In this section:

Logs and Alarms are notifications of events that have taken place in the system. These events may be notifications of faults (alarms) or important events (logs). The DSC platform records all logs and alarms for the system and displays them in the DSC GUI. You can configure the DSC platform to log DCR specific events from the DSC GUI.

The DCR logs to a Cinder Volume (on /var/log).

For example, if a log is created in the log file that resides in VM1 in slot 1, then this log appears in the log file with the hostname <user configured>slot1

You can use the DSC GUI to

  • select a log file to browse with up to 50 pages at one time
  • monitor updates in real-time
  • download a log file to your computer
  • standard navigation of log files (forward, back, specific log file lines)
  • send log file to a designated IP address

Excessive logging can cause communication delays and is not recommended for normal operations.

Supported Alarm and Event Logs

The DSC SWe supports the following alarm and event logs:

system log (ptisyslog)This log stores service-affecting (alarms) and non service-affecting (significant events) conditions. The log allows you to determine the state of your system.
debug log (ptidbglog)This log stores detailed information about system activity. This log is used by Customer Support personnel for troubleshooting purposes. Details about the log are not provided.
messages log (messages)This log stores all messages of info priority or higher.
secure log (secure)This log stores SSH- and SFTP-related information.
boot log (boot.log)This log stores system boot information.
heartbeat (heartbeat)This log stores information regarding high availability mechanisms such as the Heartbeat application which keeps track of the network status (the status of the Ethernet ports).
audit trail (audit_trail)This log is used to analyze user activities for creating, deleting, and modifying SS7 applications as well as any actions committed using these applications.

Log Rotation on Cinder Volume 

The DSC SWe forwards all logs to the /var/log directory on the Cinder Volume of the Management an Routing VMs.

The reserved disk space for logging depends on the given DSC SWe.

In order to avoid filling the reserved disk space, a maintenance script is evoked daily at 12:00 A.M. and the log files are moved to the /var/log/archives directory. This log rotation is required to separate logs daily and, therefore, minimize the log file size on the Cinder Volume.

If 80% of the reserved Cinder Volume space is filled with logs, some of the log files must be deleted. In this case, a cleanup script is evoked, which deletes the log files that have been on the Cinder Volume for the longest period of time. The cleanup script examines the log files that have been on the Cinder Volume for 7 days, and deletes the oldest log files until enough space is available for the new logs. If there is still not enough space, the log files are deleted individually, again starting with the log files that have been on the Cinder Volume for the longest period of time, until there is enough space for the new logs.

Configure DCR Logs

By default, the DCR application generates Error and Setup logs only. The user needs to enable Debug and Message logs. You can configure the DCR to generate select logs.


  1. From the DSC GUI, navigate to DCR > DCR Configuration.
  2. Click the drop-down for the target log and select Logged to generate the target log. 
  3. Click the drop-down for the target log and select Not Logged to stop generating the target log.
  4. Click Continue.

View DCR Logs

You can view the detailed log data for any configured log.


  1. From the DSC GUI, click Logs.
  2. Click the File drop-down list and select the log file you want to view in detail.
  3. Use the navigation buttons to view the files as required.

Clear DCR Alarms

Alarms can be cleared by the system when the condition causing the alarm resolves or you can manually clear an alarm through the DSC GUI.


  1. Click the alarm type for the alarm you want to clear at the top of the screen.
    The list of all the raised alarms of that type appears. By default, the system only displays up to 1000 instances.
  2. Click the specific Event ID.
  3. Select the Event ID.
  4. Click Clear Selected.