In this section:

 Ribbon DSC may be deployed in the following configurations:

Diameter Relay

A Diameter Relay in the Diameter protocol is an entity that relays/forwards requests and answers based on routing-related attribute-value pairs (AVPs) and routing table entries. An AVP is data carried in a Diameter message that consists of the attribute name and its respective value. Diameter Relay Agents are capable of handling any Diameter application or message type. Only transaction information is kept.

Subscriber Location Function (SLF)

A Subscriber Location Function (SLF) is an entity that is used in a network with multiple Home Subscriber Server (HSS) systems to determine which HSS is relevant to a particular subscriber’s information. Service providers may have multiple HSS systems to increase capacity within their network or to support different classes of service for subscribers on a per HSS system basis.

Redirect Agent

A Redirect Agent is an entity that is a centralized configuration repository for ADNs. When a Redirect Agent receives a Diameter message, this agent examines its routing tables and returns a response message along with redirection information to its original sender. This ability is very useful for other Diameter nodes because they do not have to keep a list of routing entries locally and can look up a Redirect Agent if required.

Stateless Diameter Proxy

Similarly to a Diameter Relay, a Stateless Diameter Proxy is an entity that routes Diameter messages using routing table entries. However, unlike a Diameter Relay, a Diameter Proxy can modify the message content and, therefore, provide value-added services, enforce rules and policy on messages, or perform administrative tasks.

Diameter Edge Agent (DEA)

The GSMA PRD IR.88 – "LTE Roaming Guidelines", 3.1, 17 February 2011 describes the Diameter Edge Agent (DEA) in the context of roaming and as such can be used on the boundaries between two interconnected roaming partners. When used as a DEA, the Ribbon DSC adheres to the GSMA specifications listed in this standard, and provides the following capabilities:

  • A single point of contact into a mobile service providers network
    • Prevents the export of network topologies
    • Provides a powerful set of routing and screening functions to protect the network
  • Topology Hiding
  • Diameter-level firewall to protect the network
  • Route or screen on any message
  • Route or screen on any AVP
  • Operation as either a Diameter Relay or a Stateless Diameter Proxy

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