK.
  8. Log in to the VM as a root user using an SSH console port connection.

    login as: root
    root@'s password:
     Hostname --> DSCVMLab70slot1
     System IP ->
    [root@DSCVMLab70slot1 ~]#
  9. Verify the backup was created.

    [root@DSCVMLab70slot1 ~]# ls -lrt /var/log/backups/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 175004 Oct 22 15:11 DSCVMLab70slot1-bak-24-10-14-104357-Complete-DSCVM.14.4.tar.gz
  10. Copy the backup tar file to the backup server for later retrieval.

    #  scp /var/log/backups/<Backup_Filename> <Destination_Computer / Destination_Directory>

Restore a VM(s) on a KVM Host

Execute the following procedure to restore the VM(s) on the DSC Platform. After a successful VM restore, the Web UI is used to verify the slot status and to ensure all applications are running. 


It is recommended that you perform the complete VM restore for the Routing and Management VM1 and VM2 before you restore the other Routing VMs.


During the initial install, you are expected to save a copy of the install package, installation configuration and backup files. This procedure provides instructions about restoring a VM(s) on a KVM Host using the configuration file from the initial install and a complete backup file.

  • You have copy of the install package and the installation configuration and backup files. 
  1. Log onto a KVM Host or a Linux workstation on which you want to execute the restore.
  2. Enter the following command to start the restore process.

    ./dsc_swe_<release>_nb<date> restore --config <filename>.conf --backup <backupFilename>

    # ./ restore --config DSC_TMAkvm.conf --backup TMAkvm-slot1-bak-06-06-18-110824-Complete-DSCVM.17.0.tar.gz
    DSC SWe KVM Host Interaction
    /tmp/ --self-exe ../ --offset 1374 --qcow2 dsc_swe_17_0_0_nb20180604.qcow2 --host-set dsc_swe_host_extra.tgz --print-command restore --config DSC_TMAkvm.conf --backup TMAkvm-slot1-bak-06-06-18-110824-Complete-DSCVM.17.0.tar.gz
    Verify requisite files in the archive... 
    Processing hosts
    	Connected to  libvirt 1005003 (lib 2000000)
    VM Installation on KVM host
    Install TMAkvm-slot1 on host
    Install TMAkvm-slot2 on host
    Continue with install of all listed VMs? (y/n):
    extracting QCOW2 dsc_swe_17_0_0_nb20180604.qcow2 to /tmp ...
    Installing VM TMAkvm-slot1 on host
    Checking for VM TMAkvm-slot1 on host
    libvirt: QEMU Driver error : Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'TMAkvm-slot1'
    > issuing: ls /home/libvirt_images/TMAkvm-slot1.img
    > issuing: ls /home/libvirt_images/TMAkvm-slot1_configdrive.iso
    Process QCOW2 TMAkvm-slot1
    	Convert to raw image...
    > issuing: qemu-img convert -O raw /tmp/dsc_swe_17_0_0_nb20180604.qcow2 /home/libvirt_images/TMAkvm-slot1.img
    	Resize the raw image to 65G...
    > issuing: qemu-img resize /home/libvirt_images/TMAkvm-slot1.img +53G
    Generate VM Definition & Install TMAkvm-slot1
    	Generate QEMU XML definition
    	Define VM
    	VM defined with UUID 7f5b9c06-7c66-498f-9ad5-7d3c0cd0c4fa
    	Set autostart (start VM on host boot).
    	using temporary space /tmp/dscLwO2jQ
    > issuing: genisoimage -V config-2 -graft-points -J -rock -o /tmp/dscLwO2jQ/TMAkvm-slot1_configdrive.iso /tmp/dscLwO2jQ/iso
    I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
    Using VENDO000.JSO;1 for  /tmp/dscLwO2jQ/iso/openstack/latest/vendor_data2.json (vendor_data.json)
    Total translation table size: 0
    Total rockridge attributes bytes: 1369
    Total directory bytes: 6144
    Path table size(bytes): 52
    Max brk space used 1b000 382 extents written (0 MB)
    	removing temporary space /tmp/dscLwO2jQ
    Installing VM TMAkvm-slot2 on host
    Checking for VM TMAkvm-slot2 on host
    libvirt: QEMU Driver error : Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'TMAkvm-slot2'
    > issuing: ls /home/libvirt_images/TMAkvm-slot2.img
    > issuing: ls /home/libvirt_images/TMAkvm-slot2_configdrive.iso
    Process QCOW2 TMAkvm-slot2
    	Convert to raw image...
    > issuing: qemu-img convert -O raw /tmp/dsc_swe_17_0_0_nb20180604.qcow2 /home/libvirt_images/TMAkvm-slot2.img
    	Resize the raw image to 65G...
    > issuing: qemu-img resize /home/libvirt_images/TMAkvm-slot2.img +53G
    Generate VM Definition & Install TMAkvm-slot2
    	Generate QEMU XML definition
    	Define VM
    	VM defined with UUID 373b5273-9953-4107-84f2-54f228671a9c
    	Set autostart (start VM on host boot).
    	using temporary space /tmp/dsciwDusf
    > issuing: genisoimage -V config-2 -graft-points -J -rock -o /tmp/dsciwDusf/TMAkvm-slot2_configdrive.iso /tmp/dsciwDusf/iso
    I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
    Using VENDO000.JSO;1 for  /tmp/dsciwDusf/iso/openstack/latest/vendor_data2.json (vendor_data.json)
    Total translation table size: 0
    Total rockridge attributes bytes: 1369
    Total directory bytes: 6144
    Path table size(bytes): 52
    Max brk space used 1b000
    382 extents written (0 MB)
    	removing temporary space /tmp/dsciwDusf
    removing extracted qcow2
    	Store config with VMs on hosts.
    	warning: existing TMAkvm config adding time
    Wrote configuration to file /tmp/DSC_TMAkvm.20180606140434.conf
    Process VM startups
    System configuration file: /tmp/DSC_TMAkvm.20180606140434.conf
    Store install log (/tmp/DSC_TMAkvm.20180606140434.install_log) with VMs on hosts.

Check the Status of VM(s)

  1. Log onto a KVM Host or a Linux workstation for which you want to check VM(s) status.
  2. Enter the following command at the Linux prompt.{cod

    # ./dsc_swe_<release>_nb<date> status --local --system <systemName>

    # ./ status --local --system samsvnf
    DSC Self-Extraction Utility 17_0_0_nb20180604
    Verify archive integrity... 
    Executing install script... 
    DSC SWe KVM Host Interaction
    Verify requisite files in the archive... 
    Processing hosts
    	Connected to  libvirt 1005003 (lib 2000000)
    Installed DSC VMs
    		--+ Host (6)
    			+-- samsvnf-slot3
    			+-- samsvnf-slot6
    			+-- samsvnf-slot2
    			+-- samsvnf-slot4
    			+-- samsvnf-slot1
    			+-- samsvnf-slot5

Re-authenticate pcsd Tokens and Verify VM Status

Use the following procedure to re-authenticate pcsd Tokens for the restored DSC Platform

  1. Log in to the VM as a root user using an SSH Console port connection.
  2. Enter the following command to re-authenticate the pcsd tokens on the VM:

    # pcs cluster auth mgmt_cpu1_0 mgmt_cpu2_0 --force -u hacluster -p vmcluster
  3. Log onto the Web UI.

  4. From the Main Menu, click Slot Monitor.

  5. Make sure the Slot Status for the restored VM shows AVAILABLE.

Create new SSH keys for the DSC Platform

Use the following procedure to create new SSH Keys for the restored DSC Platform

  1. Log in to the VM as a root user using an SSH Console port connection.
  2. Enter the following command to recreate the SSH Keys:

    # status CPU
  3. Log onto the Web UI.
  4. From the Main Menu, click Processes.

  5. Click Watchdog Processes.

  6. Select the corresponding restored VM, and enter Update.
  7. Make sure that all applications are up and running on the restored VM