This section includes information about decommissioning a Routing or Application VM.


The procedure for decommissioning a Routing or Application VM between releases is the same with the exception of the version numbers in the screen captures.  

  1. SSH to one of the Routing and Management VMs using the VM‘s IP address.

    ssh root@<ip address of the DSC SWe>
  2. Log onto the system.

    User ID: <root> 
    password: <root password>


  3. Enter startmenu at the prompt, and press ENTER.
  4. From the Main Menu, select System, and press ENTER.
  5. Select Software Revisions, and press ENTER.
  6. Select Versions, Commission, Decommission, and press ENTER.

    No new load detected on system. Upload and run load .sh file on /var/log before attempting upgrade.
    VM (current)      dsc_vm_18_0_0_nb20190716 OS: Ribbon7.4.6
        (Servicepack)  [none applied]
    VM (previous)     Not_Available  OS: N/A
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
              VM                    BUILD     SERVICE  O/S
    Slot  1 ROUTING_MGMT   18.0.0 (nb20190716) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.6  29 procs running
    Slot  2 ROUTING_MGMT   18.0.0 (nb20190716) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.6  29 procs running
    Slot  3 ROUTING        18.0.0 (nb20190716) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.6  22 procs running
    Slot  4 APPLICTN       18.0.0 (nb20190716) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.6   9 procs running
      (p=servicepack is partially applied)
    Select VM Slot number (3 4) to decommission an optional VM.
    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel: 3
  7. Select the slot in which the VM you want to decommission appears and press ENTER (in this example, slot 3).

    Software Update for VMs
    Determining running and current software version.  Please wait...
    Running on VM (slot3_0):
             -Load:        dsc_vm_18_0_0_nb20190716
             -OS:         Ribbon7.4.6
             -Servicepack: [none applied]
    Current VM version (on MGMT VM):
             -Load:        dsc_vm_18_0_0_nb20190716
             -OS:          Ribbon7.4.6
             -Servicepack: [none applied]
    No software change to perform.
    'd' - Decommission this VM slot to prepare it for removal.
    Select action to take, or any other key to cancel:
  8. Type d, and press ENTER. Wait until the VM is ready for removal.

    Select action to take, or any other key to cancel: d
    Decommissioning CPU card in slot 3 to prepare it for removal...
    	This action will stop all apps on the VM in slot 3 and change
    	the card type configuration file entry for the slot to "none"
    Do you want to continue? [y/n]
  9. Type y, and then press ENTER.

    Stopping applications on the decommissioned cpu. 
    Please wait...
    Changing card type conf file. Please wait...
    Changing /etc/pticonfig to be the default file
    Remove /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/slot3 on all none-mgmt cpus
    Remove all the data files and directories in /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data, except for ssh key files
    bash: 1: command not found
    CPU card in slot 3 is decommissioned and ready for removal.
    CPU card in slot 3 is going to be rebooted.
    Press the enter key to continue...
    Press <return> to continue. 
  10. Press ENTER.
  11. Navigate to the Available Software Versions screen and confirm that the VM(s) has been decommissioned.

    Consider doing a Complete Configuration Backup (refer to Caution notes on DSC SWe - vSP2000 Commissioning and Decommissioning).

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