In this section:

The following procedures are used to create, configure or delete Load Balancer connections.


A maximum of 10,000 connections can be created for each Load Balancer.

IPSec Support

If you create an IPSec connection using a local and remote host, no other connections can be created in a Load Balancer using the same local and remote hosts, regardless of the transport type or port numbers used. A check is done when the Connection Port is created to make sure no overlap exists with IPSec. If there is overlap, an error is returned and an entry identifying the overlap is added to the debug log.

IPSec Use Limitation

When using IPSec, the Load Balancer is limited to configure only ONE connection per local/remote IP address combination. Therefore, the same remote IP address cannot be used with multiple connections while using the same VIP as the local address.

To Create a Connection

  1. Login to the Web UI.
  2. Click Load Balancer.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. If there is only one Load Balancer configured on system, proceed to step 4.
    2. If there are multiple Load Balancers configured on system, select the appropriate Load Balancer (LB_1 or LB_2).
  4. Click Connections.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Configure the required attributes.


    If you choose IPSec as the transport type, you cannot create Connection Ports.

  7. Click Create.

To Configure a Connection


If the hostname resolution is changed, the connection will automatically re-establish using the new resolved address. However, the connection may go down for a period of time before coming back up.

If the hostname already resolves to one or more IP addresses, it may take up to 40 seconds to detect the hostname resolution changes.

If the hostname does not resolve to an IP address, it may take up to 10 seconds to detect the hostname resolution changes.


If you want to change the transport type to IPSec but the connection has one or more Connection Ports, delete the Connection Ports (refer to Delete Connection Port) before changing the transport type.

  1. Login to the Web UI.
  2. Click Load Balancer.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. If there is only one Load Balancer configured on system, proceed to step 4.
    2. If there are multiple Load Balancers configured on system, select the appropriate Load Balancer (LB_1 or LB_2).
  4. Click Connections.
  5. Select appropriate Connection.
  6. Configure the required attributes.

  7. Click Continue.

To Delete a Connection


Before deleting a Connection, remove all Connection Ports, refer to Delete Connection Port.

  1. Login to the Web UI.
  2. Click Load Balancer.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. If there is only one Load Balancer configured on system, proceed to step 4.
    2. If there are multiple Load Balancers configured on system, select the appropriate Load Balancer (LB_1 or LB_2).
  4. Click Connections.
  5. Select appropriate Connection.
  6. Click Delete.

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